Just when she felt incredible, a cry suddenly came from below.

"I said, can you get up from me first..."

Only then did Huangfu Liyue realize that there was a living person lying under her.

She got up immediately, looked at the man lying on the ground, and was stunned for a moment.

Then, he immediately reached out to help.

"Excuse me, are you okay?"

As soon as his hand touched the man's arm, the man let out a painful "hiss" and complained, "Eldest sister, do you have no idea how much you are? I'm lucky that I didn't die!"

Huangfu Liyue smiled awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect someone below, but thank you, if it wasn't for you, I might have fallen miserably."

The man was facing the ground, lying on the ground unable to move, and complained: "Eldest sister, don't worry about thanking for now, I can't move, it is estimated that several ribs are broken, please help me!"

"Okay, don't move."

Huangfu Liyue squatted down and pressed his back with his hands to check for any broken bones.

After the examination, she looked at the back of the man's head.

"There is some damage to the spine, but fortunately, I can help you recover. Now I will help you to turn over and check the degree of damage to the ribs on your chest. It may be a little painful, you can bear it."

"Don't worry, I can bear this little injury!"

After he replied, Huangfu Liyue carefully turned his body.

Before turning his body over, he began to whimper loudly.

"Miss, can you take it easy!"


Huangfu Liyue stopped his hand and said speechlessly: "Didn't you say that this little injury can't be endured?"

The slap in the face came too fast, the man couldn't hold his face, and explained, "Who knew you were so strong!"

Huangfu Liyue sighed helplessly, and then looked around vigilantly.

Although there are no soldiers patrolling the road, there is no guarantee that the man's howl will attract guards for a while.

So, she picked up the sheet next to her, neatly tore off a large piece, and stuffed it into the man's mouth.

Then, skillfully turned him over.


The man bit the sheet tightly, making a painful "uuuu" sound in his mouth, and some cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

After being turned over, his eyes immediately glared at Huangfu Liyue.

I wanted to scold her angrily, but after seeing Huangfu Liyue clearly, she was immediately stunned.

What he saw was the intact profile of Huangfu Liyue.

The hazy moonlight reflected on her side face, her flawless cheeks exuded a faint halo, the beauty was not real.

The man forgot the pain in his body and looked at her blankly.

Huangfu Liyue didn't pay any attention to his eyes, and quickly checked his injury.

After examining his rib injury, she gave him a few gentle pressures to confirm the extent of his injury.

The man who was still moaning just now was very quiet at this time.

She looked at the man's dirty face and praised: "Yes, you, just touched you just now and you cried and cried, now I press on your injured part, and you don't say a word, it really makes me cry. Impressive."

After speaking, she pulled out the sheet from his mouth.

The man just reacted.

Feeling the pain coming from my body, I wailed: "Did I break all my ribs, it hurts me to death!"

Huangfu Liyue has a black line.

It was fine just now, but now it starts to howl again.

She hurriedly "shush" and whispered: "Can a big man not be so unpromising, why does this hurt you?"

Hearing the contemptuous words in her mouth, the man said speechlessly, "I am your savior anyway, do you talk to the savior like this?"

Huangfu Liyue couldn't do anything about him.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, she took out a bottle of ointment from her pocket and put it in his hand.

"I don't have time to argue with you. I've already checked you out. Your injury is not serious. Go back and have a good rest, apply some ointment, it will heal slowly, and go."

Seeing that she was leaving, the man propped himself up and sat up, shouting to her back, "Hey, do you have any conscience, just leave me like this?"

Huangfu Liyue ignored him.

She managed to escape, and she had to take this opportunity to leave.

After walking for a short distance, a group of patrolling soldiers suddenly appeared in front.

She immediately hid in the corner, avoiding the sight of the soldiers.

After the patrolling soldiers walked over, she came out from the corner.

After secretly observing the situation ahead, she found that every ten seconds on the road ahead, a wave of patrolling soldiers would pass by, and she had no chance to slip out.

Just as he was depressed, a dirty hand was suddenly placed on his shoulder.

She was immediately vigilant, grabbed the hand on her shoulder, and broke it with her backhand.

"Ah! Let go!"

With a scream, she also saw this person clearly, it was the man who had just made her a "human flesh pad".

Afraid of attracting the attention of the soldiers, she immediately covered the man's mouth, dragged him to an unoccupied corner, and asked, "What are you doing with me!"

The man broke free from her hand, covered his arm and said, "I really don't know how good people are! I saw you surreptitiously observing the soldiers in front of you. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to leave here. You'd better, twist and dislocate my hands. It's gone!"

Hearing what he said, Huangfu Liyue said in surprise: "Can you take me out of here?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the joy on her face gradually disappeared.

This man was dressed in tatters and had a dirty face, like a beggar on the street. How could he have the ability to take her away?

Without waiting for the man to speak, she said to herself, "Forget it, treat me as if I didn't say it."

Men are not happy.

"What do you mean! Are you looking down on me?"

Huangfu Liyue looked him up and down.

"Obviously, do you still underestimate me?"

This castle is where the E royal family lives. The people who live here are of noble status, and even the lowest servants can't dress like him.

The man was looked at by her, with low self-esteem in his eyes, and his face was slightly red.

Huangfu Liyue realized that the words were inappropriate, and corrected him: "Sorry, I didn't mean to belittle you, I just talked about the matter. People without power can't walk freely in the castle, let alone take me out."

The man looked at her with a straight face.

"I don't really have any power, but if you want to get out of here, I have a way.

Otherwise, if you walk around the castle without authorization, it will be very dangerous if you are found. "

Looking at his sincere gaze, Huangfu Liyue had inexplicably more trust and curiosity in this strange man.

The people who live in this castle are all of the most honorable people, how could there be a person dressed up like this?

The man's clothes were somewhat tattered, but still clean and tidy.

There was dust on his face, but there was kindness in those clear eyes.

It doesn't look like a bad guy.

She put down her vigilance and said, "If you can take me out, I will thank you very much!"

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