The next day, the rhythmic dinging of machinery echoed in the factory.

Accompanied from time to time.

"Don't let him run away! Dian Wei is still alive!!"

"Damn! He brings Fury?!"

Song Jiang's eyes twitched as he looked at the counter-killed King of Lanling. On the dim screen, the dog-like Dian Wei refused to leave. Next to his body, he repeatedly pressed the "Return" button to taunt him.

Li Bai, controlled by Shen Xingyu, rushed over quickly and used a big move to harvest.

The other side roared angrily.

"Damn! Li Bai Tongtiandai! Can you get away?"

Song Jiang replied with a click.

"Just practice more cooking!"

"Did I ask you? Prince Lanling of 2-7?"

"Farke! I want five kills."

Song Jiang roared, "Pfft!" Zhang Kui, who was watching the battle next to him, laughed.

Shen Xingyu laughed and laughed.

"Don't worry, I'll scrape off their remaining blood and kill them for you."

"Go away" Song Jiang rolled his eyes, "I'll show you my skills."

your technique?

Shen Xingyu smiled and shook his head, really good! !

Soon, after another five kills from Li Bai, the opponent quickly surrendered.

The crystal exploded.

Song Jiang breathed out, "Come again!"

Shen Xingyu shook his head and refused: "Brother Song, if we continue to fish, will we really not be fired?"


Shen Xingyu rolled his eyes: "You are not the boss."

Song Jiang raised his eyebrows, "I am."

"I don't believe it!" A clear voice sounded next to him, and Zhang Kui said with a smile, his eyes slightly bent. Shen Xingyu also quickly nodded in agreement.

"Brother Song, don't talk nonsense! Look, Brother Zhao is already busy." He raised his hand and pointed at the workers who were reinforcing the steel frame. Each of them held a nail gun and nailed the iron bed with quick hands and feet.

"By the way, no one has come to assign us work now." Shen Xingyu sighed in distress, stood up and stretched his body, "I feel an inexplicable feeling of guilt."


Song Jiang glanced at Shen Xingyu strangely. How could he feel guilty these days about fishing at work?

“It’s bullshit at work.”

"Pfft" Zhang Kui laughed, "I feel like I can find some work on my own. Aren't I in charge of editing videos? Do you want to shoot some material?"

"Okay! I'll help you!!" Shen Xingyu cheered up and turned to look at Song Jiang: "Brother Song, are you coming?"

"No," Song Jiang decisively refused.

What a joke, what kind of work do you get for what salary?

No one can stop me from fishing!

Even if the iron sheets are replaced by horse harnesses now, there will be a full 22 employees.

He can't afford to convert it into his salary.


Do you still have a salary at the beginning these days?

Song Jiang made up his mind that his job was to play games!

He broke off decisively.

"Break off Milady!"

The crisp sound of the game surrounded his ears, and time advanced unknowingly. After losing three games in a row, Song Jiang quit Unloading King with an expressionless face.


As if you were having fun!

With a sneer, he raised his head. He wanted to find someone to complain about, but he looked at the employees who were performing their duties. Everyone was busy. For a moment, no one even spoke.

Zhao Mingxuan, who stood out in a suit among the crowd, was adjusting the production process. The middle-aged people in orange work clothes listened attentively and nodded from time to time.

Zhang Kui took the SLR that he brought with him and stood aside to take pictures very seriously. Shen Xingyu was immersed in taking notes.

There was a lot of prosperity.

Song Jiang scraped the ground with his feet, and finally stood up resignedly.

As a boss, you still have to do something serious.

Swipe your finger across the screen to call it up.

【Tengsheng Enterprise

Level: 1

Corporate funds: 871235

Number of employees: 22

Starting a business: Manufacturing mattresses]

【1→2 upgrade conditions

Number of employees (22/10)

Enterprise location (0/1)

Doing Business (1/1)]

"Corporate location?"

Sure enough, fishing in troubled waters is not possible.

After Song Jiang thought for a moment, he understood where he was stuck. The land and buildings of this factory do not belong to him in name.

But the former boss is currently abroad, and the specific situation is unclear.


Song Jiang simply took out his mobile phone and searched Baidu. He was immediately ready to go to the government for consultation and decisively called Huang Bohan.

"The user is on a call——"

"Hey - okay, take a taxi!"

Spending a huge sum of 43 yuan, he went from a remote factory to the door of the city hall. Song Jiang decisively asked the security guard and walked to the land management and resources department.

"Lease?" The staff member wearing glasses checked and found out: "The land on the outskirts of the city costs 2,000 per acre."

"How many??"

Song Jiang subconsciously raised his tone. The staff thought he was dissatisfied with the price and looked seriously: "The price is not high. Although the area on the outskirts of the city is a bit far away and the basic facilities are not complete, but"

“Let’s get 100 acres first!”

The staff member's voice was stuck, "Rent?"


Song Jiang couldn't wait to take out his card: "It's so cheap!"


The corner of the staff member's mouth twitched, but you were the first one to come over and ask for a cheaper one.

The land on the outskirts of the city was uninhabited, and everything in it had been cleared in the past.

"Wait a moment, I'll declare it." He opened the system neatly, found the form and entered the information, asking questions while entering.

"What do you use this land for?"

"Build a factory."

"Factory?" The staff member raised his head, "How much is the estimated investment and how big is the project."

"Several hundred or tens of millions." Song Jiang said casually, and saw the staff member push his glasses and look serious.

"Be more accurate."

"30, 30 million?" Song Jiang said uncertainly.

"Very good, I will register you for investment promotion, and you can take a look at the relevant preferential policies." The staff member's attitude suddenly became enthusiastic, and he took out a document from the drawer and put it on the table.

"What industry does your factory belong to?"


"Manufacturing! It can provide a lot of jobs." The staff member pondered for a while and took out another form, "Fill this in, there is a policy dump."

"Ah?" Before Song Jiang could react, he saw the staff member rummaging through a pile of documents again, pulling out one by one.

As more and more information needed to be filled in, Song Jiang signed numbly and wrote the information.

Didn't I just rent a piece of land?

What are these? ?

After waiting for more than a dozen documents to be registered, the staff member nodded with satisfaction, and this year's indicators can be advanced a little bit!

"Very good, I have reported it to you. In the afternoon, you can go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to get the certificate." After saying that, he took out another QR code.

"Now we emphasize three connections, three speeds and three safety, that is, efficient one-trip, common safety and reliability of departments. Please help me fill out the questionnaire, thank you."

Song Jiang picked up the questionnaire and scanned it.

As expected, they all asked about the service?

Of course.

Five-star praise!

"Okay, take care."

Song Jiang strode out, and only then did he realize that the sun was high outside, and he didn't know how long he had been filling in the information, and it was already noon.


Touched his stomach, and it will fill you up!

He found a noodle shop on the street at random. Song Jiang wanted to add a chicken drumstick, but he glanced at his balance, "Boss, a bowl of shredded pork noodles."

After eating, he wandered around the street.

Arriving at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau again, the staff at the counter checked his ID card and quickly handed him the certificate.

"Thank you."

The moment he touched the information, the blue screen instantly expanded and appeared in front of him.

【1→2 Upgrade Conditions

Number of employees (22/10) reached!

Company location (1/1) reached!

Business operations (1/1) reached! 】

【Congratulations on your company's upgrade to level 2! 】

As the electronic fireworks exploded, new messages flashed before his eyes.

【Mall has been opened】

【Employee training has been opened】

【Company funds have been refreshed】

【Reputation system has been opened】

【Development and research have been opened】

Countless new modules were loaded, and Song Jiang was dazzled.

First, the mall.

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