Listening to her slightly sad words, Mu Jingchen slowly got up, walked behind her, hugged her tightly, and tried to give her a little warmth.

"Perhaps, your parents have difficulties and have to leave you behind."

Bai Liyue raised her beautiful eyes, looking at the scenery outside the window, a wry smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"I once comforted myself in this way. They may have some difficulties in abandoning such a small me.

But thinking about it carefully, I can't think of any difficulties that would make them abandon such a small child. "

In the past, she could still use lies to deceive herself, feeling that her parents must have had no choice but to be abandoned.

But when she became a mother, she realized that even the slightest harm to her child would make her feel like a knife.

She couldn't deceive herself anymore.

I was left behind by my parents because they didn't need her at all.

Mu Jingchen listened to the lost tone of her mouth, his arms tightened again.

"It's okay, it's already over."

Bai Liyue lowered her head slightly and said with a chuckle: "Yes, it's already over."

Mu Jingchen did not notice that her eye circles were slightly red.

Even though it has been so many years since she was abandoned, she now has a happy life.

But the memory of that time was the pain of her life.

She was so young that she separated from her parents and became an orphan.

She will always remember the feeling of loneliness and despair, as if the whole world, there is only one redundant person.

Even now, when Mu Jingchen hugged her, he could still feel her lonely emotions.

He let go, gently straightened her body, let her face him.

Seeing her red eyes, he whispered softly: "Sorry, I mentioned something you don't want to remember."

Bai Liyue shook her head and leaned lightly on his chest.

"Actually, if you don't mention it, I occasionally think of it. To be honest, during the days in the orphanage, I wanted to find my parents every day.

At that time, in the orphanage, a couple would come every few days. These couples were basically people who were unable to have children or did not want to have children.

When they come to the orphanage, they pick a child who is close to their eyes and adopt them home as their own child.

At that time, all children wanted to be favored by a certain couple, to have their own home, and to have a parent who loved them.

It’s just me. Every time someone comes to adopt a child, I always hide in a corner, because I know that I have my own parents and I don’t need to go to other people’s homes.

I think they will come back to me one day. Every evening, I will sit at the entrance of the orphanage and wait for them.

However, they never came until the orphanage closed down. "

When she said this, she still had a touch of disappointment in her tone.

Even after so many years, she still remembers the days when she sat at the entrance of the orphanage and waited for her parents every evening.

Mu Jingchen put his arms around her and listened to her quietly.

"Since then, I never thought about going to my parents again, and it's the same until now.

Before, He Juan told me some news about my parents before he died, but I didn't want to look for it anymore.

After so many years, my desire to find my parents has long been wiped out. I just hope that each one will be well. "

Before that, she had a bit of resentment towards her parents in her heart.

However, as time passed, this resentment gradually faded.

Everyone has the right to choose their own life. Since they have decided to abandon her at the beginning, it means that they have given up this daughter.

Therefore, she does not need to be attached to this matter.

Mu Jingchen stroked her back, his voice was low and magnetic: "If you don't want to find it, we won't find it."


She closed her eyes and leaned quietly on his chest.

When she was with him, she could speak freely, telling the depression and depression in her heart.

He will also tolerate her any choice.

This kind of getting along made her feel relaxed and happy, and the depression in her heart disappeared instantly.

"Don't talk about this, the most important thing for us now is to get rid of Huangfuxun, otherwise, he has been secretly targeting us, and our lives will never be peaceful."

Mu Jingchen nodded lightly and gave her a relieved look.

"Although we can't grasp Huangfuxun's incident, we can start with another matter."

Bai Liyue raised her head, wondering: "What?"

Mu Jingchen looked at her in a daze and scratched the bridge of her nose lightly.

"Have you forgotten? Before Bai Yirou became a princess, it was Huangfuxun's secret help.

The reason why Bai Yirou was able to establish a relationship test with Huangfu Yeting in Jiangcheng was because Huangfuxun was the owner of the appraisal center in Jiangcheng.

I have secretly investigated, this appraisal center, the previous boss was not him, he bought it at a high price before Huangfu Ye Ting found Bai Yirou.

After that, Bai Yirou's identity as a fake princess was exposed, and the king ordered someone to investigate this appraisal center.

However, at that time, Huang Fuxun had eliminated the evidence first and also bought one of the heads of the appraisal center.

The person in charge only said that it was a mistake in the identification process, and Huang Fuxun took the responsibility, but Huang Fuxun glanced cleanly.

He was very careful in doing things, and wiped out the fact that he was the boss of the appraisal center. Therefore, the king shouldn't know until now that this matter has something to do with him. "

After hearing this, Bai Liyue frowned.

"This Huangfuxun is really an old fox, and he doesn't leak anything!"

Mu Jingchen disagreed, and slowly said: "Anyone who can stay in a high position in the palace for a long time is not comparable to ordinary people in terms of scheming and means. In addition, he is a prince. It is even more difficult for us to bring him down."

Having said that, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and there was a trace of mystery on his indifferent face: "But..."

He suddenly stopped, arousing Bai Liyue's curiosity.

"But what?"

"Although he can't bring him down, it's okay to give him a small punishment and a big admonishment."

Listening to his tone, Bai Liyue asked, "Do you have a way?"

Mu Jingchen did not directly answer her question.

He walked to the desk and pulled out a contract from the folder.

Bai Liyue took a look. This was the transfer contract of that appraisal center that Bai Yiruan Huangfu Ye Ting had previously appraised.

The above clearly stated that this appraisal center was transferred to Huangfuxun a few days before Bai Yirou and Huangfu Yeting went to do the appraisal.

Bai Liyue looked at him in surprise: "This is a confidential contract, how did you get it?"

Mu Jingchen lifted his lips lightly.

"As long as there are enough contacts, these things are not surprising."

Bai Liyue suddenly discovered that the Quan Family, like the rumors from the outside world, should not be underestimated.

The agency Bai Yirou did the appraisal was the largest appraisal center in Jiangcheng.

This contract was for Huang Fuxun to transfer the appraisal center to his boss.

Unexpectedly, Mu Jingchen was able to get him over.

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