Professional headhunting company.

Wearing a suit and tie, the headhunter responded to the call with a smile.

"No problem, this person promises to dig it out for you."

"Okay, okay, if you can dig it, I will double the price!"

With the rough voice, the curvature of the headhunter's mouth became higher and higher.

"Don't worry. This kind of newly graduated college student will only know his true worth after being reminded. He will come to your company soon."

"Hahaha, waiting for your good news!"

As the phone was hung up, the other party sent the other party's estimated salary.

[Ji Ziping

Age: 23

Monthly salary: 1.2w~1.7w

Annual salary package benefits: 18w~25w

Room subsidy: 1200

Car subsidy: 300

Position: Marketing Manager

Note: If you perform well, you can get a salary increase of 5,000 a year and a base project bonus of 30,000! 】

This treatment is surprisingly good for a recent graduate!

Not to mention a one-year salary increase.

This company really values ​​this person named Ji Ziping.

After reading the salary table, the headhunter breathed a sigh of relief and began to calculate the commission he could get this time with a smile.

According to their business rules, successfully recommending a person can get 30% of the other person's annual salary.

That’s 75,000!

And the doubling promised by the other party is 150,000! !

"Big business!"

All of a sudden, Ji Ziping's priority was placed at the highest level. The headhunter expertly put on his backpack, took out his food and started working!

If you want to poach someone, you must first understand their treatment!

Today’s salary level——

Generally, what cannot be found online, apart from asking the other party in person, one can only observe and speculate on the basic necessities of life.

And how to understand the basic necessities of life?

Start with tracking!


A faint light flickers and the man in the photo opens the taxi door.

"Click." A man in casual clothes was sitting on the roadside selling rice noodles.

"Click." He took the clothes and bargained with the landlady, his face turned rosy.

As dense drawings were posted on the wall, the headhunter analyzed them.

"The economy is more difficult than expected. I don't even have a car to go out, so I need to take a taxi. There are almost no entertainment activities on holidays, and the restaurants I eat are very cheap. I like to eat all kinds of noodles. I don't have to rent a house outside, but live in a factory."

"No girlfriend, no love, three points and one line."

After analyzing this, the headhunter suddenly felt that he was stable. Isn’t this the most common type of wage earner? Not even a bit of arrogance of talent!

Not bad!

You can take the initiative to deal with people of this temper!

Remembering that tomorrow is Sunday, the headhunter decided to take a gamble!

I stayed at Ji Ziping's favorite noodle shop, waiting from noon until the afternoon, and finally saw the belated arrival of the other party at 6 p.m.

Ji Ziping ordered a bowl of rice noodles with pickled cabbage and shredded pork as usual, and sat at his usual seat. When the steaming noodles were served, he took out his chopsticks and prepared to slurp the noodles.

A shadow fell on the opposite side. A middle-aged man wearing a suit with a round and friendly face asked him with a smile.

"Is there no one here?"


"Okay." The middle-aged man sat down.

Ji Ziping subconsciously glanced around and saw many empty tables. He didn't know why this person came to share the table.

After a moment of doubt, he picked up a piece of noodles with chopsticks and put it into his mouth.


There was a faint sound of water, and the headhunter looked at the face of the young man opposite. The dark circles under his eyes were not heavy, which showed that he had a regular schedule and his hair was quite thick.

Open your mouth.

"Are you satisfied with your current job?"

Ji Zi flattened his chopsticks, raised his eyes slightly, and saw the confident smile on the other side.

"Xunyou's sales are not low during this period, but that is all money earned by the company and has little to do with us workers."

"Have you never thought that your labor is only worth so much money?"

"Bang." There was a crisp sound as the chopsticks were placed on the bowl, and his dark eyes stared at the opposite side, "What do you want to say?"

"Let me introduce myself. I, Sun Lai, am a full-time headhunter."

After the friendly voice fell, Sun Lai rolled out his business card with a smile on his face, "My job is to let more people find their own niche and get better treatment."

"Ji Ziping, I came specially for you."

With his confusing words, the other party's deep pupils stared straight at Ji Ziping.

"Creating so much benefit, the company only gives you this little, are you really happy?"

That much?

Hundreds of thousands a month?

Ji Ziping laughed, "It's really not much."

Seeing the sarcasm on the other person's face, Sun Lai became more interested.

"Your abilities deserve higher treatment! What Teng Sheng can't give you, some people can! Your boss can't afford it, but a lot of people can!"

Ji Ziping frowned and endured a little, listening to the bullshit on the other side.

"I won't say too much, but I have a company here that is willing to invite you to be a guest with an annual salary of 250,000!"

"Which one?"

"What?" Sun Lai was stunned for a moment, then quickly responded with a smile on his face: "Qian Lei Paiye!"

Qianlei Brand Industry?

His mind flashed through the new competitors that emerged during this period, and he quickly settled on one, thinking deeply.

"This is it."

"You know?" Sun Lai said excitedly, "Although this company is a new enterprise, it actually relies on big mountains. The treatment and benefits are on par with those of big companies!"


Which mountain?

Smelling the new news, Ji Ziping, who had originally intended to get the other party out, instantly became interested and began to ask questions without making any noise. He showed a shy smile.

"What big company? Can I jump to that big company in the future?"

"This" Sun Lai paused, "Of course! Big companies value talents the most! You will definitely be able to be transferred up with your outstanding ability. By then, your annual salary will be more than this number, and it may even reach 7 figures!"

In order to convince the other party faster, he praised the big company to the sky, and he wanted to speak directly!

With your ability, you can get into the big company! Get promoted!

We all have a brand new future! !

After praising him a lot, Ji Ziping nodded repeatedly and smiled from ear to ear. It was not until the other party was dry-mouthed and picked up the bowl of noodles to drink a sip of soup that he looked at him excitedly.

"What do you think?"

The young man who was smiling innocently just now suddenly became cold.

"Get lost!"

"Ah?" The headhunter was completely confused, "What did you say?"

"Get lost!"

After Ji Ziping spit it out, he went to the front desk to pay without even eating the noodles.

"Do you have any doubts?" The headhunter hurriedly got up and followed him, paying the bill.

Why don't you think about it! 15,000 a month! You can rent a villa! You can buy a car after working for a year! ! "

"I'm not short of money!"

"I don't believe it! ! "

Ji Ziping glanced at him and said sarcastically: "Tengsheng gave it to me, and no one else can afford it!" As soon as he finished speaking, he stopped a taxi on the side of the road, opened the door and stepped in.

"Then tell me, how much do you earn now!"

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