Five-star talent! I'm determined to hire this employee!

Chapter 296: Business is all about fighting!

"What an unexpected answer, okay! These are not important, let me see the content!" Not wanting to waste any time, the old man excitedly rushed to the computer.

His eyes quickly scanned the paper, and he couldn't even feel the passage of time. When it was the next morning, his excited brain couldn't even feel the hunger in his stomach.

Patrick grabbed Wells next to him, and his beard couldn't help shaking. "We must book a flight to China immediately!"

They must see the patients who are truly cured!

Too incredible? !

89% survival rate? !

This magical drug can even clear the tumor in a short time!

It's just a traditional slow-healing anti-cancer drug, it's simply a miracle drug!

Does this drug really exist in reality? Instead of God's grace? !

If it is confirmed to be true!

"Hu——" Just thinking of this possibility, Patrick was already trembling all over. He felt his fingers were numb and throbbing, and his excited brain couldn't accommodate other thoughts.

"Let's go now!!!"


As a plane soared across the sky, China, Tengsheng Conference Room

All the management were present, and everyone had a complicated expression on their faces, with a little trance and surprise. Song Jiang, who was sitting in the main seat, looked around.

"You should all know the purpose of calling you here this time."

"The project of the research institute has achieved some results."

A little? ?

As soon as the voice fell, someone couldn't help but raise his head: "Mr. Song, is the successful development of anti-cancer drugs true or false?"

Not to mention the outside world's discussion, they were all in a state of confusion in the same company. They only knew that their company had launched a very unreliable project, and a lot of money was spent, but no one expected the effect.

But now you tell me -

Is it really developed? ?

Some people couldn't help but pinch their thighs, I shouldn't be dreaming.

This is even more outrageous than a dream!!

They all saw it with their own eyes, Song Jiang patted his head and said that he wanted to enter the pharmaceutical industry. Then, the Tengsheng Research Institute was established! Recruiting people! Research and development!

It can even be said that no one focused on that. The number of employees in the Tengsheng Research Institute did not exceed ten fingers, just a few melons and two dates.

Overcame medical problems, cancer?

I don't even dare to write like this when I write novels! !

Facing the tense gazes of the crowd, Song Jiang smiled slightly.

"We are just completing the set goals, everyone doesn't need to be so nervous."

This is called a set goal? ?

Everyone hesitated and looked at Song Jiang. Among the crowd, the only one who was not surprised put down his pen.

"During this period, Tengsheng has invested 138.72 million in the research institute, and it is time to recover the cost."

He didn't care about the disease, but only cared about how much benefit the research institute could bring!

"Medical listing needs to go through the process, and it's too early to get back the investment."

Song Jiang said, "I called you here this time to ask if you have any suggestions to speed up the listing process."

Accelerate the listing process - according to the basic process, the fastest approval will take one year, and if it is late, it may take three years.


Everyone began to think silently. Accelerate the listing process, this term is very unfamiliar to them, after all, different trades are like different mountains.

As a group of people want to speed up from reasonable channels, Ji Ziping has come up with a solution.

"Extend the number of phases."


"The purpose of going public is to make a profit. We don't need to go through approval to go public." The naked speech was full of the style of a capitalist. "We can definitely extend the number of phases. The original three phases can be changed to ten or twenty phases. I think 3 million per injection is completely acceptable."

As he spoke, Ji Ziping quickly calculated, "If we calculate it based on 100 people per phase, we only need one phase to make a profit, and the rest is profit."

"Within the number of phases, we are considered a normal clinical trial. We can completely let them sign a disclaimer. If something unexpected happens, Tengsheng does not need to be responsible."

"The name of sponsorship is too ugly. We can let them recharge the sponsorship fee into the game, so that it is legitimate."

Even a lawyer can't find evidence.

Ji Ziping raised his head and looked at the dull faces in the room.

"Anticancer drugs are expected to bring Tengsheng 1 billion in revenue a year."


"...Cough." Song Jiang coughed lightly, "Well said, think of another way."

Too cruel!

Even the means of money laundering have been thought of? !

Didn't you see Gong Xijin's pupils shrink?

"I think..."

"You don't think so." The tone was emphasized.

Ji Ziping, who was rejected, closed his mouth regretfully.

"Gong Xijin, what do you think?"

The lawyer who was suddenly named was silent for a moment, "... Mr. Song, how much is the price of the newly developed anti-cancer drug?"

This sentence made everyone's eyes focus on Song Jiang.


The most important attribute of a commodity!

It also determines the customer's desire to buy, but under the supply and demand market, anti-cancer drugs are destined to be a seller's market.

"Type 1 drug 500, type 3 drug 600,000."

When this offer came out, everyone's pupils were shocked, and some people stood up directly.

"Mr. Song, this price is too low?!"

Even if they don't understand the pharmaceutical industry, they know how expensive cancer is!

The average cancer patient has a monthly drug cost of 3,000 to 5,000, and a box of targeted drugs costs 700 to 1,500.

What they developed is obviously more effective than conventional drugs, so how can it be cheaper? !

Not to mention the type III drug, which can be cured with one shot!

Only sold for 600,000? !

Charity? !

"How long will it take to get back the money?!"

"Yes, Mr. Song! Even if you are willing, others may not agree!"

"There are unspoken rules between industries. If we set the price too low, we will be excluded!"

Let alone the pharmaceutical industry, let's talk about cards. As the weather vane of the card industry, Xunyou firmly holds the pricing power!

It can be said that the current prices of cards in the market are all looking at him! All low prices are seen as disrupting the market. Not to mention Xunyou's actions, peers will do it!

In the face of fierce opposition, Song Jiang was silent, and at this moment, Shen Xingyu stood up and stepped on the table.

"You bunch of Muggles don't understand the boss's meaning at all!!"



Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then heard Shen Xingyu, who has been in the limelight recently, sneered.

"Other people's pricing is none of Tencent's business! Those who always try to cater to others can only become younger brothers! We have to do it according to the boss's ideas!!"

"Others sell for 1,000, but I sell for 500! Even fools know to buy our medicine! If they dare to mess with us, consumers will mess with them!!"

"The mall is a battlefield. If you don't fight, others will fight! You guys are all losers! You have loser ideas in your heads!!" This wave of ridicule directly made Xunyou's project manager Hong Wen.

"Shen Xingyu! What do you mean?! Who are you scolding!"

"Whoever should be scolded by me!"

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