A look of success flashed across her eyes, and then she showed guilt.

"But, mother's injury..."

"Jingchen sent a doctor yesterday to see your mother's injuries, you don't have to worry, it's the most important thing to take care of your body."

"Huangfu Liyue" breathed a sigh of relief, a sense of happiness that he had escaped the catastrophe.

"Then I can rest assured, father, I still have something to go out, so I'll go first."

After speaking, she went downstairs directly and left the hall.

Looking at her light pace, Huangfu Zhenghong was puzzled for a moment.

I was out of breath from coughing just now, how could it be all right in a blink of an eye?

He didn't think much and was about to go back to his room, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of Mu Jingchen standing at the other end of the corridor, staring straight at the direction Nuo Xi left.

At the same time, Mu Jingchen noticed his eyes, and his eyes fell on him again.

"Father, morning."

He nodded and responded, "Morning."

Mu Jingchen was as expressionless as before, said hello, and went back to the study.

A private room in a cafe.

Quan Zhengrong sat opposite "Huangfu Liyue", with a brown coffee table between them.

Quan Zhengrong took out a black medicine bottle, put it on the table, and pushed it in front of "Huangfu Liyue".

"What you want."

"Huangfu Liyue" picked up the medicine bottle, unscrewed it, sniffed it, and looked at him suspiciously.

"Are you sure this thing works?"

Looking at her doubtful eyes, Quan Zhengrong confirmed, "I won't do anything I'm not sure about."

Only then did she put the medicine bottle in the bag with confidence.

Quan Zhengrong frowned as he watched her movements.

"There will be no problem with what I give you. The question is, are you sure about it yourself?"

She moved for a while, stuffed the medicine bottle into her bag, and looked up at him.

"To be honest, I'm not 100% sure."

Quan Zhengrong's face sank, and his eyes were full of displeasure.

"I have done everything for you, just wait for you to finish this last step, and we will succeed, but now you are telling me that you are not 100% sure?"

Seeing his dissatisfaction, she said directly: "He is not close to me at all. If I approach him with a strong attitude, he will definitely doubt me, and everything we have done will be for nothing."

"Not close to you?"

These words, Quan Zhengrong slightly doubted.

Although he had never seen the daily interaction between Mu Jingchen and Huangfu Liyue, he knew nothing about the relationship between the two of them.

However, he still knew Mu Jingchen very well.

If Jingchen doesn't like Huangfu Liyue, even if she has his child, he will not blindly marry her.

Since she is married, it means that she has an unusual position in Jing Chen's heart.

Now that Jing Chen is at a young age, it is impossible not to get close to his wife.

Therefore, he was very suspicious of the words of "Huangfu Liyue" sitting opposite him.

"Huangfu Liyue" looked at him, her pink lips slightly opened and closed, and replied, "I know you don't believe it, and I don't believe it myself, such a young and handsome man is completely unmoved when facing a woman. "

Thinking of Mu Jingchen's indifference to her in the past two days, she felt a deep sense of frustration.

At present, there are men who can remain unmoved.

Quan Zhengrong took a deep breath.

"Could it be that he suspects you?"


"Huangfu Liyue" raised her chin confidently.

"The information about Huangfu Liyue that you made me familiar with before, I remembered it in my mind without a word.

Not only her story, but also the way she walked and the tone of her speech, I imitated exactly the same.

No matter how much Mu Jingchen loves her wife, it is impossible for him to notice the clues so quickly! "

Quan Zhengrong thought about it carefully and thought it was unlikely.

If Jingchen had discovered that the person beside the pillow was not the real Huangfu Liyue, he would have long since raised his teacher to ask the guilt.

But why was he so indifferent to her?

Could it be that he has changed his mind towards Huangfu Liyue?

Quan Zhengrong thought about it deeply.

The longer it drags on, the worse it will be for them.

After pondering, he decided to play again.

"Tonight, I will find a way to let Jing Chen go to Quan's house to rest, you should seize this great opportunity!"

He is not worried about "Huangfu Liyue", and will definitely add to the flames again.

With his help, "Huangfu Liyue" also has full confidence.

"Understood, tonight, I will definitely take him down!"

After speaking, she picked up the coffee in front of her and took a sip to her lips.

After putting down the coffee cup, she asked casually, "By the way, where did she... go to by you?"

This "she", Quan Zhengrong naturally knew who he was talking about.

"This has nothing to do with you. I have already reminded you, don't move your thoughts that shouldn't be moved, keep in mind the purpose of your coming to Jiangcheng, and after completing the task, I will send you out of here immediately!"

After the warning, he got up and left the private room.

Hearing the door of the private room slam shut, "Huangfu Liyue" showed disdain in his eyes.

Quan Zhengrong's attitude just now made her very unhappy.

At this moment, a cell phone rang from outside the private room door.

Quan Zhengrong went out not long ago, and his cell phone should have rang.

"Huangfu Liyue" was immediately alert, picked up the bag on the seat, and walked out lightly.

In the corridor outside the private room.

Quan Zhengrong answered a call.

With a gloomy face, he asked the person on the phone, "I fainted, what's going on!"

The person on the phone didn't know what to say, and he said again: "Hurry up and ask the doctor to come and see, I'll be there soon!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone and strode out of the cafe.

After a minute.

"Huangfu Liyue" came out from the corner.

She heard everything Quan Zhengrong said just now.

She can probably guess where Quan Zhengrong is going now.

So, she followed without hesitation.

In a sea-view villa in the suburbs.

Huangfu Liyue lay motionless on the bed.

She had a lot of rashes all over her body, and a doctor was checking on her by her bedside.

After a while, Quan Zhengrong rushed over.

He looked at Huangfu Liyue with his eyes closed on the bed, and asked with a cold face, "What the **** is going on!"

After the doctor saw the doctor, he replied, "Mr. Quan, she has been checked. She has symptoms of allergies. It only takes two days for her symptoms to subside."

Quan Zhengrong was a little puzzled.

"Why allergies?"

"I don't know the source of allergies for the time being. There are no medical equipment here, so I can't check it."

Quan Zhengrong pursued these things flawlessly, and only warned: "You stay here for two days until she recovers. If something happens to her, I will never forgive you!"

The doctor nodded again and again.

"Don't worry, Mr. Quan, I will take good care of this young lady's body and there will be no problem."

Quan Zhengrong didn't answer.

After glancing indifferently at Huangfu Liyue on the bed, she turned and left the room.

The doctor also began to dispense medicines from the medical kit and give Huangfu Liyue a drip.

At the same time, Huangfu Liyue slowly opened her eyes.

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