Five Treasure to Find Dad, Mommy Is Super Powerful

Chapter 1143: Don't think about it

Seeing the king's tone with a hint of danger, Bai Liyue was about to explain, but Mu Jingchen stopped him first.

"Your Majesty, this contract has nothing to do with Riyue. I personally dragged someone to find the former boss of the appraisal center and convinced him to hand it over."

The king was asking Bai Liyue, but he took the first step, undoubtedly defending her.

Regarding this, the king looked at Mu Jingchen with curiosity.

"You are, husband and wife?"

Mu Jingchen did not hesitate: "Yes."

The king suddenly said meaningfully: "Bai Liyue, it seems that you have found a good husband."

For the king’s praise, Bai Liyue humbled: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

The king looked at them, as if thinking of something, his face gloomy.

Mu Jingchen took this opportunity to continue to say: "Your Majesty Mingjian, the reason why Liyue and I intervened in the fake princess did not intend to intervene in the royal family.

It's just that, in recent times, Liyue has been attacked many times and almost died. After we ascertained the cause, we discovered that it might be related to Prince Xun.

In this regard, we are very worried and doubtful. The status of Prince Xun is respected. We are also afraid of wronging him. Therefore, we have come to country Y to investigate this matter.

And only your Majesty the King can help us find out about this. We want to seek help from His Majesty, and we need a reason.

Therefore, he arbitrarily investigated the identification of the fake princess, hoping to use this as an excuse to allow Your Majesty to help investigate the Prince Xun. "

Mu Jingchen's expression was indifferent and his tone was sonorous and powerful, even when facing the king, he still remained unchanged.

He spoke very conservatively, and did not insist that Huang Fuxun did it.

After all, he can't testify against Huangfuxun now, if he insists, he will be grasped by Huangfuxun instead.

The king looked at him suspiciously and severely: "As you said, the prince has repeatedly framed Bai Liyue, is there any evidence?"

This matter is about the prince, but it is not just a conviction that can be convicted just by touching the lips.

Mu Jingchen had an indifferent face and said calmly, "No, the assassin and others who were ordered to harm Liyue before didn't know the employer's information at all, so there was no way to verify it.

That's why I went to my Majesty in private and sought his help. I also ask your Majesty to believe that I will never make fun of the lives of my family and my wife and children and deliberately frame the prince. "

His words moved the king a little.

Although he did not point out, the king could tell that he had determined that Huangfuxun was the murderer who recently injured Bai Liyue.

Otherwise, how could a calm person like Mu Jingchen say anything without verification.

But this matter is related to Huangfuxun, so we shouldn't let it go hastily.

The king still had doubts about what Bai Liyue said.

"I have probably understood this matter. Don't worry, if what you said is true, I will give you justice and will never deliberately protect it.

The prince’s matter is serious, and I will check it personally, but if you deliberately frame the prince and have ulterior motives, the consequences, I think, I don’t say you should also know. "

Mu Jingchen and Bai Liyue nodded at the same time.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The king put away the contract, and after looking at Bai Liyue and Mu Jingchen, he strode out of the pavilion.

Standing in the pavilion, Mu Jingchen looked at the back of the king with several guards, and whispered: "The king probably already has a score in his heart.

It's just that this matter is related to his relatives and the prince of country Y. It is necessary to find hard evidence to be convincing. "

Bai Liyue took a deep breath, faintly worried.

She looked at him puzzled: "Jing Chen, why did you tell the king directly about what Huangfuxun did against me?"

This matter, after all, they have no evidence.

Reporting the king's brother without evidence is really a dangerous move.

Seeing the worried look on her face, he took her hand and held it tightly.

"The reason I told the king directly was to give the king a vaccination in advance.

You think, if we report Huangfuxun to the king, Huangfuxun will surely know about this soon. At that time, in order to protect himself, he might kill our mouth.

At that time, if we are in any danger in country Y, the king will surely think of what I said to him today. At that time, without us taking action, he will thoroughly investigate Huangfuxun. "

Bai Liyue glanced at him with admiration.

This move uses offense as defense, but it works well.

He did not insist on Huangfuxun in front of the king, and then reported Huangfuxun to the king.

In this way, they had a way of retreat, and the king turned his attention to Huangfuxun.

"After the king returns to the palace, he will definitely send someone to confirm the authenticity of the contract. After that, he will cross-examine Huang Fuxun, and maybe he will let us enter the palace to testify."

Mu Jingchen nodded and led her out of the pavilion.

"Don't worry about this, we just wait, now it's time to pick up our son."

At this time, Mr. Qi Lang's concert with Sibao should have ended.

Thinking of Sibao, Bai Liyue urged: "Yes! We have to hurry back. When the curtain calls for a while, Sibao can't see us and will definitely be disappointed!"

The two trot all the way in the park towards the direction of the musical theatre.

Inside the palace.

Prince's bedroom.

Huang Fuxun, who was about to fall asleep, sat up abruptly after receiving a call.

"What are you talking about! Bai Liyue came to country Y and reported me to the king?"

His slightly cloudy eyes were full of cruelty.

The queen on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, you were too careless in doing things. Not only did you fail to get rid of this obtrusive thing, but instead let her grab the handle. This time, the king must be furious."

The queen's voice was a little reproachful, vaguely angry.

Although the target was Huang Fuxun, they were grasshoppers on the same boat.

Huang Fuxun couldn't sit still anymore and got out of bed, very upset.

"Your Majesty is very transparent. This time, he is absolutely wary of me. No, I must not sit and wait for death!"

The queen smiled slightly ironically.

"This is what makes you panic. Do you want to succeed Datong in the future?"

Huangfuxun's face was very ugly.

This matter is about the princess, it's important.

If one is inattentive, he will be planted in the ditch and will never be able to get up.

He naturally panicked.

He thinks that his work has always been perfect, how could he be caught by Bai Liyue!

"Or, I will send some people out tonight to solve her? This is country Y, I don't believe she can go forward a few times with such good luck!"

"Don't, now that the king knows about this, you do it now. If they get hold of the handle again, don't you just commit the crime and not provoke yourself?"

Huang Fuxun had a headache, pacing back and forth in the room.

The queen said directly: "Okay, your Majesty is back to the sleeping quarters. I won't tell you more about this. You must find a way to solve this matter. Otherwise, your Majesty will follow the vine, and no one will have a better life."

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