He opened his shriveled mouth, and his throat made a very indistinct sound.

But it's not hard to argue that what he said was: "You...too...ruthless..."

"I'm cruel? No! This is the retribution you deserve!"

The woman's unbridled laughter spread throughout the room, and even Huangfu Liyue, who was hiding behind a wooden cabinet, felt extremely harsh.

After laughing, she looked at the old man with weak breath in the tank, and mocked: "What? Your old bones can't hold it anymore?"

Having said this, she snorted coldly and said again: "If you can't hold it, you have to hold on, otherwise, what face would you have to go underground to see your ancestors?"

As if touched by these words, the old man in the tank slowly closed his eyes, and the corners of his eyes were looming and sparkling.

Seeing this, the woman was not moved at all, but found it ridiculous.

"If I knew this earlier, why was it that everything that happened today was caused by you!"

There was resentment in her tone, and she looked at the man in the tank with hatred in her eyes, as if she wanted to devour him alive.

But looking at his old face now, with his thin and tragic appearance, the hatred in his eyes gradually faded.

Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly saw a row of footprints that were not very obvious behind the water tank.

No one has cleaned the house for a long time, and a layer of dust has fallen on the ground. If anyone steps on it, there will be some marks.

The footprints extend all the way to the old wooden cabinet in front.

The woman looked at the old wooden cabinet, her cloudy eyes instantly filled with a bone-scratching chill.

At this moment, Huangfu Liyue also sensed something was wrong.

The room was suddenly terrifyingly quiet, and she also saw some shallow footprints beside her.

Although he couldn't see the old woman's face outside, he took a deep breath.

That woman, 80% found her.

I was at a loss, and was ready to confront the woman face to face, when I suddenly heard the voice of the woman walking out.

After a while, the sound of locking the door came from outside.

Huangfu Liyue saw that there was no movement in the house, so she stuck her head out to check the situation.

The woman really left, leaving only the half-dead old man in the water tank.

She walked out slowly.

The old man in the tank gradually opened his eyes to look at her, his eyes full of prayer.

She glanced at the old man.

The water tank that imprisoned him was welded to the ground, and the entire water tank was tightly bound by thick and long iron chains. She couldn't save him at all.

Besides, she didn't want to meddle in her own business.

Seeing that there was no way out that she wanted to find at all, she said to the old grandfather: "I'm sorry for disturbing you."

Then, she turned around to leave here.

But as soon as she stepped out of the room, the old man trapped in the water tank suddenly made a sound at her.

"I can...can...help...you..."

Hearing the vague tone in his mouth, she stopped for a moment, turned to look at him, and guessed, "You mean, can you help me get out of here?"

The old man made a difficult nod.


He had a hard time pronouncing because he lost his tongue and couldn't speak clearly.

Huangfu Liyue frowned faintly.

"You mean, let me help save your great-grandson, and then help me get out of here?"


The old man's eyes became clearer and he nodded slowly.

Huangfu Liyue refused without thinking.

"Forget it, I can't protect myself, how can I save your grandson, I'll find a way to leave by myself!"

She was about to leave when she suddenly thought of something and asked again, "Your great-grandson, wouldn't it be the four men locked in the front yard? One of them is named Xihe."

Thinking about it carefully, those men were probably in their early twenties.

And this old grandfather should be in his 80s or 90s.

Just now, the old woman who came here to see him said that he wanted to cut off his children.

These are all connected, and she has this conjecture.

The old grandfather nodded heavily and spit out a: "Yes."

Huangfu Liyue looked at him curiously.

"You were all locked up here by the old grandmother who came just now?"

The old grandfather's wrinkled eyelids drooped down. Although he didn't answer, his sad eyes said everything.

Huangfu Liyue looked at the water tank in front of her and became even more puzzled.

"What kind of hatred do you have with that old grandmother, and she wants to treat you like this?"

The old man sighed and refused to answer.

Looking at his sad face, Huangfu Liyue was not so blind and did not ask any further questions.

Thinking that Xihe was arrested because of her, it would be too inhumane if she refused the grandfather's prayer.

"Grandpa, I'm helpless even if I want to save me. I'm not a middle-aged person from E country, and I was taken to the castle by the queen. Now the queen is still sending people to look for me, so I can't protect myself.

Besides, since that grandma just now can lock you and your great-grandchildren here, she must have a high status in country E.

I want to save people from her, but I have no chance of winning, and maybe I will get myself in. "

The old man frowned.

After a while of silence, he suddenly said to her: "Come..."

Huangfu Liyue gradually walked towards him.

It wasn't until he walked in front of him that he suddenly tilted his neck back with great force.

The mouth of the jar was sealed with a lid, and there was a hole in the lid the size of his neck, just enough for him to stretch his neck without being strangled.

He leaned back, revealing a gap in front of his neck.


Huangfu Liyue understood what he meant, and stretched out his hand along the gap in front of his neck.

But the gap was too small, and before her hand could reach it completely, the old man's face was distorted due to poor breathing.

She quickly took her hand back.

"Grandpa, are you alright?"

The old man is already old, and he has been tortured in this tank for too long, and he has reached the stage of dying.

She was afraid that he would not be able to bear it.

Unexpectedly, the old man shook his head with difficulty, opening and closing his mouth a few times.

Huangfu Liyue heard it, and he was saying, "Leave me alone."

The old man seemed to want her to reach for something.

"But, Grandpa, this gap is not enough to hold my whole hand, I'm afraid..."

She hesitated.

The old man was dying, if he couldn't bear the suffocation for a while and died, wouldn't she be guilty?

The old man had difficulty in articulating words, and simply looked at her with pleading eyes.


After a moment of hesitation, she agreed.

She reached out her hand to his neck again, squeezed her hand in through the small gap.

The old man's neck was so crowded that he couldn't even breathe.

But he insisted, not letting Huangfu Liyue see his discomfort.

After Huangfu Liyue put her hand in, she groped around.

Sure enough, a strange thing was touched on the old man's neck.

Seeing the old man's expression was a little uncomfortable, she didn't even think about it, she just brought this thing out.

At this time, the grandfather had difficulty breathing, and could not even breathe. His head, like a kite with a broken string, fell on the cylinder head.

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