The next day, Tong Yuyu was still woken up at 5 a.m. and was making breakfast with sleepy eyes. Old Man Sun cursed, "It takes so long to peel! You don't cook at home!"

"My nanny cooks."

Old man Sun looked at him and let out a sigh. Tong Yuyu looked innocent. To be honest, this was the first time he had done anything.

As the steamer was put on the pot, two people moved the prepared food to the monkeys an hour later.

All heads were suddenly surrounded by the steamer. As soon as the cage was opened, countless pairs of little hands stretched forward. Old Man Sun knocked them off one by one, and Tong Yuyu imitated his example.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

"Yours, yours, don't grab it!"

In ten minutes, divide all the food. Tong Yuyu heard the old man next to him counting monkeys.

"1, 2, 3... 40..." With a very shallow sigh, Old Man Sun took the cage and walked towards the kitchen.

Tong Yuyu, who was left alone, subconsciously counted the monkeys and found exactly 40.

In the afternoon, people in white coats took away three monkeys.

The next day, Old Man Sun was still counting the monkeys, "1, 2, 3...39."

"Why is there one missing?" Tong Yuyu asked. Old Man Sun gave him a look and said nothing.

After a while, he cursed, “You’re reading shit when you’re reading!!”

The work of feeding the monkeys is tedious and repetitive. As the days pass, there are fewer and fewer fruits and vegetables to peel. Tong Yuyu also imitated Old Man Sun and started counting monkeys.

"1, 2, 3...37."

On the sixth day, the people at the institute took away the fattest ones, including his favorite big-eyed monkey.

"What's that?" Tong Yuyu stood behind and shouted: "Do you want to change a few?"

You Yao turned to look at him without any emotion or reply. He just carried the cage and continued walking inside.

"...Tsk." Tong Yuyu rubbed his hair vigorously.

Day 8, “1, 2, 3, 4…33.”

Day 9... "1, 2, 3... 31."

Day 10…

Day 12.

Gradually, while Tong Yuyu was sitting in the kitchen peeling, he could vaguely feel which monkeys had been killed?

Maybe a fat monkey died, or maybe two thin monkeys died?

He was vaguely aware of it.

Experiments are cruel.

Thinking divergently until the sharp blade swiped across your finger, "Ouch!" Scarlet blood dripped on the ground, "Plop, tap..."

Splashed blood splashed on the white tiles. Tong Yuyu bent down and stared blankly at the mottled and gradually covered blood.

I - whether

"Peng!" There was only a loud noise as the world turned over, and the heavy body was slapped on the floor. The world was hazy until it was dark.


"Physical signs... normal, dizzy..."

There was a squeaking sound like a power outage. When Tong Yuyu woke up, he looked at the ceiling in confusion. The wrist next to him was connected to a syringe, and transparent glucose was injected into his body.

Seeing that he woke up, Old Man Sun immediately cursed, "Scared me!! You're so numb! You're still dizzy after bleeding so much! This little girl is even more embarrassed than you!"

"I... fainted from blood?" Tong Yuyu's sluggish brain came to his senses. He subconsciously raised his injured finger and saw that it was wrapped with a band-aid.

"Hmph!" Old Man Sun snorted coldly, "Shameful!!"

Fortunately, he thought the cancer was getting worse, so he didn't expect to rush to the hospital. Nothing happened. He could faint after just a few drops of blood! My nervousness is in vain! !

"Have you lied down enough? Have you lied down enough? Get up!"

"Oh..." Tong Yuyu reached out to cover his forehead, took a breath, sat up, and suddenly asked, "How many monkeys are left today?"


"Another one is missing." Tong Yuyu raised his head and looked at the particularly dazzling light. Suddenly, a thought occupied his brain.

Will I die?

When the empty brain starts to think, the emotions that have been suppressed in the corner open up! The overwhelming emotions are overwhelming!

Will die!

If you get sick you will die!

You will die if you get cancer! !

You will die if you take medicine! !

I had never thought about it for more than 20 years before, and even when cancer was detected, I never noticed the panic. In an instant, it grew like crazy!


? ? !

"You kid?! Doctor!! Doctor-"

With a cry of panic, Old Man Sun quickly pressed the alarm bell. A few minutes later, the nurse rushed over and asked, "What's wrong?!" She saw the patient who had passed out on the bed with a nervous expression, and quickly stepped forward to open his eyelids.

Pupils of normal size, slightly comatose.

Although I don’t know the specific situation, why did it suddenly collapse?

"Did the patient see blood?"

"No! He just said a word and that's it?!"

"Did you faint after saying something?" The nurse couldn't figure out what was going on, so she quickly called the doctor over and checked her again hastily.

His vital signs were normal, and he had no other problems except kidney deficiency and fatty liver.


The doctor could only say, "The problem shouldn't be serious. Let's ask after people wake up."

An hour later, Tong Yuyu woke up. This time, Old Man Sun looked at him very nervously. He was afraid that if the other party disagreed with him, he would do it again and he would faint on the spot!

At this age, the old man can't stand being scared! !

But this time, Tong Yuyu was much more awake, but there was an extra shadow on the white coat in his heart, or in other words, there was an extra shadow on death itself.

The next day, the two returned to the institute.

This time the number of monkeys did not decrease. Tong Yuyu was sitting in the kitchen peeling the potatoes. He finished peeling the potatoes and threw them aside with skillful movements. After a while, there was a basket full of golden potatoes.

This continued for three more days, but the daily food intake did not decrease.


"The first phase of clinical trials has begun."

Everyone was summoned to the open space, and the leader You Yao announced the news simply. The moment the words fell, everyone was in an uproar.

"here we go?"

"We need to take medicine!!"

"Great! Finally taking medicine seriously!"

"I wonder if it has any curative effect?!"

With a beaming smile, Tong Yuyu looked outside through the barbed wire fence, but felt cold.

He is a little scared that the number of people will also decrease?

Late at night, he huddled in bed, his fingers trembling uncontrollably.

"A mobile phone was given?!"

On the first day of the first phase, there was an empty space in the institute, and the long table was covered with mobile phones.

This is the first time since entering the hospital that the drug testers are allowed to report that their families are safe, and each person only has one hour.

The moment everyone turned on the phone, they eagerly clicked on the address book. The moment they made the call, their eyes couldn't help but turn red.

"Mom, um...Mom, I'm fine! It's fine here." As he spoke, the young man with pale lips reached out and pinched his thigh to prevent his crying from being too obvious.

"You don't even know how good the food here is! Yes! It works! I feel a lot more relaxed these days. Just wait, Mom. I'll bring you apples when I go back, eh! Take care of yourself too! It's sunny now It’s so hot, don’t go to work in the fields all the time. We don’t need that food!”

"Son, it's me," the migrant worker sitting in the corner said cheerfully, "Have you received the money I sent? Yo! How are you and Xiaoye talking about it? When will you get married? Oh my, I want to have a grandson as soon as possible! Betrothal gift It’s not a problem, our family is rich!”

"How is your illness?" The middle-aged man's eyes were soft, "It's getting better. Don't be reluctant to buy medicine. If I come out and you are still sick, I will have to blame you! How did your son do in the exam? 623?! Okay, okay!" With an excited tone, he wiped away his tears.

"Have you filled out your application form? You'll have to fill it out later! Ask the teacher more and see what the teacher says."

Tiny sounds echoed everywhere. An hour was very long, and an hour was also very short. Unknowingly, even when everyone was greedy, it ended like this.

"Okay! Hand back your mobile phones! After reporting that you are safe, exercise hard! Step out!"

The instructor confiscated the mobile phones one by one and put them in a plastic box.

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