Five-star talent! I'm determined to hire this employee!

Chapter 83 I want to eat the sales of cookies!

As soon as the fire started, the popularity soared instantly!

In just one hour, the hot search rushed to the third place! !

"Fuck! That's a bit fierce!"

He shouted and decisively ran to Song Jiang's office, slapping the table!

"Boss! His fame has exploded!"

Song Jiang shook and looked up: "What's exploded? The water pipe?"

"That biscuit!" He took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "He has made the headlines!!" The exaggerated tone, and even more exaggerated was the crowd of people who forwarded it!

[Han Qiao: I got up early in the morning and saw Hao Su and I was greedy! I remember it used to be one yuan a pack, I wonder how much it sells now? ]

[Dongcheng Pharmaceutical: Eat it, you greedy girls! If you eat too much and can't digest it, remember to buy Dongcheng brand stomach-strengthening and digestion-promoting tablets! ]

[Zhuang Liangping: @Zhuang Ping son, this is my childhood memory! ]

I don't know how many middle-aged people were blown up by a hot search. If the snacks are becoming more and more varied now, but for them,

The memory only stays in the TV commercials from more than 20 years ago.

"Crispy, crispy and delicious~"

The little girl's voice seems to still echo in my ears. If they were just a child with a short budget decades ago, they would have to struggle to buy a cookie.

But now, cookies can be bought by the box! !

Childhood is priceless!


Buy hard!

Then the question is -

"Where to buy?"

Netizens who found that they could not find any consumption channels on the Internet were at a loss, and those who rarely saw the Haosu brand in reality were even more suspicious.

"Haosu is not bankrupt, right?"

"It's impossible, how could a bankrupt Jiangjunsha co-brand with him!"

"Why not buy Jiangjunsha, buy two packs and get one pack free!"

"I think it's too expensive to eat a pack of biscuits for 6 yuan!"

Amid the discussions, a netizen suddenly said.

"Fuck! Everyone, go to Xunyou's flagship store! They've got the goods! They're selling cookies!"

As soon as these words came out, countless netizens flocked to the store. No matter what their purpose was, they instantly disappeared when they saw the price of the product.

"One dollar is still one dollar!! Isn't this price too conscience?"

You have to know that the money from more than 20 years ago is not comparable to the money today! What's more, the quality remains the same!

In just 5 minutes, the 3,000 inventory was squeezed out!

"Huh——" Shen Xingyu took a deep breath and told himself to stay calm in his heart, one second, two seconds...

"Fuck!! It's really fierce!!"

"Restock, restock, restock quickly!!"

He added inventory non-stop, and at the same time added a link for a large box!

A large box is a box of 10 packs, priced at 8 yuan!

Of course, their cost is three yuan! !

Just one resale, a huge profit of 5 yuan!

This profit is higher than the current cards!

"Why not switch to selling biscuits!"

While muttering, he looked at the inventory that was cleared out in just one hour.

You know, he placed 5,000 orders!

He made 25,000 in this hour!

"Hoo! Boss!!!" With the heart-wrenching call, at this moment, the simple middle-aged people of Haosu Food in another city stayed on the production line as usual.

The freshly ground wheat flour was steamed and dried three times.

With careful and skilled movements, the biscuits were formed in the machine.

They laughed and talked, and their words were still about the big order they received in the factory! The situation can be improved a lot!

It seemed that it was still 2g, and the speed of connecting to the network was slow.

At the same time, Song Jiang and Shen Xingyu stood in front of the empty warehouse and fell into thought.

"You said that 1,000 boxes were sold out? You still owe 2,000 boxes?"


"Then, buy more?"

The hesitant voice was accompanied by a familiar number. Only a beeping sound was heard, and the other party quickly answered.

"Mr. Song?"

"No stock, please send a few more trucks."

"Ah?" The old man was stunned for a moment, "No stock? Didn't we just send a thousand boxes the day before yesterday?"

These 1,000 boxes can be sold for a month!

How long has it been now? !

3 days?

"It's selling a little fast." Song Jiang pinched his nose and said in a somewhat floating tone, "Anyway, send as many as you have in your warehouse."

"I want them all!"

I want them all!

The old man suddenly became serious, "I understand." He turned around and looked at the production line that maintained a peaceful atmosphere.

"Everyone, get moving, get ready for a big mobilization!!"

"Start now! Fight a tough battle!!"

Fight a tough battle-! !

The surging sound, the moment it echoed was a roar! !




Middle-aged men in white hair sat up straight, their faces flushed, how many years have it been? !

How long has it been since the production line was fully operational? !

It seems like five or seven years?

It's been a long time since that glorious day, when I was proud of myself when I stood up straight!!

"Now - production starts!!"

The red whistle blew the horn!

The roaring machines began to turn, the gears kept accelerating, and the rough but fluent fingers kept shaping the dough and cutting it into pieces.

During the heyday of Haosu, there were 12 production lines, but now nine of them are on hold!

And now, the skinny maintenance master pulled open the tarpaulin. He looked at the familiar old guy. Just by clicking the start button, he knew where the problem was with a slight movement of his ears.

The screwdriver was inserted into the gap-

This is the competition between production efficiency and increasingly rampant demand! !

One day, two days...

"1329 boxes were sold today!"

"2207 boxes were shipped today!"

"2335 boxes were shipped today!"

"Shipment today..."

With the steady growth of shipments, Song Jiang looked at the recent hot searches.

[The growth history of Haosu Food---Epic! ]

[About the national soul of the enterprise--Haosu Food! ]

[Haosu Food donated 5 million supplies to Jiangshan Earthquake! ]

[Haosu--the home of soldiers and orphans! ]

The traces of time cannot be faded. The past history that was dug out just for a heat has won the praise of countless netizens!

"This is the first time I know there is such a company."

"The survivors of the earthquake, at that time, could not get any supplies to survive, and they really survived by eating a pack of biscuits a day!"

"I want to cry, I remember when my mother was alive, she loved to eat this biscuit the most."

As more and more experiences are invested in the Internet, everyone knows how many middle-aged people are usually taciturn on the Internet!

With the popularity of Haosu biscuits, the joint cards of General Kill also broke the sales record!

"7,000 packs sold!!"

This is the sales volume of the day! !

"Damn it!!"

"How can this be called cooperation? Are we clinging to Haosu's thigh?!"

Amid the excited roar, in the Xunyou Design Studio on the other side, Ji Ziping stood behind the art designer and looked at the brand new packaging designed.

This packaging——

Abandoned the disadvantages of the two being too distinct, and completely integrated the cards and biscuits!

"Mr. Ji, the size of the card for the biscuits is 8.8*5.5cm, which is just right for them."

"Very good," Ji Ziping crossed his arms, "From now on, I will eat up the sales of the biscuits."

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