"Mr. Pei, I've thought of a way!"

The crisp voice stunned Pei Gangjie for a moment. He subconsciously looked up and watched the lively young man approaching.

"High temperature reaction is the body's rejection of drugs! We can let the patient take drugs first to reduce endocrine hormones and cause a decline in the human immune system."

"Then, let the patient take anti-cancer drugs!"

Pei Gangjie was silent for a long time with his confident and bold speech.


In the silent air, You Yao's smile gradually faded, with a little caution: "As long as the factors that cause death disappear, doesn't it mean the success of the fight against cancer."

Addressing side effects directly means that experimental subjects will no longer die due to experiments.

"You Yao" Pei Gangjie took a deep breath, "Do you know what this kind of medicine is called on the market?"

"It's called?"


Two clear words echoed in the room.

His expression was blank, and he only felt someone tapping his shoulder.

“Never try to solve a problem by knocking down walls.”

"This is not solving the problem, this is covering up the problem."

"My former students also asked such innocent questions. The reason why tonsillitis is so uncomfortable is because it is an external manifestation of human immunity. It reacts strongly to the slightest movement. "

"You know what he said to me, what was the solution he came up with?"

You Yao asked subconsciously.


"Just cut it off and it'll be fine!"

Just cut it off -! !

This sentence was deafening, shattering all You Yao's luck in an instant.

"Is it okay if you cut it?"

Deep words, "Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean the harm doesn't exist. When you can see it, it's actually a good thing."

It's a good thing when you can see it -


He took a deep breath, suddenly took a step back and bowed deeply.

"Thank you Mr. Pei for your guidance!!"

"You kid!" Pei Gangjie was speechless, then laughed and stretched out his hand to mess up Youyao's hair.

"I know you are in a hurry, but in this research, the more critical the place, the less urgent it is."

"Go back and remember the data carefully, Ang!"


Encouraged again, You Yao turned around. He sat in front of the experimental table and looked at the dense data.

Did he find that he had been trapped in some kind of misunderstanding?

Mr. Pei and Mr. Xu, haven’t you thought about the problem?

They must have thought about it!

Why do I think that?

Am I better than them with decades of accumulated experience? !

Just because you were lucky enough to develop a semi-finished product?

The floating heart dropped, and You Yao closed his eyes.

[It is known that high temperature is an autonomous defense of the human body due to the stimulation of drugs.

But in fact, it takes time for the drug to evaporate, and the human body does not respond so quickly. Based on the survival examples of monkeys in later experiments, it can be judged that the immune system begins to operate only after the drug kills cancer cells.

draw conclusions.

If the drug is just effective, it will be completely consumed after killing the cancer cells. The immune system is not triggered. 】

"What I want to grasp is the balance of the human body."

Height, weight, gender, medical history, moisture...

Countless small classifications are recorded in blank notebooks.

until the pen tip is lifted.

"In this case, it is extremely wrong to classify diseases solely based on the early, middle, and late stages."

You Yao thought for a while and divided the human body into type one, type two, and type three...

12 specifications.

“See the person first and then the doctor.”

He seemed to understand somewhat, how did Old Man Sun determine which mouse would die and which mouse would survive?

In the playground, each experimental mouse received the same exercise and was roughly the same size.

If lab rats can do it, why not rhesus monkeys? So why can't humans?

Weird thoughts exploded in the brain.

Three minutes later, You Yao put forward his idea to Pei Gangjie.

"I want to get the remaining monkeys into shape."


Before Pei Gangjie could react, he saw a serious face.

“Under the same template, the data can be more accurate.”

"I'm going to free these monkeys!"

"You" Pei Gangjie couldn't help but stepped forward and pressed his forehead, "you have a fever?"

Release it? !

He has been studying for decades and has never heard anything so horrifying!

All experimental subjects are kept in cages and can move freely?

As a pet? !

"I think they're doing 50 push-ups a day, 20 frog jumps, a kilometer run..."


Pei Gangjie covered his mouth with a horrified look on his face, something was wrong! !

Did what he just said hit You Yao? !

Or did he just take medicine again?

Are you mentally ill? ?

At this moment, You Yao took off his hand and used his power for the first time.

"As the person in charge, I ask you to listen to my advice."

"...It's really crazy." Pei Gangjie turned around and took out his cell phone to report to Xu Shen.

The person on the other end quickly answered: "Hello?"

"Old Xu, something big will happen to you soon when you come back!!"

Xu Shen, who was on the other end of the phone, covered his ears due to the loud sound. He reacted in the next second and his expression changed!

"What's wrong?! All the experimental subjects are dead??"

"I'm almost dead! You Yao is crazy!" Before he could finish speaking, You Yao, who looked ashen, grabbed the phone and said, "Don't spread rumors about me!!"

"Mr. Xu, just focus on borrowing the monkey. I'm here."

After the words fell, he hung up the phone.

Pei Gangjie next to him looked at him silently, and the two of them looked directly at each other.

Until the other party compromises.

"Are you sure? This is really not a joke?"



A week later.

Open space outside the institute.

A huge barbed wire fence covers the entire space, and fitness facilities are made up of rags of all sizes, including small treadmills, double poles and single poles, bicycles, yoga mats...



On the hanging iron bucket, monkeys nimbly ran on it. Next to you, You Yao was keeping time, while Old Man Sun was cheerfully putting the food into the empty basin.

Recently he has added another business.

Feed the monkey.

Because of his status as a keeper, he has the appearance of a monkey king.

"Okay! Take a rest!"

You Yao turned off the timer, and the monkey cleverly jumped off the wheel and rushed towards Old Man Sun. They wagged their tails and looked at each other in a fawning manner.

Old man Sun picked up a spoon, dug out a spoonful of leftover rice, and fed it into the monkeys' mouths one by one.

Emma, ​​it smells so good! !

The monkey tasted it carefully and looked longingly at the rice bowl on the table.

Where have they ever eaten such delicious food before?

It used to be just fodder, until I had food a few days ago - God! ! And such delicious stuff! !

"Rest for 5 minutes and do push-ups later."

The countdown started, and Pei Gangjie sat silently on the small bench outside the barbed wire fence.

He missed Xu Shen a little.

Lao Xu, if you don’t come back, I won’t be able to keep up with the pace of young people! !

"Okay! Push-ups!!"

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