Dongfang Wan glanced at the study on the second floor of the sleeping hall, and then said to the maid at the door: "The prince is hungry, I'll go to the kitchen!"

The next day, afternoon.

Kate Hotel.

In a simple and stylish piano room.

Mu Jingchen and Sibao were sitting in front of the same piano with their fingers touching the keys, and they played a piano ensemble in a tacit understanding.

Sunlight poured into the house through the glass windows, and the melodious tunes spread throughout the piano room.

The whole room was instantly surrounded by soft music, warm and peaceful.

Bai Liyue chair leaned against the window, watching them two quietly, being their best listeners.

Sibao was in Jiangcheng before, and they were busy with their own affairs and rarely accompanied him.

Now, it is hard to have this free time.

Mu Jingchen accompanies Sibao to do what he likes, while she is watching quietly, is it not a rare happiness?

She quietly enjoyed the quiet time of this moment, with a gentle smile on her face.

Until the end of a piano song.

Bai Liyue gave them applause without hesitation.

"Sibao, you are great at playing, Mommy is proud of you."

Mu Jingchen glanced at Sibao with relief, stroking his soft hair fondly.

"Okay, it's been played all afternoon, take a rest."


Sibao's eyebrows were smiling, and his eyes were crescent-shaped.

After spending an afternoon with Daddy and Mommy, he felt extremely happy.

Bai Liyue had already ordered the hotel people to bring fruit snacks.

After playing, the three went to the lounge together.

After chatting for a while, Lin Ze walked in from outside.

"Mr. Mu, Madam, there is news from the palace that last night, Huang Fuxun was suddenly poisoned during his foot restraint and was sent to the Royal Hospital overnight for rescue. Only now is he out of danger."

Bai Liyue looked surprised: "Poisoned?"

Everyone in the royal family will be tested for drugs in advance. How could Huang Fuxun be poisoned?

Now that the king has not found out that the royal appraisal is indeed related to him, he is not desperate, and there is no possibility of committing suicide with fear of sin.

"Yes, Madam, the king has sent someone to the Prince's bedroom to check. There is no problem with the food he has eaten. The problem is that the mouth of the drinking cup has been smeared with poison."

Mu Jingchen's eyes were cold for an instant, and he concluded: "It seems that there are really other people in the palace who have helped Bai Yirou."

Bai Liyue immediately paid attention to what he meant.

The mouth of the cup is very poisonous, and someone definitely wants to kill Huang Fuxun.

Food from the royal family will be tested for poison in advance when it is sent to each hall, but empty cups will not be deliberately tested.

This person who wanted to put Huang Fuxun to death took advantage of this.

Some people want to put Huangfuxun to death at this time. Obviously, they want to make people feel that Huangfuxun committed suicide in fear of sin.

In this way, the king died of his brother, and his heart ached.

Therefore, Mu Jingchen came to the conclusion: Huang Fuxun was not the only one involved in the fake princess.

It seems that someone knew that the matter was revealed, and was afraid of causing the fire to burn themselves, so they couldn't wait to silence them.

Bai Liyue looked up at Lin Ze, wondering: "Since the mouth of the cup is highly poisonous, how can Huangfuxun be rescued?"

"Madam, it’s because Huangfuxun is more particular about drinking tea. He only drank the second tea. The first tea was poured out, which washed away a lot of venom from the mouth of the cup. Therefore, he was slightly poisoned and was rescued. ."

Bai Liyue suddenly realized, sighed: "His fate is pretty big."

At the same time, she felt a little headache.

Huang Fuxun was framed and poisoned at this time. If he died like this, it would be fine. Everyone would think that he committed suicide in fear of sin.

But now that he was rescued, the king knew that someone wanted to kill him.

You can also guess that this is someone who wants to destroy Huangfuxun.

So anxious to extinguish Huangfuxun's mouth, besides the person who really made hands and feet in the royal appraisal, who else?

With this incident, Huang Fuxun became a victim.

"Jing Chen, you said, who would be the one who made the hands and feet in the royal appraisal?"

Mu Jingchen leaned back in his seat lazily and shook his head: "As far as I know, no one in the royal family has any reason to risk helping Bai Yirou deceive the king."

Bai Liyue frowned tightly.

Then, he sighed again: "Forget it, don't care about it, who is involved in the royal appraisal has nothing to do with us."

This time, she just wanted to give Huang Fuxun a warning and a lesson, and also wanted to figure out why Huang Fuxun had been secretly targeting Bai Liyue.

Mu Jingchen kept his face gloomy.

"Huang Fuxun was poisoned, he will not let go, the palace, I am afraid that there will be trouble soon."

Having said that, he looked at Lin Ze: "What happened to the evidence for you to search for?"

Lin Ze bowed his head and said ashamed: "For Huangfuxun's use of Mu Yebai to frame his wife, we cannot find strong evidence for the time being.

Huangfuxun is very careful in doing things, and now Mu Yebai is unconscious and unable to serve as a witness. If he wants to prove it, I am afraid it will be very difficult. "

This matter made Mu Jingchen feel very difficult.

"Go down."

After Lin Ze stepped back, Bai Liyue looked at Mu Jingchen's gloomy expression and smiled and said: "Okay, don't think about it, even if we find evidence now, the king might not have time to take care of these things.

Huangfuxun was suddenly poisoned, and there was a mess in the palace.

It is rare to have the time to accompany the Sibao, so we will play with him for two days. When the affairs on the palace side are resolved, the king orders Huang Fuxun to be punished, and we will find a way. "

Mu Jingchen put all the affairs behind and smiled: "Okay."

Apart from Huang Fuxun, they came to Country Y this time to relax.

As Bai Liyue said, people are already in panic in the palace today.

The dignified prince was poisoned, enough to scare the entire palace.

Who the **** is it? How dare you?

The king has ordered that all the maids who made tea and cakes for Huangfuxun yesterday be captured and imprisoned for interrogation one by one.

The ministers were also sent to the main hall by the king to discuss the matter.

The king sat in the main seat, staring at the ministers in the hall with a serious expression.

"You said, who has the courage to murder the prince?"

In the hall, the two princes and the ministers all looked blank, not knowing why.

Huangfu Yuncheng suggested: "Father, since the mouth of the cup is smeared with poison, it must have been premeditated. It is not only to check the maid who made tea and cakes for the prince yesterday.

It's best to check again, except for the maid who made tea and cakes yesterday, who else has entered the Prince's kitchen. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Hans suddenly walked in from outside and replied: "Your Majesty, the prince, have checked the monitoring of the kitchen door, except for the maid who makes tea, only the maid in the prince's bedroom has entered. "

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