Feng Suying then stopped.

"In a few days?"

Huangfu Liyue nodded and smiled.

"Brother Wang wants to assassinate his mother. This heir is definitely not related to him.

Therefore, the father had decided to pass the throne to Ye Ting in a few days.

At that time, the father and the king will have plenty of time to accompany his mother. "

As soon as she spoke, the smile on Feng Suying's face became stiff with naked eyes.

Seeing her mother suddenly lost her mind, she asked, "Mother, what's the matter?"

Feng Suying gave a far-fetched smile.

"My mother thinks that Ye Ting is still too young to be able to bear the burden. Is your father's decision too hasty?"

Huangfu Liyue disagrees.

"Mother, since the father made this decision, he must have his reason. As for other things, you don't have to worry about it."

After speaking, she held up her mother's arm casually: "Okay, mother, don't talk about it, the ministers' wives are still waiting for you in front."

Royal garden.

More than a dozen ministers’ wives were dressed gorgeously, waiting to greet Feng Suying at the door.

When Feng Suying and Huangfu Liyue arrived here, they all bowed together.

"Meet Queen Suying, Princess Liyue."

"Ladies, don't be polite."

Feng Suying was very approachable, and personally stepped forward to help the minister's wife up.

The wives of these ministers have since heard of the king's love for this Suying queen.

They all want to take this opportunity to get close to Hefeng Suying's set.

After being helped by Feng Suying, a marquise couldn't wait to step forward to show her courtesy.

"Queen Suying, I have long heard of your beautiful face, but now that we see it, it really makes us feel ashamed."

Feng Suying smiled shyly, raised her hand to touch her face, and said humbly: "This lady is joking, she's getting old, so she can talk about her beautiful face."

Although she said so, the corners of her mouth were still smiling.

After all, which woman does not want to be praised for being beautiful and young?

Seeing that Feng Suying was in a good mood, the other ladies also gathered around.

"Queen Suying, if you are old, aren't we all old women!"

"Yes, Queen, you are too modest, you are now the most noble and beautiful woman in our country Y!"

This sound of praise was very useful to Feng Suying.

These ministers’ wives are right, she is indeed the most noble woman in country Y now.

Seeing these women bow their heads to her, her eyes showed an unconcealable sense of superiority.

Huangfu Liyue stood by, watching her mother's eyes.


The king, who had dealt with state affairs for a whole day, returned to his bedroom tiredly.

Feng Suying saw him coming back and stepped forward to take his coat.

"Mashiro, I have been busy all day, and I have worked hard."

The king took the cup from the maid and took a sip.

Then, he looked at Feng Suying and said, "Suying, today the wives of those ministers accompanied you on the garden to enjoy the scenery. Did you have a comfortable time to play?"

"Very good, Masahiro, you don't have to miss me too much. Even if you are not by my side, I don't feel bored."

The king took her hand.

"Why don't you feel bored when you are alone in the sleeping hall? Suying, I know that you are always virtuous and don't want to trouble me.

Don't worry, I have arranged for Ye Ting to take over the affairs in the palace, and after two days, I will be completely free. "

Feng Suying's eyes were a little weird, her face still had a gentle smile.

"I heard Nuoxi say that you plan to pass the throne to Ye Ting?"

The king nodded solemnly.

"I have two sons in total. Since Yuncheng is not up to this position, it is the same for Ye Ting to take over."

Seeing his serious look, Feng Suying curled her eyebrows and said, "Why don't you discuss such a big matter with me?"

The king frowned slightly.

"Suying, the matter of passing the throne is a matter of politics. Non-royal officials are not allowed to do politics. Don't you know the truth?"

Feng Suying's expression was a bit unnatural.

"I don't want to be in politics, I'm just worried that Ye Ting, he is still so young, you let him carry this important task."

The king patted the back of her hand, and comforted: "You are too worried, Ye Ting is far more capable than we thought, and he can take on this great task.

You don't have to worry, I will take care of everything. After I abdicate, we will go to Country Z together to see Nuoxi's home in Jiangcheng. "

After speaking, he didn't give her a chance to speak again, and stood up and said, "Suying, I'm a little tired, so I went upstairs to take a shower."

What Feng Suying wanted to say stopped in her mouth, her face full of resentment.

Two days later.

The king announced that he formally abdicated.

The throne was temporarily taken over by Huangfu Yeting, assisted by ministers.

After the abdication ceremony was over, Huangfu Zhenghong let go of his heavy responsibilities and couldn't wait to return to the palace.

When she came to Feng Suying's room, she was looking out the window in a daze, as if she had something on her mind.

Huangfu Zhenghong looked at her back and said, "Suying, the abdication ceremony is over, let's go."

Feng Suying was taken aback, turned her head and looked at him.

"Where to go?"

Huangfu Zhenghong walked up to her and took her hand.

"You forgot, I said that when I abdicate, we will go to Jiangcheng of Country Z to see Nuoxi's current home."

Feng Suying looked at him in surprise.

"So fast?"

He smiled and nodded.

"Living the lives of ordinary people is our lifelong wish. I can't wait to leave the palace and feel the breath of freedom."

Feng Suying didn't have any joy on her face, she just raised a smile with difficulty.

"Then, when do we come back?"

Huangfu Zhenghong didn't answer yet. Huangfu Liyue didn't know when he appeared at the door of the room and replied on her behalf: "Mother, Jiangcheng is a very beautiful city. If you and your father go there, you will not be willing to leave.

I also discussed with Jing Chen. If you and your father are used to living, you will stay with us in Jiangcheng from now on. As for the palace, if you want to come back, we can come back occasionally. "

Hearing that he might live in Jiangcheng in the future, Feng Suying's face was completely unstretched.

"I dont go."

Her decisive refusal made Huangfu Zhenghong's face sink.

Huangfu Liyue looked at her suspiciously.

"Mother, don't you want our family to live together in the future? Or, you don't want to leave the palace?"

"of course not."

Feng Suying immediately explained: "I'm just, I can't worry about Ye Ting."

Huangfu Liyue explained, "Mother, Ye Ting has grown up, and now there is Lingxi taking care of him, why don't you rest assured?"

"Suying, don't worry about your children, Anxin and Nuo Xi will go to Jiangcheng with me!"

Under Huangfu Zhenghong's persuasion, Feng Suying could not refuse, but could only agree.

"Well, Masahiro, Nuoxi, when I pack things, I will leave with you."

"Mother, don't clean up first. Ye Ting learned that we are leaving the palace today and set up a table in the bedroom. Let's go first."

A strange color appeared in Feng Suying's eyes, and then she nodded lightly.

"Okay, let's go first."

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