Mu Jingchen nodded slowly and said seriously: "I heard that finding Huangfu Nuoxi was the wish of the second prince's biological mother during his lifetime.

The reason why he has not given up after searching for so many years is probably to fulfill his mother's last wish. "

Bai Liyue wondered: "Last wish? So, the second prince's mother has passed away?"

"Well, I heard that after giving birth to the second prince, he got depression and committed suicide."

Knowing this, Bai Liyue sighed.

"On the previous visit to Country Y, the king talked about the second prince's mother. I can see that the king loved the second prince's biological mother.

The king loved her deeply, and she gave birth to a healthy son for the king. He should live a very happy life. How could he get depression? "

Mu Jingchen shook his head lightly.

He has never been interested in these.

Bai Liyue did not continue to ask these questions deeply, and returned to the topic.

"Now that Emperor Huangfu has been stripped of the title, it is equivalent to depriving him of his privileges and most of the power as a prince. It is impossible for him to do whatever he wants.

We gave him a warning. The purpose of coming to Country Y this time has been achieved. Now, we only need to figure out why he has always wanted to kill me. "

Mu Jingchen sat up straight, half leaning against the sofa.

"Huangfuxun is now being dealt with by the king, and he must have a grudge against us.

I think we don’t need to investigate at all, and he will definitely do it to you again soon.

By then, all mysteries will be revealed, and now all we have to do is wait. "

Huangfuxun had been secretly killing Bai Liyue, and it was not just because of Bai Yirou.

A Bai Yirou, there is no reason for him to be so inspiring.

Behind this, there must be a greater secret.

If you want to figure out the truth, you can only wait for him to do it again and grab the handle.

Royal palace.

Prince's bedroom.

Since the prince was cut off from the title and deprived of most of his privileges, the prince’s bedroom has been extremely deserted.

When the queen stepped into the hall of the dormitory, she saw only three or two maids cleaning, but did not see Huang Fuxun himself.

When the maid saw the queen walk in, she immediately stepped forward to salute.


The queen looked around, her face calm and said: "The prince's body has not yet healed. Your Majesty is worried about the prince's body, so I have a look at it. Where is the prince?"

The queen's explanation was reasonable.

The maid quickly replied: "After the toxins have been removed from the prince's body, his body is still very weak, and he has been resting in the room for the past two days."

"Take me to see."


The maid led the queen and went directly to the prince's room.

In Nuo Da's European-style room, Huang Fuxun was sitting on the edge of the bed in his nightgown.

He seemed to have guessed that someone would come, so he deliberately sat and waited.

He was obviously not surprised by the sudden arrival of the queen.

He opened the quilt and prepared to get out of bed to salute, but was stopped by the queen saying: "Prince, your body is not healed, so you don't need to be polite."

"Thanks Queen."

Huang Fuxun put aside his actions, sat down again, and told the maid who led the queen into the room: "What do you want to do, not to pour tea for the queen."

"Yes, Prince."

The maid in the sleeping hall was sent out by Huang Fuxun.

The queen also said to the maid who was with her: "You don't need to wait here anymore, I will say a few words with the prince separately."

The two maids who were with him were taken aback for a moment.

The queen and the prince stay in the same room alone, after all, it is inappropriate.

But they didn't dare to say much, nodded and replied: "Yes, Queen."

The two retired and waited at the door of the room.

In the room, only the queen and the prince were left.

The queen sat on the side of the bed and looked at Huang Fuxun.

Although the toxins in his body have been detoxified, his complexion is still blue, and he needs post-care to recover.

There was a little bit of distress on the queen's face.

"Is your body okay?"

She stretched out her hand and was about to touch Huangfuxun's face, but Huangfuxun pushed her hand away with a cold face.

"Don't be hypocritical!"

Huangfuxun's suddenly indifferent attitude made the queen look suspicious.

"What's wrong?"

Huang Fuxun sneered: "What's wrong? It's about this time, and it's necessary to pretend? I'll be poisoned. You sent someone to do it!"

The queen looked surprised and frowned: "Why do you think that? I sent someone to poison you, what good do I have?"

"Oh, I'm dead, and there are many benefits to you. Bai Yirou's matter is not my own idea. If I die, can't you just retreat?"

Huangfuxun looked angry.

Except for the queen, he couldn't think of anyone who wanted to kill him.

It's nothing more than that the queen was afraid of being betrayed by him, and that she would be involved.

Hearing what he said, the queen got up angrily.

"What are you talking about! In your eyes, I am such a person?"

Huangfuxun looked at her coldly and asked, "Apart from you, who else would be so insidious and so impatient to want my life?"

He knew that the queen had too many secrets, and the queen turned her face and refused to recognize anyone. He didn't feel surprised that she wanted to kill his mouth.

A look of disappointment appeared in the queen's eyes.

"After so many years, I didn't expect you to think of me like this! If I wanted you to die, would I wait until now?"

These words made Huang Fuxun a little doubtful in his heart.

Indeed, she wanted him to die, and there were too many opportunities to make it so obvious.

Besides, he hasn't fallen from power yet, and the queen can't commit murder.

"It's not you, who would it be?"

Huangfuxun was dubious.

In this palace, he has never offended anyone, and no one dared to oppose him.

The queen frowned and replied: "This matter, I also think it's very strange. The palace man who was caught hiding the poison is unwilling to tell the person behind the scenes."

Speaking of this, there was a trace of fortune on her face.

"However, it is a good thing that you are poisoned at this juncture. Your Majesty is investigating the previous royal appraisal in the past few days.

But I thoroughly checked all the doctors in the Royal Hospital, but there was no useful information. At this time, you were murdered and poisoned.

Your Majesty now naturally believes that it was the person who really did the tricks in the royal appraisal. Therefore, your suspicion has been dispelled.

Now, although your Majesty knows that you did the fake princess, you insist that you did this foolish thing because he wanted to realize his dream of finding his daughter. Even if he didn't believe it, he had to believe it.

Otherwise, how could you just cut the title as simple as that? Using the fake princess to try to rebel is an unreasonable capital crime! "

Huangfuxun didn't show the slightest fear on his face, but a little anger appeared vaguely.

"This time, if it weren't for Mu Jingchen and Bai Liyue, I don't know where to get the transfer contract from the appraisal center, I wouldn't have retreated and admitted this to your majesty, and I have fallen to this point!"

Speaking of Bai Liyue's name, a cloud of haze suddenly appeared in the queen's eyes.

"This woman is really getting in the way. Now, she has come to Country Y, which is even more detrimental to us."

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