The three of them waited in the corridor for nearly an hour, and none of them spoke.

The atmosphere in the corridor was dignified and terrible.

Until the lights in the operating room went out, the doctor walked out of it.

Dongfang Han rushed to the door first and asked urgently, "Doctor, how is it?"

When asked this, he and even Bai Liyue held their breath for fear of hearing any bad news.

The doctor in a white coat took off his mask and said earnestly: "Don't worry, there is no life-threatening."

These words, like a reassurance, made everyone in the corridor breathe a sigh of relief.

Dongfang Han's nervous mood was immediately relieved.

He clasped the doctor's hand tightly and said excitedly: "Thank you doctor! Thank you!"

The doctor looked at his slightly red eyes and smiled and said, "No thanks, this is our duty."

After speaking, Qin Yahan was pushed out of the operating room by two nurses and went straight to the ward.

Several people Bai Liyue followed in.

After giving Qin Yahan an infusion, the nurse told Qin Yahan, "The patient needs a rest now, so try not to disturb her."

Bai Liyue nodded and said softly: "Okay, thank you."

After the nurse left the ward, she sat on the edge of the bed and stretched out her hand to get Yahan's pulse.

After confirming that there was no problem, she put Qin Yahan's hand into the quilt, and said to Dongfang Han back: "Young master, don't worry, Yahan is okay, I will notify Uncle Qin and the others, and I will leave it to you here. "

Dongfang Han nodded immediately: "Okay."

Bai Liyue got up and gave Mu Jingchen a look.

Afterwards, the two went out together.

After leaving the ward, Bai Liyue looked back again.

Seeing Dongfang Han sitting by the hospital bed and staring at Yahan, she retracted her gaze and said to Mu Jingchen: "Yahan needs a rest. Let Dongfang Han here. I think he will take care of it. It's so elegant."

Mu Jingchen nodded lightly, raised his foot and walked in the direction of the elevator.

Bai Liyue followed behind him, called Qin Xiong by the way, told the address of Qin Xiong Hospital, and told him that Yahan was safe and sound.

After hanging up the phone, she followed Mu Jingchen into the elevator.

The elevator doors are closed.

She looked at Mu Jingchen's frosty face and asked, "What are you going to do with Mu Yebai? Will it be handed over to the police?"

"No plan."

Mu Jingchen's breath is heavy, and his words are full of coldness.

If Mu Yebai was handed over to the police, it would be equivalent to making the Mu's scandal public.

According to Mu Jingchen, he belongs to the Mu family, and he must consider the consequences of everything.

The publicity of this scandal will definitely affect Bai Liyue's reputation.

There are many people with broken mouths. Mu Yebai has a bad heart for Bai Liyue. Who would believe that Bai Liyue is innocent?

In order to avoid malicious speculation by outsiders, he could not hand over Mu Yebai.

Housework needs to be solved at home with the door closed.

Bai Liyue understands his concerns, and also knows that, in the final analysis, this matter is the matter of their brothers, so it is inconvenient for her to intervene.

"By the way, Jing Chen, before, Mu Yebai showed me a contract signed by the M Moser Group and the royal family.

Huang Fuxun actually wanted to get my life from Mu Yebai for the reason of injecting capital into the Mu Family Group. "

Mu Jingchen frowned, and a hint of surprise flashed in his black eyes.

This Huangfuxun, as a prince, has always tried to put a civilian and a place of death all the time. There must be something strange in this.

"After this matter is resolved, let's go to country Y. Huangfuxun has been secretly targeting you. If we don't take action to fight back, it will only make him more unscrupulous."

Bai Liyue nodded in agreement.

"Sibao is also in country Y. I am worried about his body, so I can just go see him."

This time Sibao was injured. After Mu Jingchen contacted his hospital, he confirmed that Sibao was not in danger of life.

He was worried about Bai Liyue's safety and did not go abroad.

However, on the same day, he had gone to the nearest hospital in Jiangcheng for a blood transfusion, and ordered the blood package to be transported to country Y quickly, and the blood was transfused to Sibao in time.

The Four Treasures have long been out of danger and are now recovering.

Yujing Bieyuan.


Mu Jingchen sent all the servants out.

In the entire hall, only the Mu family members remained.

Elder Mu, Mu Zhiming, and Sun Yaqin were all forced to "invite" by him.

Seeing Mu Jingchen making such a big movement, Mr. Mu questioned: "Jingchen, is there anything important for you to call everyone in our family?"

The four children sitting beside the old man also raised their heads, quietly waiting for Daddy to announce important things.

Sun Yaqin was forced to sit down on the sofa by Lin Ze and was very dissatisfied: "Mu Jingchen, what do you mean? What did you call me over? Show me how good you are now and how capable you are?"

In the hall, everyone except Bai Liyue looked at Mu Jingchen suspiciously.

Mu Jingchen glanced at Lin Ze.

Lin Ze knew immediately, walked out of the hall, and pushed Mu Yebai in.

Mu Yebai's mouth was bruised, and his clothes were a bit messy.

Upon seeing this, Sun Yaqin immediately ran forward and said concerned: "Ye Bai, what's the matter with you? Last night, you didn't go home all night, mom was so worried!"

Seeing Mu Yebai not speaking, her eyes stared at Mu Jingchen fiercely: "Is it you, Mu Jingchen, did you do the wound on my son's face?"

Mu Jingchen glanced at her impatiently, too lazy to bother.

Sun Yaqin didn't get angry, and scolded: "Mu Jingchen, you have no conscience. Even your brother treats you like this. You are crazy!"

Mu Jingchen's eyes were cold, and his eyes were dull.

"In terms of madness, I'm not half as good as your son."

Elder Mu was confused when he heard it, and asked, "Jing Chen, what's going on?"

Bai Liyue stood up and answered what grandpa had said.

"Grandpa, before Yahan disappeared, it was Mu Yebai who kidnapped her."

She didn't mention a word about Mu Yebai's intentions against her.

After all, it's not a glorious thing, if you get it to the face, everyone will have a dull face.

His kidnapping of Yahan was enough to let Grandpa know his guilt.

As soon as Bai Liyue spoke, Father Mu, Mu Zhiming, and even the four children were stunned.

"Uncle Yebai kidnapped godmother?"

Sambo jumped off the sofa and walked to Mu Yebai, wondering: "Why? Uncle Yebai, isn't the godmother your fiancee? Why are you hurting her?"

Wubao also got up and looked at him with his hips akimbo.

"Uncle Yebai, godmother is so good to you, why did you do this?"

Being questioned by a few children, Mu Yebai instantly lost her complacency.

He bowed his head slightly and was silent.

Elder Mu reacted from the shock and stood up and asked: "Ye Bai, you really did this thing?"

Mu Yebai looked at Grandpa's disappointed eyes and did not deny it.

"It's me, grandpa."

Father Mu was heartbroken, hating iron is not a steel road: "Why are you! Yahan is such a good girl, how can you be willing to hurt her!"

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