His already silent heart was again dyed with hope at this moment.


He shouted at the front.

But the distance was too far, and the sound of the waves from the sea overwhelmed his voice, and the woman on the yacht could not hear him.

Seeing the yacht farther and farther away, he was anxious and couldn't wait to find her.

At the same time, Huangfuxun suddenly appeared behind him.

"Your Majesty, you suddenly left the banquet, I'm here to take a look."

When the king saw him, his eyes were red, and he moved forward and grabbed his elbow.

"I saw Suying! She is on the yacht ahead! Hurry, send a yacht over, I'm going to find her!"

With complicated emotions in Huangfuxun's eyes, he did not directly agree, but asked: "Your Majesty, are you dazzled? Queen Suying has been dead for many years."

Back then, when the king married Feng Suying, country Y was not monogamous.

After Feng Suying married him, she was named queen along with the queen of the current king.

The king still stared at the yacht in the sea ahead, and said firmly: "I can't admit it! She's not dead! Quick, let someone find a yacht!"

"Okay, Your Majesty, don't worry, I will arrange it right away!"

Huang Fuxun strode out of the outdoor balcony.

At the balcony door, he said to Hans who was guarding the door: "Your Majesty needs a yacht, go and prepare it now."

Hans looked puzzled.

"What does your Majesty want a yacht for?"

Without changing his face, Huang Fuxun explained: "The front is a tourist attraction. Your Majesty finally came out and wanted to go to the sea to see the beautiful scenery."

Hans glanced at the open-air balcony, and the king still stared at the sea ahead.

He retracted his eyes, nodded and said: "Okay, I'll get ready now."

Hans turned and left the house to prepare for the yacht.

Seeing him walking away, Huangfuxun said to the other two guards at the door: "Your Majesty didn't eat much just now. Go to the kitchen and bring something over to pad your stomach."

The two guards hesitated.

By the side of the king, he would never leave anyone.

Huangfuxun knew their concerns and motioned them to look to the balcony.

"Your Majesty is very safe here, and, here is me, what are you afraid of? If you let your Majesty go hungry and break your body, can you bear it?"

The guard was frightened, and immediately said, "Yes, we will go right away."

After the people at the door passed away, Huang Fuxun took out his cell phone and dialed a call.

"Everyone is distracted, come here quickly!"

After saying this, he hung up the phone and went back to the outdoor balcony.

At the same time, a yacht stopped by the open-air balcony.

On the yacht, the staff immediately put down a long ladder.

Huang Fuxun stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the yacht is ready and ready to go up."

The king saw that the yacht Feng Suying was on had almost disappeared from his sight, and almost without thinking, he got up the long ladder and entered the yacht in front of him.

"Quick! Catch up with the yacht ahead!"

Wait until Hans is ready for the yacht and come back here.

The king was no longer there, and even the two guards guarding the door were missing.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

He ran out of the balcony, searching anxiously.

The two guards who had been guarding the door just came back with the food and bumped into Hans.

Hans immediately asked: "Where is your majesty? Why don't you stay here?"

"The prince said that your Majesty didn't eat much just now, let us prepare some food."


Hans immediately realized that something was wrong, and said anxiously: "Your Majesty is not here, look for it!"


at this time.

The cars of Mu Jingchen and Bai Liyue reached the area in front of the old house.

After the two got out of the car with Sibao, they saw many guards guarding the door of the old house in front of them.

"That's it, it seems that the banquet is not over yet, we're here early."

When Sibao got off the car, he was attracted by the beautiful surroundings.

It is dusk now, and the sky has gradually dimmed.

The front is endless, as if there are several yachts floating on the sea connected to the sky.

Sibao's eyes lit up at once.

"Daddy, Mommy, we have to wait anyway, or let's go to the sea to blow the air, it must be very comfortable!"

The two looked at each other, and both felt that Sibao's proposal was good.

The family banquet between the king and the princes and nobles is at least a few hours, and they are also very boring to wait here.

Bai Liyue nodded and smiled: "I heard that the sea in country Y is the most beautiful. We will all leave here tomorrow. We may not have a chance to come here in the future. It would be nice to appreciate it."

Sibao jumped up happily.

"I will take a lot of photos in a while and show them to Dabao!"

Mu Jingchen looked at his wife and children so interested, he was naturally obedient.


After answering, he raised his hand to summon Lin Ze.

"Send a yacht over and I will take them to the sea to have a look. You will be waiting here. When the king's family banquet is over, you will notify me immediately."

"Good Mr. Mu."

In front of this area is the scenic spot, and yachts can be rented immediately.

Not long after, a yacht stopped in the waters in front of Bai Liyue and several people.

Bai Liyue and Mu Jingchen walked up together, holding Sibao and one hand.

The sky gradually darkened.

The sea view at this time is the most beautiful.

Bai Liyue's family of three came to the yacht deck, enjoying the gentle sea breeze and moving around freely.

The air is mixed with the smell of the sea and residual sunlight.

"Daddy, Mommy, look what I brought!"

Sibao raised the camera in his hand and shook it.

Bai Liyue smiled at the corner of her lips, and said in doubt: "Where did it come from?"

"It was given to me by the uncle who worked in the yacht. He said that it was a gift for renting a yacht and was specially used for tourists to take pictures."

At the same time, the staff inside the yacht came over and asked politely: "Sir, miss, do you need to take a picture? I can take a family portrait for you."

Bai Liyue couldn't help but praised: "Your service is really good."

"this is what we are supposed to do."

After the staff finished speaking, Sibao had put the camera in his hand into his hand.

"Uncle, please take me and Daddy more handsome."

The staff was amused by her and replied: "Little handsome guy, don't worry, the looks of you and your daddy are the best I have ever seen. No matter how bad my technique is, I won’t be ugly. ."


Bai Liyue smiled without impurities, stretched out her hand to hold Mu Jingchen's arm, and took the Sibao again.

The three people stood on the deck posing in various poses, and the staff helped to take pictures.

After taking the photo, Bai Liyue made a video call to Dabao and the others.

The four children far away in Jiangcheng were very happy to see Daddy and Mommy.

"Daddy Mommy, the sea view on your side is so beautiful!"

"Sibao, are you having fun over there?"

"Mommy, the sea view over there is so beautiful, you turn the camera over, I want to enjoy it!"

"I also want to see!"

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