The king settled his mind and sighed.

"For so many years, Huang Fuxun has hidden deeply. If it weren't for being demoted this time, he would have nowhere to show his wolf ambition. I really don't know when I can see him through."

Bai Liyue saw that the father was not only angry with Huangfuxun, but also disappointed and painful.

The brothers who usually have deep feelings are actually poisonous snakes who lie in ambush by their side, who can kill people if they take the opportunity.

The king was angry and heartache, but even more chilling.

Seeing the sadness of his father, Bai Liyue asked: "Father, I heard from the outside world that when you were elected the royal heir many years ago, only Huang Fuxun stood up and supported you unconditionally.

From this point of view, he has no interest in the throne, and he has a deep brotherhood with you. Even if he is demoted this time, he is responsible for himself. Why would he be so cruel to kill you? "

The king shook his head and recalled what Huangfuxun said when he murdered him.

"Everyone has misunderstood, even I have been kept in the dark by him for many years!

In fact, the reason why he fully supported me as heir to the royal family was because he overheard what my father said.

My father, the king, had already preferred me to be the next king. After Huang Fuxun knew about it, he pretended to support close to me in order to make a profit. Because of this, I was deceived by him for so many years! "

Bai Liyue suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be so."

Sure enough, there must be a reason.

If Huangfuxun really has a deep brotherhood with the king, he would not be hurt by him in any way.

Now, she understood everything.

Huangfuxun knew from the beginning that he could not be a king, so he simply took refuge in his father and became a person who supported him unconditionally.

Huangfu Zhenghong thought of his brotherhood, and would never treat him badly in the future.

As a result, he sits firmly in the position of prince for many years.

Now because of being disgraced and turned into anger, he reveals his true colors.

This scheming makes people feel scared even after hearing it.

"Father, your body is weak now and you need to be quiet, don't think about it so much, when you have your body well, we will send you back to the palace."

The king looked at Bai Liyue, Ben with a painful face evoked a gratified smile.

He took Bai Liyue's hand and said with emotion: "Although this experience is dangerous, but fortunately, I finally found my daughter. If your mother knows, I believe she will be very happy too!"

Speaking of her mother, Bai Liyue still had countless questions in her heart.

Why did my mother abandon her back then?

Why did he have to wait until he left his father to tell him that there is still a daughter?

Just as Bai Liyue was about to ask, Lin Ze suddenly walked in from outside.

He looked a little excited, holding the appraisal result in his hand, and handed it directly to Bai Liyue.

"Madam, the results of your appraisal with His Majesty the King have come out!"

Bai Liyue reached out and took it.

Before moving her gaze to the appraisal result, she felt a little nervous.

She almost held her breath and mustered the courage to look at the result.

The results showed that the father-daughter relationship was established after identification.

Her nervous mood suddenly became clear.

Although she had guessed the result a long time ago, when she saw this iron proof of blood relationship, the remaining doubts in her heart finally disappeared.

She really found her relatives.

She put down the identification results and looked at the king.

The king knew that this was the identification of the two of them, but he didn't rush to take it and look at it.

Bai Liyue handed the identification to him.

"Father, don't you want to see it?"

The king gave a deep smile and looked at her lovingly.

"Father can feel that you are my daughter, there is nothing wrong with it."

As early as when he was stabbed by Huangfuxun and thrown into the bottom of the sea, the king thought that his life would end there.

But when his body was sinking gradually and he was about to lose consciousness, Bai Liyue swam over from the front and rescued him without hesitation.

He was thinking at the time, why such a girl who had nothing to do with him would desperately save him.

After living on the desert island, Bai Liyue ignored her physical discomfort, endured the high fever and encouraged him. When taking care of him, somewhere in his heart was easily warmed by this girl.

At that time, he suddenly recognized it.

She must be her own daughter.

He never believed in feelings, but this time, he did.

When his eyes touched the identification result, the king just gave a faint smile.

At the same time, he looked out the window and mourned: Suying, I have found our daughter.

But where are you?

The palace, the main hall.

Standing in the middle of the main hall, Huangfuxun looked down at the ministers in the hall with an arrogant expression.

A minister is reporting to him the latest important news.

"Prince, there has been no rain in Zhoucheng on the border of Country Y for more than a year. There has been a severe drought throughout the year.

Zhoucheng was originally a poverty-stricken area, and now many people have run out of food. Officials from Zhoucheng came this morning, hoping to get help. "

When Huang Fuxun heard the news, he instantly felt that God was giving him a chance.

There was a drought in Zhoucheng. If he could save the people from the deep waters, he would definitely win the support of the people.

So he spoke directly and ordered: "The people are suffering, we can't ignore it. What are we waiting for, immediately open the treasury to help the victims!"

As soon as these words came out, the hall was extremely silent.

Huangfu Yeting stepped forward and frowned: "Uncle Wang, the treasury can only be controlled with permission from the father, but now, there has been no news from the father for three days..."

After speaking, he sighed.

It was a word of truth, but Huang Fuxun's face was blackened.

He felt that Huangfu Ye Ting was a metaphor for his inability to control the treasury.

However, he did not show dissatisfaction on the surface, suppressing the anger in his heart.

"The second prince is right. It is indeed against the rules to open the treasury without authorization, but now the people in Zhoucheng are in dire straits. If the treasury is not opened, where can there be so much money to help the victims?"

Huangfu Yuncheng suggested: "Why, let us and the ministers first make a small contribution to help the victims.

At least, it can alleviate the current suffering of the victims. As for the establishment of the national treasury, wait until the father is found, and then decide! "

The treasury is the foundation of a country. Since ancient times, no one has been qualified to control it except the prince of a country.

Huangfu Yuncheng's proposal, although some ministers were unwilling, there was no better way at the moment.

Huangfu Ye Ting nodded and said, "I agree with Brother Wang's proposal. After a while, I will let the maid in the dormitory count the existing assets in my name and donate all of them to Zhoucheng."

The prince took the lead in donating money, and the ministers behind it were too difficult for him to refuse.

"The prince, the second prince, I would also like to contribute."

"And me, I am also willing to do my part for the victims!"

With so many donations, although the problem cannot be solved from the root cause, it can at least solve the difficulties of the victims now.

Seeing that so many ministers agreed with Huangfu Ye Ting's words, Huangfuxun's eyes were completely dark, and his hands behind his back were clenched tightly.

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