


The temperature of the thermometer gun rose rapidly, You Yao's face was tense, and he held the trigger tightly.

"Hold on! You must hold on!!"

The monkey, whose body was burning hot, opened his eyes with difficulty under the urging of instinct, with extremely subtle sounds.


At the same time, in the boiling body, the immune cells, like meat balls, accurately crushed each cancer cell and swallowed it into the stomach.



The fear made all the cancer cells scream loudly!

"Run! He will eat us all!!"


"As long as we survive one"

"Gurgle." The sharp teeth blocked the last sound, and the immune cells raised their heads and swallowed the last fragments.

Countless pairs of eyes scanned the devastated battlefield.

[Testing ended]

[Crisis resolved]

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The roaring sound was a distant figure, and they were about to go to the next battlefield.

At the same time, the temperature gun that had been rising was in a strange stalemate.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds!


The screen began to refresh, and You Yao's pupils shrank slightly.



The slowly shrinking decimal point was like a drop of water dripping from a faucet. Compared with the rise, the decline was too slow!


This means life! !

The weak cry of "squeak...squeak" gradually became stronger. The still hot monkey turned over little by little in You Yao's shrunken pupils, and crawled to the feeding bowl trembling all over.

It stretched out its tongue and instinctively licked the empty bowl.

You Yao was stunned for a moment, what is this?


Nutrition? ! Yes! Nutrition is needed! !

The moment he thought clearly, he turned around without hesitation and accurately found the glucose injection from the row of medicines next to him.

There was no needle placed in the round hole.

The moment the liquid touched the monkey's mouth, the red tongue licked it quickly, greedily not letting go of even a drop.

The rapidly decomposed glucose rolled into the intestines.

It constantly repaired the empty body.

It didn't lick the finger next to it until the tube was finished.

"You survived."

You Yao stared at the living monkey quietly.

At the same time, the recording sound from the back kept ringing.

"The mid-term control group of group 2 died."

"The late control group of group 3 died."

"Group 4, late survival!"

"Group 5 mid-term survival."

"Group 6 early control group died."

"Hu——" You Yao took a deep breath and shouted "Group 1 mid-term control group survived!"

Three of the six monkeys survived, which is much better than expected! !

"Send these three for testing to see if there are any complications!"

Pei Gangjie suppressed his excitement, while Xu Can next to him was worried. He looked at the surviving monkeys in group 5 with clear eyes, but his behavior was obviously weird.

I'm afraid it may have damaged my brain.

The next day, the test report came out.

The lumps that were originally attached to the lungs and liver in the picture have obviously subsided, and the tentacles that expanded like cauliflower have curled up into a ball.

"This burn directly burned the cancer to the early stage!!"

"Old Xu! As long as we can stabilize the properties of this medicine!!"

"Huh——" Pei Gangjie's face was red, "Anti-cancer! Just around the corner!!"

If you want to say what is the biggest gain in this experiment!

It is the cases of two groups in the middle stage! !

The same concentration of medicine caused two lives and one death, and one of the survivors even became cerebral palsy. But this also means that they are close to the correct use of medicine.

Next time, they only need to reduce the efficacy and repeat the experiment many times.

They will eventually be able to grasp the precise amount of medicine! !

As the two old men were excited, they wanted to start the next experiment immediately. You Yao watched quietly, watching the surviving monkeys, they made squeaking sounds.

Middle stage, late stage...

After the late stage treatment, it was also converted to the early stage.

What is the principle behind this?

While thinking, a dull sound suddenly sounded

"Gurgle." The stomach that had been used to being fed regularly made a protesting sound.

You Yao suddenly realized, "We are going out. Has anyone notified Old Man Sun?"

Silence spread in the room, and the three people looked at each other.

It's over, I'm going to be scolded.

At the same time, Old Man Sun was holding a lunch box and looking at the empty laboratory.

"Where are the people? Where did they go!!"


When they came back in the afternoon, the three people were scolded.

Old Man Sun cursed: "What's wrong, you brought your brain with you, but not your mobile phone! I made three calls! The sound was standing next to you!!"

"If I were a thief! You wouldn't know if I took everything away!!"

"What information is it? It's all in the mobile phone! Keep your mind clear!!"

The people who were scolded hurriedly nodded. Mobile phones really can't be left anywhere. After listening to three minutes of preaching, Old Man Sun finally let them go.

"Okay, you guys have come all the way back, have you eaten?"



The silence was deafening, and Old Man Sun couldn't believe it. "A 7-year-old knows how to go out for a good meal, and a 60- or 70-year-old can still come back with a flat stomach."

"Ahem, I'm not hungry."

"Me too."

"We'll have dinner later."

The three of them looked serious, but they saw that Old Man Sun had a distorted face and was murderous.

"Okay, I'll bring you a whole pot of noodles."

Half an hour later, the steaming pot of noodles was placed on the table. The three of them looked at the noodles with clear soup and a few vegetable leaves floating on them.


The sound of slurping noodles suddenly sounded. As the saying goes, when you are hungry, everything tastes delicious, and even plain noodles taste sweet.

After 5 minutes, they finished eating, wiped their mouths, and stepped into the laboratory again. Only muttering was heard from the back.

"You can't even take care of yourself, and you still want to develop things."

"With you guys like this, I can do it too."


If you have the guts, do it? ?

Although they cursed in their hearts, no one dared to fight back.

You wait for me! !

Pei Gangjie made up his mind to wait for the research and development to succeed and throw the results in Old Man Sun's face! Let him see the real gap! !

What does a rag collector know about research and development? !

As the three people sat together to analyze the data.

"The concentration used for the three monkeys in the middle stage is the same. Now it seems that we can lower the concentration."

"But there is a problem. We will be embarrassed in the next experiment."

There are 12 monkeys in total, and 9 survived.

According to their experimental method, I am afraid that they will soon be insufficient.

If they want to use the experimental data to deduce the results, they must find a way to get new monkeys.

"Hiss--" Xu Can had a headache, "If it doesn't work, go find another research institute to buy it."

"Old Xu, no one is willing to sell this thing."

Pei Gangjie was not optimistic. Rhesus monkeys are strategic materials for the research institute. They still need healthy monkeys that have not been used for research.

If they are to replace the second-hand ones used by others, it is okay. They want brand new and healthy ones.

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