It can be said that this company has run through his life and condensed all his expectations and struggles, from being smug and ambitious, to being as calm as before, and then looking back with emotion.

"I still remember that there was no mobile phone network at that time, so we advertised on TV. I remember the popular slogan of Haosu - crispy, crispy and delicious."

The old man was talking about past events. Most of the people here knew the old Chinese brands, and many of them had grown up eating them when they were young.

"Haosu biscuits, they cost one yuan a pack when I was a kid. I liked eating them dipped in milk at that time." Fu Tao said with a hint of memory in his eyes, "I haven't eaten them in so many years."

Amid the sighs, the entrepreneurs sitting in the front row couldn't help but nod.

The market is renovating too fast, products are being updated, and so much sand has been eliminated.

In today’s biscuit market, familiar packaging is rarely seen.

If you can’t even see it, let alone buy it.

At this moment, the old man finally revealed his intention.

“Ten years ago, you could find Haosu biscuits anywhere, but now, you can only see them in wholesale stores.”

"Maybe I'm really old, just like him, I can't hold on any longer." He smiled bitterly, and the wrinkles on his forehead looked more aged. Finally, he raised his head and looked at the various venture capital companies sitting in the second row. .

"I want to sell 49% of the shares of Haosu Food Co., Ltd. for 10 million."

Sold for 10 million? !

As soon as he said it, the whole audience was shocked!

You know, this price is a bargain!

In an instant, all the venture capital companies looked up with interest, their eyes shining with passion. You know, although this brand has declined, it is still an old company that has been established for decades.

It’s time to stir up childhood memories! It’s not like I can’t get up! !

"I have only one request!"

"The company that bought the stock cannot fire old employees of Haosu Food Co., Ltd. in the name of shareholders." The old man's eyes were firm. "Moreover, the company must pay the other party's retirement pension normally."

As soon as these words came out, the VC's fiery brain instantly calmed down, and a man in a suit stood up, holding a microphone.

"Can I ask about Haosu's current employee size, as well as this year's sales and production volume?"

"Haosu currently has 186 employees." He paused and made no bones about it. "Most of them are in the 40-50 age range."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

"40~50? If we don't optimize this quickly, how can we still keep it?"

"This aging problem is worse than society!"

“I’ve only been working for a few years and my pension has been wasted! This is such a loss!”

The man frowned and thought for a moment, "What if the other party wants to leave? The employee voluntarily leaves his job?"

When the old man heard that it was voluntary, his beard almost trembled, "You can call it voluntary! No matter which company buys 49% of the stock, it cannot force you to cut your salary or force you to retire!"

As expected of an entrepreneur, he had predicted the venture capital company's operations in advance. The middle-aged man shook his head unceremoniously: "I'm sorry, I don't think Haosu is worth investing in."

At this time, the man next to him stood up and said, Red Bird Ventures, which is known for its cunning, "We are willing to pay 30 million to purchase 51% of the shares."

Thirty million has tripled the price!

It seems that the stock is only missing 2%!

But in terms of licensing rights, it’s completely different!

The old man did not speak, but shook his head in refusal.

At this time, the audience fell silent, and the venture capital firms sitting in the second row weighed the pros and cons, while those with access to information quickly pressed the screen, in just three minutes.

"As far as I know, this year's annual report of Haosu Food Co., Ltd. is not ideal. It only lost 1.2 million yuan in two quarters. Moreover, last year's annual report also had a negative financial figure." Youyou's voice sounded, "Since last year, you have The market share has been squeezed to a certain point.”

"Now it seems like a good deal for you to sell 49% of the shares, but in fact - without this investment, Haosu Food will not be able to survive next year."

The sharp words made the old man look pale. He took a deep breath and repeated: "Haosu, I have never been sorry to consumers. Every biscuit is made of genuine materials..."

"If you can't sell it, it doesn't matter whether you are real or not!" sneered, and Blue Whale Venture Capital sitting next to him said bluntly: "You are just a group of people who cannot keep up with the trend of the times and are destined to be eliminated. These days, All companies with good conscience have long since died.”

"Hundreds of new companies are registered in China every day, but thousands of companies are canceled." He picked up the microphone, "Without this investment, I might not be able to see the cancellation information of this company soon. ”

The whole place was silent. The words are too straightforward and so naked that it makes people feel chilling. The young entrepreneurs here couldn't help but feel cold.

Who knows, they will do the same next year.

But in the silence, he said again.

"I can give you some face, but your requirements are too high. If you force Blue Whale to give you corporate pension, I can only offer you this price!" He gestured with a six.

"6 million!"

A few words of understatement directly reduced 10 million to 6 million!

The colleagues sitting next to me couldn’t help but be shocked, amazing!

Although they all know that even if it is 10 million, it is not impossible to win! However, the profits will indeed be reduced to a low level, which is like tasteless!

The old man fell into a deep silence, while other venture capital investors were thinking about whether to insert their feet. Blue Whale made a good start.

Even if they add 1 million or 2 million, they still save a lot of money.

However, is Haosu Food worth investing in?

In the thinking, the scene fell into a stalemate.

The person in charge of Blue Whale Fengtou emphasized again, "If you miss me, you may have to return empty-handed."

"8 million" The old man took a deep breath, his hand holding the microphone trembled a little, and he looked at the other party stubbornly, "This money will be invested in the company's operations."

"Heh." The person in charge sneered, "I'm not discussing with you, your company is not as valuable as you think. There are many projects present that are much better than a lonely and eliminated brand."

This is the truth!

He can save this money to invest in a new company that he thinks has more market prospects!

"Huh--" With a long breath, the old man on the stage seemed to have aged a lot, and at this time.

A straight hand rose.

"I want to ask, can't venture capital invest?"

The simple and even ridiculous question made Pei Zhizhuan next to him stunned for a moment, looking at the eyes attracted by the audience, and whispered quickly.

"What are you doing? Put your hands down!"

Song Jiang ignored the words in his ear and emphasized again.

"Is there any kind-hearted person who can teach me?"

"Sure, if you have money." Fu Tao, who was sitting in the first row, said kindly.

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