Bai Liyue smiled sadly when he laughed at herself.

Old people are afraid of loneliness, so they feel that their lives are like years.

"Grandpa, you..."

She wanted to ask her grandpa to come to Jiangcheng to live with them again.

As soon as the words were spoken, the four children ran down from upstairs.


"Grandpa, I miss you so much!"

The four children in pajamas ran up to Mr. Mu, all with a smile on their faces.

Elder Mu watched them doing well, and the corners of his mouth raised.

"Grandpa also missed you very much, so when I got off the plane, I rushed over to see you. Are you happy here?"


Several children said in unison.

Elder Mu looked at the few children who were carved and jade-shaped, with joy in his heart, he immediately hugged them into his arms, and he didn't want to let go for a long time.

Bai Liyue smiled knowingly in her eyes.

"Grandpa, since you are here in Jiangcheng, let's live here. The children are talking about you every day."

Several children nodded immediately.

"Grandpa, you can live with us in the future!"

"We miss you, but we are too far away, and we can't go back to see you every day."

"Yes, grandpa, you are old, we can still take care of you if you live here!"

Looking at these well-behaved children, Mr. Mu smiled and suddenly his eyes were red.

Since Mu Jingchen and Bai Liyue left with a few children, the Mu family has not looked like a home anymore.

Mu Yebai leaves early and returns late, often staying in the company.

Sun Yaqin had daily tea parties, beauty salons, three o'clock at home, and quarrels with Mu Zhiming when he got home.

Elder Mu saw in his eyes, helpless, but sighed every night.

Only here did he finally feel a bit of home.

He raised his hand to wipe the corners of his eyes, and said with satisfaction: "Sure enough, it is my great great-grandson. I haven't grown up yet, so I just want to take care of my grandfather. My grandfather is gone someday and will be content."

Sambo immediately corrected his words: "Bah, baah, grandpa, you will live a long life, no, a long life!"

Wubao smiled and got into Grandpa's arms, and said with a smile: "The third brother is right, Grandpa, you can't say some bad things."

Father Mu stroked their soft hair and laughed loudly when they were amused.

"Thousands of years? Isn't the great grandfather becoming a fine?"

Dabao and Erbao sat next to Grandpa Grandpa, holding Grandpa's arm and said, "Grandpa Grandpa is now a perfect one, and he is also our dearest grandpa!"


Several children are smiling happily.

Their smiles, pure and free of impurities, instantly warmed Mr. Mu.

Elder Mu smiled again and again: "Okay, okay, then grandpa, you must work hard to live a few more years!"

After speaking, he looked at the four darlings beside him, then at Bai Liyue, and asked, "Sibao, did he leave so soon?"

Bai Liyue smiled and nodded: "Yes, grandpa, Sibao's master has been urging him for some time. Sibao left early this morning."

Elder Mu sighed.

"Yesterday Sibao called me and told me about it. Today, when I received news that Ye Bai was about to get engaged, I wanted to come here early and I could see Sibao. Unexpectedly, he left early in the morning. "

Bai Liyue looked at Grandpa's reluctant expression, smiled and comforted: "Grandpa, Sibao is just doing what he likes. Don't be so sad, we should be happy for him."

Father Mu nodded and said lovingly: "Yes, several great-grandchildren of my family have inherited Jingchen's excellent genes, and all of them are very good. I should be relieved."

Having said this, he looked around and questioned: "Right, where is Jingchen?"

Bai Liyue hesitated for a few seconds, and wanted to make up a reason.

After thinking about it, he honestly replied: "He is still in the company."

Father Mu's face sank at once.

Although he has long since retired from the business world, he reads news and newspapers every day, and he naturally knows what happened to the Dihua Group in the past two days.

Mu Jingchen was naturally busy in the past two days because of an accident in the Dihua Group, so that he has not been able to come back until now.

Mr. Mu understood in his heart, but he didn't ask much when he saw a few children here.

"Okay, it's getting late, Liyue, you can rest early. I believe Jingchen can solve the company's affairs as soon as possible."

Bai Liyue nodded, and said to the servant: "Take Grandpa's luggage right away, and let Grandpa tidy up the largest guest room."

"Okay, ma'am."

Later, Mr. Mu went upstairs with a few children, leaving Bai Liyue alone in the hall.

It was late, but she had no intention of going upstairs to sleep.

It's the first time Mu Jingchen hasn't come back so late since they moved to Jiangcheng.

After wandering around the hall twice, Bai Liyue couldn't help calling him.

However, the phone showed off.

She finally couldn't sit still, and went straight out of the hall.

After that, she drove a car in the garage and drove out of Yujing Bieyuan.


In the tall building opposite Yujing Bieyuan.

A man about 30 years old with a severed beard on his chin was looking toward the gate of Yujing Bieyuan with a binoculars.

Seeing Bai Liyue go out alone, he smiled viciously: "The opportunity is here."

This man is a killer from a certain killer organization in Jiangcheng, code-named Lone Wolf, who is responsible for collecting money and taking lives.

This time, he also collected the money and was responsible for taking Bai Liyue's life.

In the building opposite to Yujing Bieyuan, the man squatted guard for many days.

Now finally waited for the opportunity.

Lone Wolf turned his head and looked at the few men behind him who were wrapped tightly and wearing black masks.

"That woman has already gone out, and if you solve her, we won't have to worry about eating and drinking for the rest of our lives!"

These men said in unison: "Yes!"

Bai Liyue, who was driving to the Dihua Group, didn't know that the danger was approaching.

She was driving at a slow speed and kept driving on the road at a constant speed.

Until the left glass window suddenly heard a loud "bang".

She turned her head and saw that there was a crack in the glass of the car not only ten centimeters away from her, because of the bullet attack.

Look at the location of the crack. If it weren't for the specially customized bulletproof glass for this car, the bullet would definitely pass through the glass and hit her temple directly.

Bai Liyue realized the danger and looked around quickly.

Through the glass of the car window, she could not analyze where the attacker was.

When the opponent has a lethal weapon, she can't find out who attacked her, so she can only choose to escape here first.

She immediately stepped on the gas pedal, accelerated her speed, turned around, and drove on the crowded road.

boom! boom!

There was another loud noise from the rear glass of her car.

But she didn't panic at all, and drove quickly into the crowded streets.

At this moment, the lone wolf was upstairs on the road that Bai Liyue had just passed.

He had already thought that Bai Liyue would pass by here, so he took the path and came here to ambush.

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