Five-star talent! I'm determined to hire this employee!

Chapter 262 The results of scientific research are only 0 and 1!

"Master, drive faster."

Xu Can's eyelids twitched as he looked at the white dots running from a distance. The driver next to him turned the steering wheel and said, "Don't worry, I have to turn around." As the truck began to reverse, the researcher who had already arrived looked up and was stunned for a moment.

Why is it reversing? Aren't you coming in?

While he was confused, an inexplicably familiar figure in the co-pilot seat caught his attention.


"The director is back?"

The surprised cry reminded the people around him, and the next second they all cried out.


"Director Xu, you are finally back. I missed you so much during this period!"

"Director, how are the rhesus monkeys allocated?! Did you agree on my project last month?"

Amid the many shouts, Xu Can blocked out the chaotic sounds and pointed to the front, "Just drive forward! When you get to Pudong Bridge, turn around!"


The driver stepped on the accelerator, and the truck carrying the living creatures drove forward, leaving only the people in the institute with confused faces.


Gone? ?

The next second, the mobile phone held in the palm of the truck began to vibrate, and before it could shake a few times, it was quickly hung up.

The other party was persistent.

"Beep beep--"

Hang up.

"Beep beep--!!"

High-frequency vibration, Xu Can looked down at the displayed name.

[Qiu Kangping]

This is not easy to fool.

The moment the call was connected, a roar sounded!

"Xu Can! Where did you take the monkey!?"

As a veteran of Qingchi Research Institute, Qiu Kangping had a clear understanding of Xu Can's morality. This man was definitely not doing a good thing by sitting in the passenger seat! !

"Old Qiu, lend me your monkey. I'm going to do something big."

You should know that among this batch of goods, three were applied for by Qiu Kangping.

"I ****!!"

Xu Can hung up the phone, facing the curious eyes of the driver, and calmly directed the way forward. An hour and a half later, the truck arrived at Tengsheng and stopped in the open space in front of the institute.

"Come out and unload the goods!"

A phone call was made, and the two came out quickly. Pei Gangjie opened the back door and looked at the monkeys trapped in the cage.

"You are amazing! You have taken them all!"

Pei Gangjie started to unload the goods with a smile on her face. The monkey was frightened and squeaked and urinated from time to time.

"You Yao, this monkey cannot be used for the first three days. You have to keep it for a while to let it recover."

"Okay." You Yao, who was in contact with rhesus monkeys for the first time, took every suggestion seriously. Xu Can, who was standing next to the two, was looking at more than 30 unread text messages.

Skillfully turned off the phone.

The world suddenly became quiet!


This time, he paid a heavy price!

I am afraid that his image in the station will be damaged.

I don't know how the staff will see me when I go back?


Hearing the sighs, Pei Gangjie passed by holding the iron cage and couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Still pretending, no one is looking at you. Don't be idle, move the goods!"

"Okay, okay."

With concerted efforts, 12 monkeys were sent to the observation room, and then they were arranged for rapid recovery activities.


Three days later.

"Inject it."

The lavender medicine flowed into the body through the blood vessels, "Squeaky!" The monkey instinctively called out loudly.

You Yao turned pale and took a step back.

"Come and see!"

"Look carefully!"

Pei Gangjie looked unusually serious and said solemnly: "Remember."

"It is their sacrifice that has led to the development of medicine. When you choose the path of scientific research, you have to bear the weight of life!!"

"Come here, hold it down!"

You Yao reached out his hand, and his trembling hand touched the fluffy hair and the hot temperature below, and finally gradually tightened it.

I'm sorry.

He silently recited in his heart, but his eyes became more and more determined.

Pei Gangjie paid attention to the other person's expression. He calmed down and looked at the monkey that was slowly calming down.

"Remember, the results of scientific research are only 0 and 1."

"The only thing we can do is to end its pain as soon as possible."

"Group 2 will be injected with a concentration of 0.3." He paused and looked at the only young man, "You do it."

"Do you know where the blood vessels are?"

"... I know."

The cold syringe touched the skin, bringing goose bumps. You Yao took a deep breath and looked at the clear eyes.

What I can do...

The needle was inserted into the blood vessel, and the teeth clenched subconsciously.


With a tiny sound, the lavender liquid slowly decreased, and suddenly a strong palm covered the young hands and pressed.


The sound of struggle sounded, and Pei Gangjie looked deeply at You Yao, whose face was tense, until all the liquid was injected.

"Hu--" You Yao gasped heavily, and only heard the praise in his ears.

"You performed much better than my first time."


"Bang!" Pei Gangjie patted his shoulder vigorously, "Come back to your senses! Go collect the data!!"

The pain brought You Yao back to reality. He clenched his fists and slowly loosened them, then clenched them again. He turned his head and looked at the remaining monkeys, "Please let me... inject again."

? !

Xu Can, who was not far away, couldn't help but turn his head, only to see a determined face.

"I want to get results faster."

The results of scientific research are only 0 and 1!

If the disease can only be cured by antidote-it's better to be cruel! Go all the way to death! !

You Yao has no time to be weak. He cannot grow steadily in a comfortable situation, he can only burn everything! There is only a glimmer of hope! !

He picked up the syringe again, and his monkey looked at him quietly, as if he had known his fate.

When the needle was inserted into the blood vessel, You Yao bent down and looked at it, watching its beard tremble slightly and its fingers twitching.

What's the difference between me and you?

"If you want to live, just hold your breath and hold on."

"Squeak." It opened its mouth as if responding to You Yao's words.


You Yao smiled.

"You'll survive."

Me too.

Twelve groups of rhesus monkeys were injected with viruses of different concentrations, which caused early, mid- and late-stage cancer effects according to the concentration.

In the early stage, all monkeys had normal food, water and meals.

After a week, tumors began to slowly grow.

The resulting organ locations vary—

Lung cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer...

The squeaking noises in the laboratory began to weaken. The monkeys with late-stage cancer had white fur and weak calls. They needed special catheters when eating.

However, the monkey, who was in pain almost all over his body and needed to take painkillers to feel a little more comfortable, was extraordinarily tenacious in eating!

It seems that their instinct tells them that they can only survive by taking in more nutrients!

Their simple pupils erupted with a desire for survival that shocked even You Yao!

In the early days, virus injection was resisted by almost all monkeys. At one point, the monkey that struggled the most broke free from the restraints, leaving bite marks on You Yao's hand.

You Yao comforted it, his lowered eyes showed pity and cruelty.

"He is better than his predecessor. He reminds me of Xi Zhiyong."

Xu Shen held the record book and looked at the young man not far away and couldn't help but sigh, "It would be great if this child came from Qingchi." He absolutely focused on cultivating him!

Xi Zhiyong is the first Chinese person to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

"Xi Zhiyong?" Pei Gangjie looked at You Yao who was patiently recording from a distance, "He is not necessarily better than him at his age."

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