As news spread that Ji Ziping was suspected of holding shares, the headhunting world was shocked!

"Tengsheng is so grand?!"

"Xunyou has only been out for half a year. How can this person in charge get shares?!"

"This boss is quite affordable!"

"Come on, blow it, no fight!"

“This deal seems to have been ruined!”

Amid countless voices of regret, the capitalists who received the information at the last step had different reactions.

Some people raised their eyebrows in surprise, "It's too early to pay dividends now. It's too early to set the rules. Someone named Song will regret it in the future."

"Haha~ I think there's no need to worry about that Ji Ziping. I'm afraid he'll be killed in a few years." Someone made tea and said cheerfully, "I gave him so much money, can he handle it?"

For capitalists, employees are employees, and they can give high wages, but never give them shares!

What is the maximum salary that can be paid?

No matter how much you drive, your tail will wag faster!

What is money in hand? What is given? They know everything.

Employees are just tools for them to make money!

There are plenty of tools like this on the market.

"I think the boss of Teng Sheng is still too young and doesn't understand any rules. Employees are best served when they are hungry." Someone blew a sip of tea and smelled the faint fragrance of tea.

"Forget it, if you can't take this step, just take the next step."

"By the way, give Teng Sheng another chance before this. Of course it's good if you can cooperate. If you can't cooperate, then that's fine." The man didn't say the last words. He just smiled and held the hot tea on the tip of his tongue, and then spit it out in one gulp.

The assistant next to him looked tense, and as expected, the next second, the boss was furious!

"I told you, the tea needs to be exactly 80 degrees!!"

"Feel sorry!"

"Take it off and soak it again!"


As the figure retreated tremblingly, an email was received in Tengsheng's official mailbox.

The content is roughly summarized. He is willing to spend 30 million yuan to buy 10% of Tengsheng's shares. If Tengsheng has no intention of cooperation, he does not mind letting Tengsheng die this year.

The words were arrogant and full of arrogance, but unfortunately no one saw it.

During the period when the capitalists are waiting for a reply.

Headhunting firm.

Sun Lai is sorting out a large amount of information, densely packed folders, each one representing the talents in the resource library.

For their industry, connections are equivalent to money!

What they have to do is to find the right time to allow people who are already in vacillation to change jobs smoothly.

Seeing the new small orders with commissions of only 20,000 or 30,000 yuan, Sun Lai was bored. He had seen tycoons worth more than 100,000 yuan, and these amounts were like appetizers.

After thinking for a few seconds, he quickly confessed!

How could I think that? !

One or two dollars is money! If you don’t accumulate small things, you won’t be able to achieve big things! !

His lips trembled and he prayed for a while before he felt relieved.

Sun Lai only believes in one sentence in his life!

Believe it!

As long as he believes that he can make a lot of money, he will definitely make a lot of money in this life!

At this moment, his phone vibrated, and before he could react, his finger automatically slid over the answer button.

"Hello, this is a professional headhunting company. I am Sun Lai, a gold medal headhunter. Is there anything you need to know?"

The muscles drove the tip of his tongue to automatically spit out familiar words. A smile automatically appeared on Sun Lai's face, but the words coming from the other side made his smile freeze.

"I am Song Jiang."

Song Jiang? !

Why is he calling? Are you trying to find fault with what happened before? ?

My heart lifted when I heard the next sentence.

"I want to entrust you with something."


"I want to know which companies have wanted to poach Ziping before?"

Ask this?

Sun Lai's eyebrows jumped and he said cautiously.

"We have rules and regulations and cannot disclose Party A's information. If this is your question, I'm sorry I can't answer it."

The other person was silent for a moment, then seemed to laugh.

"Then let me ask in a different way."

"If I want to poach people from those companies, is there a problem?"

"No problem, of course no problem!!"

Business rules are business rules, business is business! Of course the two cannot be confused!

Sun Lai smiled all over his face: "I wonder what you want? Our talent pool is very rich. You can find any talent you want!"

"Then I want to be their backbone."

Then I want to be their pillar——

The plain tone revealed a thrilling meaning!

Sun Lai felt a layer of cold air in front of him. The tip of his tongue trembled, but a sense of excitement rose in his heart.

Is this a business war? !

"How much do you want?"



"That amount may be a bit huge. After all, no one with this kind of function has a low salary." Sun Lai took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Song, what price can you offer?"

If I don’t reply, can I do it? Can I just ask for the price directly?

"Are you confident?"

"Hehe, you are in our business. As long as you have money, no one can poach you, right? Besides, Mr. Song has always been generous, and everyone in our circle knows it!"

Can you not know? How dare you give shares to an employee who has just been here for half a year!

Everyone praises you as the God of Wealth!

Sun Lai's eyes flashed with passion, if Song Jiang could continue his style to place orders!

He doesn't mind working hard for the God of Wealth!

"The price I'll give you is 50,000 per person."

"Annual salary of 50,000? Isn't it a bit low?" Sun Lai replied subconsciously. The other party was silent for a while, and laughed softly: "It's a commission for you."


After reacting, Sun Lai was immediately alert, "What is the salary range for them?"

"I don't know the market price." Song Jiang paused, "So, this needs you to check."

"Then...what is your approximate budget?"

Sun Lai was cautious. He had to know the exact price clearly. If he didn't reach an agreement in advance, it would be troublesome to argue afterwards.

"The maximum increase in the market price is 50%."

"Understood." Sun Lai breathed a sigh of relief. He is worthy of being the God of Wealth. He said a 50% increase as soon as he opened his mouth!

"Then Mr. Song, don't worry. I promise to send the people to you in good order."

With the familiar promise, Sun Lai was about to hang up the phone and prepare to work. But he heard the hesitant voice on the other side.

"I have another question."

"You ask?"

"Are you really not ready to change jobs?"

Sun Lai's mouth twitched. Why is it like this again?

Are you a headhunter or am I a headhunter?

"Sorry, Mr. Song. I am still very satisfied with my current job."

"Are any of your colleagues planning to change jobs?"


Sun Lai smiled grimly, "Do you have any other questions?"

"No." Song Jiang sighed, a little regretful, "The company has lost an HR, I think your line of work is quite suitable."

"Headhunters and HRs are very different, Mr. Song." Sun Lai couldn't help but speak, "Do you know what the biggest professional difference between the two is? HRs do the work of suppressing wages, while headhunters do the work of raising wages."


Normal companies are very taboo about headhunters!

Only headhunters will tell employees that they have a better way out and can get out of the quagmire!

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