"Tomorrow, meet here at 8 o'clock."

After confirming the employment relationship, Song Jiang smiled and waved his hand. Zhao Mingxuan nodded in confusion and walked away like a dream.

Just like that, I was successfully hired.

A salary of 10,000? !

This was something he had never dared to think about before, but it really happened to him. Zhao Mingxuan calmed down after returning to the small and shabby rental house.

At this time, the phone vibrated.

It was the group of colleagues from the previous company.

"Fuck! I am also convinced! That new nephew of the boss, who knows nothing, still insists on giving orders! He scolds me when there is a problem! Get out of here!!"

"Alas! You have to get used to this kind of thing. Anyway, the leader is shit."

"Performance is suppressed every year, but there is still the same amount of work, ugh!"

"You said something about sharing hardships in the morning, as if you were sharing wealth with me when you make money!"

Amid the complaints on the screen, Zhao Mingxuan could sense their irritable emotions, and most of them scolded a few words, and would continue to work tomorrow with their noses pinched.

He used to be one of them.

Until he was optimized——

"By the way, Brother Zhao was laid off before. Whether he has found a job now or not, I want to hang out with Brother Zhao! I am almost sick if I continue to be commanded by that idiot!"

"It is not so easy to find a job now."

"Yes! It is not easy."

Amidst all the sighs, Zhao Mingxuan finally couldn't help but say a word.

"I found it."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone who knew him was excited.

"You finally popped up!"

"Brother Zhao, what job?"

"As expected of Brother Zhao, he was hired by the company so quickly!"

A faint smile appeared on Zhao Mingxuan's face amid the envious voice. Until someone asked.

"Which company is it?"


"Tengsheng? I haven't heard much about it."

Someone quickly searched Baidu, but found nothing, and then searched in the small program that specifically inquires about the company's situation.

Get the final result.

[The company is not found after searching]

"Hiss——Brother Zhao, you won't be cheated!" Someone hurriedly threw out a screenshot, "Have you signed a contract?"

Zhao Mingxuan was stunned for a moment.


"Then you must have met a liar! The official search for this company can't be found!"

"Brother Zhao, you have to be careful, there are so many messy scams now!"

"Yes, yes!"

After various kind reminders, Zhao Mingxuan fell into deep thought while holding his mobile phone.

Am I cheated?

The young man's crisp voice seemed to still echo in his ears, but finally turned into a bitter smile.

"How can a company recruit people so casually? I guess they are just teasing me." What family, what hobbies?

It's just a nice thing to say.

He silently turned off the group chat and began to refresh the recruitment software repeatedly.

The alarm clock at 7 o'clock the next day rang on time.

He subconsciously got up, washed up, and looked at his decent image in the mirror.

"I must find one today!" He encouraged himself and walked towards Yanjing University. The job fair lasted for three days, and today was the last day.

If he couldn't find one again, he would try his luck.

A mature figure quickly mixed into the young team. The interviewer looked at him strangely, "You are also a student, and you look quite mature."

Zhao Mingxuan smiled and said, "I am in my thirties. I want to ask you this."

Before he finished speaking, the interviewer's expression was already cold, "We don't want 30-year-olds. You go to the talent market at this age. What are you competing with college students for?"

"Sorry." Zhao Mingxuan smiled stiffly and turned away gloomily.

Continue to queue up, and then be rejected.

"The reason for the layoffs in the previous company was optimization? You must have done something wrong!"

"Sales Director? You don't look like you can speak well. Sorry, I don't think you are qualified for this position."

"We only recruit fresh graduates."

Countless similar words sounded and fell in my ears.

Zhao Mingxuan turned on this street, and passed the corner again without knowing when. He saw that the stall that seemed a little cold yesterday was lined with a long line today.

He moved forward with some excitement, but saw on the notice board.

Hongchen Vision,

"Isn't this Tengsheng?"

"What Tengsheng?" The recruitment officer of Hongchen Vision was surprised, "This stall is ours. By the way, do you want to apply? We are in need of sales."

"No, thank you." Zhao Mingxuan was terribly sober and turned around without hesitation. There is no pie in the sky in this world.

And at this moment, a hand suddenly pressed on his shoulder. A crisp sound.

"I was wondering why I couldn't find it? It turned out to be here!"

Song Jiang smiled and looked at Zhao Mingxuan with a confused look on his face.

"You are late, Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Mingxuan's pupils were slightly startled.


"Yes." Song Jiang raised his arm and showed him the watch on his wrist. "It's a little later than expected. The next task is a bit tight."

"Get ready. Go to work today."

"Ah?" Zhao Mingxuan was stunned for a moment, and was pulled forward by the man. When he came to his senses, he was already in a taxi.

Song Jiang crossed his legs and looked at the navigation slowly.

"Master, I'm a local. Don't take a detour for me. Go directly to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau."


In the shadow of the flowing cars, the traffic lights were left behind. Half an hour later, Song Jiang and Zhao Mingxuan were already standing at the door of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

"What are you doing here?"

Zhao Mingxuan sent out his first greeting so far.

"Register a company."


Song Jiang turned to look at him: "Then I will sign the employment contract for you."

"What!" Zhao Mingxuan's pupils shrank and his body straightened fiercely, "Aren't you a liar?!"

Song Jiang was stunned for a moment, then laughed immediately when he realized what he was doing.

"Hahaha!! I'm just telling you why you were late this morning." He patted the shoulder of the man next door vigorously, "Don't worry, I won't lie to anyone and I won't lie to employees!!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Mingxuan felt faintly comforted.

Song Jiang had already raised his feet and walked inside, handing over the information he had prepared in advance.

The information was complete and the process went very quickly. "The name of the company you want to register." The staff member was wearing a headset and typing on the keyboard.

"Teng Sheng."

"Papapapapap" the crisp keyboard sound, "Legal person?"

"Song Jiang."

"Pah, pah, pah—"

Ten minutes later, Song Jiang was notified that the company had been registered.

Successfully obtained the license.

Song Jiang walked out happily. Zhao Mingxuan next to him was a little confused, "Is it so fast?" He remembered that his friend had opened a company and complained about the trivial process.

"Because, there is someone above me." Song Jiang pretended to be mysterious, and at this time, a panel popped up in the system.

【Tengsheng Enterprise

Level: 1

Corporate capital: 1 million

Number of employees: 1

Carrying out business: None]

[Please host to improve the level as soon as possible, expand the scale of the enterprise, recruit more employees, and develop production lines! 】

Under the invisible urging, Song Jiang took his time and stopped a taxi again.

Zhao Mingxuan swallowed and sat next to him. He suddenly realized a problem.

"What's your name?"

"Song Jiang."

"Then the legal person of the company just registered is"


"Cough cough cough!!" Zhao Mingxuan choked on his saliva and coughed violently, his face turned red: "You, you are the boss?!"

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