Five Treasure to Find Dad, Mommy Is Super Powerful

Chapter 1168: I just want her to be safe

Lin Ze has led nearly a hundred people into the deep sea, looking for the traces of Bai Liyue.

But after searching for more than an hour, she didn't find any trace of her at all.

Soon after, Lin Ze climbed onto the yacht.

Seeing Mr. Mu and Young Master still standing on the yacht deck waiting in the rain, he hurried forward to report.

"Mr. Mu, there is no news from your wife. The rain is too heavy. You and the young master will go in to avoid the rain!"

Mu Jingchen was expressionless, the rain crackled on his handsome face, but he didn't seem to feel it.

In response to Lin Ze's dissuasion, he only spit out three words coldly: "Keep looking!"

Lin Ze no longer persuaded each other, and nodded in response: "Yes!"

Then, Lin Ze jumped off the yacht again, dived into the deep sea, and searched for Bai Liyue with the people under his hands.

On the deck, Sibao lay his hands on the guardrail, watching the waves below.

In the darkness, the waves were raging and rushing towards the yacht like beasts, which was extremely terrifying.

Sibao frowned and turned to look at Daddy.

"Daddy, it's been so long, Mommy won't..."

"Will not."

Mu Jingchen interrupted Sibao's words instantly.

He approached Sibao and stroked Fu Sibao's hair wet on his forehead: "You are on the yacht, don't catch a cold."

Sibao stubbornly shook his head.

"No, I'm worried about Mommy, I want to wait for Mommy here."


Without waiting for the Four Treasures to say anything, Mu Jingchen took his hand firmly and let him into the room inside the yacht.

At the door of the room, Mu Jingchen told his subordinates: "Take care of the young master, let him take a hot bath, and don't let him run around."

"Yes, Mr. Mu."

Mu Jingchen immediately looked at Sibao and said: "After taking a bath, take a good night's sleep. When you wake up, Daddy will find your mommy back."

The moment he turned around, Sibao grabbed his wrist.

"Daddy, I want to go with you."

Mu Jingchen looked at his expectant gaze, withdrew his hand without hesitation, and said indifferently: "No."

After that, he got out of the yacht without saying a word, leaving the Four Treasures alone at the door of the house.

Sibao knew what Daddy wanted to do, and when he wanted to keep up, he was stopped by the bodyguard at the door.

"Little Master, Mr. Mu has ordered, you can't run around."

Sibao looked at her bodyguard with a worried expression on her face and said, "But my mommy hasn't fallen there yet. I want to follow Daddy to find her. Don't stop me!"

The bodyguard forcibly stood in front of Sibao.

"Young Master, please trust Mr. Mu. If you go, Mr. Mu will take care of you with all his heart."

Sibao lowered his eyes, thought, and nodded.

He glanced at the direction where Daddy had just left, and said in his heart: Daddy, you must bring Mommy back safely.

Outside the yacht.

In the heavy rain, the bodyguard held an umbrella for Mu Jingchen.

Mu Jingchen was tied with a rope and wore a life jacket.

When preparing to go to sea in person, the bodyguards who remained on the yacht stepped forward to stop him.

"Mr. Mu, in this situation, if you go to the sea, it is very likely to be dangerous. Several of our brothers who went to the sea have lost contact. They are all very water-based. You must not take any more risks!"

The sea is now dark and the waves are tumbling.

Coupled with strong winds and torrential rains, if there is a danger in the sea, it will not be noticed at all.

Want to find people in the vast ocean, like finding a needle in a haystack, is it easier said than done?

After Mu Jingchen tied the ropes on his body, he pushed away the bodyguards in front of him and jumped into the sea without hesitation.

He naturally knows the danger, but let him wait for the news, his heart is more tormented than anyone.

He ignored the others.

Now, I just want to see her safe.

at this time.

In the old house where the king hosted a family dinner.

The queen, Huangfu Yuncheng, Huangfu Yeting, and other princes and nobles all waited anxiously at the gate of the house.

Before the king suddenly disappeared, Hans hurriedly reported to the queen and the two princes.

After that, Hans sent people to find the king until now.

At this time, the queen and her party were all standing at the door, watching the pouring rain outside, waiting for news from the king and Huangfuxun.

Huangfu Ye Ting was pacing back and forth on the spot, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

"No, I have to find the father myself!"

He finally couldn't wait and wanted to go out and find it himself.

As soon as he finished speaking, Hans hurried back with someone from outside.

Behind him was Huangfuxun who was covered in blood.

When Huang Fuxun saw the queen and the crowd, he looked sad, thumped and knelt before the queen, slapped himself reproachfully.

"Queen, I did not protect your Majesty, please punish you!"

His move caused everyone in the room to breathe.

Huangfu Ye Ting's expression changed suddenly, and he quickly stepped forward and asked, "Uncle Wang, what do you mean? What's wrong with my father!"

When asked this way, Huang Fuxun choked up and cried so much that he couldn't speak.

The queen looked surprised, looked at Hans, and said nervously: "Hans, what the **** happened?"

Huangfu Yuncheng also took two steps forward, and said in surprise: "Hans, what happened to the father, how about the others!"

The other princes and nobles are also waiting for Hans to reply.

Hans knelt immediately and reported with a sad expression: "When we found the yacht where your Majesty was on, we only saw that the Prince was injured, and his Majesty was nowhere to be found!

I have sent someone to search the sea, but nothing was found. I didn't protect your Majesty. Please punish the queen! "

When Hans arrived at Huangfuxun's yacht, he saw no other people except Huangfuxun and a man in a guard uniform.

The man in the guard uniform told Hans: The king was assassinated, and Huang Fuxun was wounded to save the king. After the assassins had assassinated the king, they jumped into the sea and fled.

The queen was startled by the news and took a few steps back.

She grabbed Huangfuxun's collar out of control, and asked sharply, "How could this be...Prince, your Majesty!"

Huangfuxun’s muddy old eyes were filled with tears, and recalled: “Before, your Majesty said that he wanted to take a yacht to relax at sea, so I asked Hans to send one over.

After Hans left, a yacht stopped right in front of His Majesty. He thought it was a yacht sent by Hans, so he went straight on.

I was worried about your majesty's safety, and I went on the yacht with him, but I didn't expect that the yacht had only been driven far, and a group of people suddenly appeared on it, and I assassinated my majesty without saying a word.

I tried my best to protect your Majesty, but there were too many people on the other side and the goal was very clear. After that, I was stabbed by them, and his Majesty was also mutilated by them and thrown into the sea!

Fortunately, Hans arrived in time, and I saved my fate. I was a sinner. At that time, I should give everything to save your Majesty! "

Having said that, Huangfuxun beat the ground and cried bitterly.

Several princes and nobles looked at each other in shock.

When the queen heard the news, she sat staggered on the ground, her eyes flushed for a second, and her mouth whispered: "Your Majesty, no, your Majesty will be fine, he will be fine..."

Huangfu Yuncheng was stunned and surprised.

"Okay, how can anyone assassinate King Father! Hans, as the head of the guard, you should protect King Father 24 hours a day. How can you give people the opportunity to assassinate King Father!"

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