She also wanted to see how her aunt pretended to be her mother!

So she grabbed Feng Su's chin, lifted her face, and touched her skin with her hands.

Feng Su tried to resist, but failed because he couldn't match Huangfu Liyue's strength.

After Huangfu Liyue touched her face, she found that the skin on her chin was a little loose, and she was wearing a very thick concealer.

She looked around, then picked up the makeup remover on the makeup table and wiped the concealer off "Mother"'s face.

"Mother" was revealed in an instant.

She could clearly see that the surrounding area of ​​"Mother"'s face was red and purple, and in severe cases, dead skin had even protruded, as if the whole face was about to "fall" off.

She touched a corner of the dead skin, ready to tear off the "mother" disguise and show her true colors.

But just after tearing it a little, Feng Su screamed, his face full of pain.

Huangfu Liyue stopped when she saw a lot of blood coming out of her face.

This raised dead skin seems to be her disguise, but after opening it a little, there is blood underneath, as if it was stuck with her flesh and blood.

"What the **** is going on, why is your face like this?"

Feng Su's face was contorted from the pain.

She covered her chin and stared at Huangfu Liyue.

"Nuoxi, what are you trying to do! I said, I'm your mother!"

Huangfu Liyue is not stupid.

Although Feng Su's face has only one layer of skin, it can be seen from the red and purple on the edge of the face that there is something wrong with this face!

Seeing that her aunt refused to admit it, she grabbed her aunt's collar and threatened, "Aunt, I have a bad temper. If you pretend to be my mother again, I don't mind tearing the skin off your face!"

Feng Su was stunned.

Just now Huangfu Liyue tore off the dead skin on her face slightly, and she was already in pain.

If she ripped off her face directly, she couldn't imagine the pain.

Besides, it would make her unrecognizable from now on.

After deliberation, she looked up at Huangfu Liyue and asked tentatively, "You, why do you think I'm not your mother?"

Huangfu Liyue knew that she was still holding on to luck and broke her fantasy without hesitation.

"I have done a paternity test with you. The test result is that we are not mother-daughter relationship at all. Aunt, when are you going to pretend?"

Feng Su looked surprised.

Unexpectedly, she would think of doing an appraisal in private...

Seeing that she could no longer pretend, she immediately explained, "Nuoxi, listen to me..."

Huangfu Liyue interrupted her with a cold face.

"Shut up, you don't deserve my nickname, tell me where is my mother!"

Feng Su looked at her scarlet eyes and could already predict her own ending.

If she didn't tell her the truth, she would definitely kill her.

"Liyue, your mother, your mother..."

Feng Su was about to tell Feng Suying's whereabouts.

But halfway through, she suddenly saw that the man who had tied her up in the room was gradually approaching Huangfu Liyue.

And, this man holds a syringe in his hand.

When Huangfu Liyue questioned Feng Su and was unprepared, the needle in the man's hand was inserted straight into her back!

When Huangfu Liyue noticed a tingling on her back, it was too late.

She suddenly felt numb and lost all consciousness.

Then, she loosened Feng Su's collar and fell down.

The room suddenly fell silent.

Feng Su looked at Huangfu Liyue who was lying beside his feet, and was a little stunned for a while.

Aren't these people with Huangfu Liyue?

Feng Su looked at Quan Zhengrong in surprise, and Quan Zhengrong was also looking at her.

She didn't know Quan Zhengrong, she didn't know whether this man was an enemy or a friend, and she didn't even know what the current situation was.

However, she didn't have time to think about it.

Huangfu Liyue has fainted, which indicates that she is not in danger for the time being.

Moreover, judging from Quan Zhengrong's appearance, he came to Huangfu Liyue.

So, Feng Su walked up to him and said cautiously, "This gentleman, since I have nothing to do, I'll go first?"

After speaking, she tentatively walked past Quan Zhengrong, trying to escape.

But before he took two steps, he was captured by Quan Zhengrong's men.

Feng Su was terrified, looked at this man he had never met, and begged for mercy: "Sir, we have no grievances, you don't have to kill me, right?"

Quan Zhengrong smiled meaningfully.

"We really have no grievances or enmity, but if you leave, I can't go back and explain."

Feng Su was puzzled, but he was aware of the maliciousness in his eyes.

"You, what do you mean?"

He smiled lightly and ignored her, but looked at Huangfu Liyue, who was unconscious on the ground, and instructed his men: "Take them all away!"

Dihua Group.

Mu Jingchen sent away important clients and walked out of the conference room.

Lin Ze walked beside him and muttered, "Mr. Mu, it's really strange to say that this client has an appointment with us to discuss next month, but there is a surprise attack tonight, so you have to come so late. company."

Mu Jingchen did not answer.

He raised his hand and looked at his watch, it was almost eleven o'clock at night.

The meeting lasted for two hours.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, ready to call Huangfu Liyue and tell her to go home immediately.

But when I took out my phone, I found two missed calls from my grandfather on it.

Grandpa knew he was busy and rarely called when he was working.

So, he went back immediately.

After ten seconds of ringing, the phone was picked up.

It wasn't grandpa who answered the phone, but a maid in Yujingbieyuan.


"Where's grandpa?"

The maid immediately heard Mu Jingchen's voice, and immediately replied: "Master, the old lady and the young master are already asleep.

The old man knew that you would call back, so he asked me to tell you that the lady left in a hurry after receiving a call at night. The old man called you because she was afraid of something. "

Mu Jingchen's cold brows furrowed.

"Where's Madam?"

"I am not sure as well."

He immediately hung up the phone and called Huangfu Liyue.

But the phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

He realized that something was wrong, and immediately told Lin Ze next to him: "Check Li Yue's number and who to call at night."

"Yes, I'll do it right away."

Lin Ze was very fast, and in less than ten minutes, he found Huangfu Liyue's call records.

He immediately came to Mu Jingchen and reported, "Mr. Mu, I found it. Madam only received one phone call at night, and the owner of the call is Quan Zhengrong."

Mu Jingchen frowned.


Could it be that the adoptive father has already investigated the news of Feng Su, so Li Yue left Bieyuan in a hurry?

Thinking of this, his worried mood calmed down a lot.

If Liyue is with her foster father, he is not worried.

However, Li Yue's phone could not be connected, and he still felt a little strange.

So, he called his foster father directly.

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