The reminder has been given, whether the other party can understand it or not is none of Huang Bohan's business!

Looking at the other party's back as he left, Ji Ziping frowned, but his thoughts were soon interrupted by an employee.

"Boss Ji, I think that man is here to make trouble."

"Yes! The company's business is so good now, all because of your wise leadership!"

The endless compliments surrounded his ears, and his originally frowned eyebrows relaxed, and Ji Ziping couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. At this time, an employee ran over, "Boss!!! Distributors from other provinces are coming to purchase goods!"

"Outside provinces?!"

Ji Ziping suddenly cheered up, put the previous matter behind him, and walked forward quickly: "Invite people to the tea room, and be nice!"


The employee turned around and trotted to greet the big customer, and Ji Ziping couldn't wait to expand his business territory again!

This half month.

The layout he laid out was only based on Yanjing and radiated to surrounding cities. Once the connection with other provinces is established, Xunyou's influence will inevitably expand!

The day when he conquers the whole country is far away!

In the tea room, the two people talked and laughed and decided on a transaction of 300,000 yuan for goods.

Before leaving, the inter-provincial distributor shook Ji Ziping's hand, "Boss Ji, you are the most business-minded person I have ever seen! This piece of paper can be sold for money! Smart, too smart!! We must cooperate well in the future!"

"Boss Wang, don't worry!" Ji Ziping narrowed his eyes, "No one can resist my product!"

"Hahaha - I feel relieved with your words!"

Laughing, the two signed the contract.

As the distributor left, a truck full of goods followed.

With the new city, the canteens in elementary and junior high schools began to display bags of exquisite card packs. A new craze is surging, and the trend is sweeping in.

When more people play, not playing becomes unsociable.

"Wow! You don't even know this?"

"Xiao Zhao doesn't have a single card! So unsophisticated!"

"10 yuan a pack is so expensive!"

"It's not expensive! Wait till your dad falls asleep at night and look through his wallet. He won't know if you take one out of so much money!"

"Good idea!"

Amidst the laughter, parents who were picking up their children from school looked at the cards lying on the ground and stepped on them without a care.

Days passed by one after another, and in the blink of an eye, another half a month had passed.

The school teacher found that there were always people who were secretly absent during class, with their heads down, playing something.

He approached with light steps. The students at this moment had no idea of ​​the danger coming, and were obsessed with counting their belongings.

88 ordinary cards, 13 SR cards, and 2 SSR cards.

I don't like this SR card very much. I'll go find Xiao Hong to exchange it with her later...

A big hand fell from the sky and quickly grabbed his hand!

"What are you playing? You're in class now, don't you know?!"

The stern voice made the students who were born afraid of the head teacher tremble!

"I, I didn't play..." The guilty voice received a more severe glare!

"No! What's in your hand!" The teacher scolded, pinched his hand open, and picked up the light cards.

"Is this thing fun? What's fun!"

He flipped the card left and right, not knowing what the meaning of this photo with a pattern printed on it was?

"Teacher! Don't move, this is precious!!"

My treasured SSR! !

The student looked at the card that was played with casually with a heartache, and the market price is now 120! !

"Expensive?" The teacher sneered, "How expensive can it be!" He put it in his pocket without hesitation, "Come to my office after class!"

"My card!!"

"Are you still worried about your card?!" The teacher laughed angrily, "If you don't study hard, I will tear up this card! You can't concentrate every day, and you don't know where to play! Do you still want to go to college? If you don't work hard now, you will have the opportunity to regret it in the future!!"

"I won't go to college!" The student said stubbornly, but his eyes were staring at the card hidden in his trouser pocket.

"You!" The teacher was so angry that his voice was hoarse, "What else can you do if you don't go to college! Get up early and stay up late every day to fight for those few dollars!" He turned his head and looked at the whole class and said loudly.

"Remember it, study hard to have a future!!"

"If you don't study now, study more in the future!!"

The loud voice echoed in the classroom, and the primary school students with red scarves responded in unison.

"Got it! Teacher!!"

Then there was another round of loud reading voices, only the child whose card was confiscated was absent-minded and resentful.

The bell for the end of get out of class rang soon.

The boy didn't dare to delay for a second and rushed straight to the teacher's office!

"Teacher! Give it back to me!"

The head teacher glanced at him and slapped the card on the table unhappily.

"Wu Hechang, you only got more than 60 points in math this time! The average score of the whole class is 84! What have you been doing recently!"

The child didn't reply, and he took a breath after putting the card in his pocket, "Teacher, this is not my fault. It must be that you made the questions too difficult, I can't do it!"

"Others can do it, why can't you?"

"Anyway... I just can't do it!" The primary school student shouted loudly, and his righteous attitude made the teacher couldn't help but say, "Then come over during the break to ask questions in the future."


The determined eyes made the male teacher roll up his sleeves in anger, "You still don't want it!!"

"Show your palm!"

Hearing this, the boy instantly became timid and stepped back with one foot. But he was soon caught and was hit three times before he returned to the classroom with a bitter face.

At the same time, the Chinese teacher returned to the office with a thick stack of cards in his hand and an angry look on his face.

"Hey? Teacher Wang, you didn't collect them either?" The math teacher was a little surprised. The Chinese teacher nodded and said in a bad tone: "You guys are doing little tricks in front of me, playing with these every day!" As he spoke, he opened the drawer and stuffed the cards in.

"I've thought about it. I'll tear them all up in front of them in class tomorrow!"

"Tear them up?" The math teacher showed a look of disapproval, "This is not good. After all, they are students' things."

"If we don't teach them a lesson, how can they know what to play and what not to play!" The Chinese teacher scolded loudly, "Teacher Li, do you know how much this stack costs?! At least 300!"

"Ah? You said these?" He pointed at the cards in shock, "These can be 300, Teacher Wang, you are talking nonsense!"

"Heh! I said less, these 4 cards can be sold for 10 yuan in the canteen!"

As soon as these words came out, they completely refreshed the math teacher's worldview!

10 yuan?

You know, he didn't dare to buy things like this!

And almost everyone in the class has more than a dozen of such cards!

Now, he finally realized the seriousness of the situation!

That afternoon, he went to the canteen to check the goods. Sure enough, on the shelves inside, there were more than a dozen boxes of card packs with different patterns.

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