Five Treasure to Find Dad, Mommy Is Super Powerful

Chapter 1494: Including his children!

Seeing him, Mu Jingchen and Huangfu Liyue could think of Shao Qinglian, and they could also think of the thrilling experience in Country E during this period.

Therefore, they did not give him a good look.

Seeing him appear, Mu Jingchen didn't even bother to pay attention to it, he directly raised his hand and summoned the army leader behind him, Sheng Yun.

"Pull him away."


Sheng Yun immediately sent someone to seize Quan Zhengrong, trying to take him away.

Seeing Mu Jingchen like this, Quan Zhengrong said loudly, "Jingchen, listen to your adoptive father's advice, if you disobey the Queen's wishes and leave here, your family will surely suffer!"

His words made Huangfu Liyue frown.

She raised her hand to signal the soldiers to step back, and walked to Quan Zhengrong again.

"What do you mean by that?"

Quan Zhengrong glanced at Mu Jingchen and saw that Mu Jingchen ignored his plan, so he looked at her.

"Liyue, I know that you and Jing Chen no longer trust the adoptive father, but in the adoptive father's heart, Jing Chen will always be my adopted son..."

Huangfu Liyue interrupted him directly.

"Mr. Quan, let's not play emotional cards now. You should know about Jing Chen's temper. The moment you choose to stand on the Queen's side, your relationship with Jing Chen will not be able to return to the past."

Quan Zhengrong sighed deeply.

"Father knows that what I have done has hurt you, and I do not ask you to forgive me.

But foster father has to remind you, can you leave country E, let alone take away this army! "

Huangfu Liyue looked at his serious expression and asked, "Why?"

"Although this army is not the main army of country E, it is also hard-trained by the ancestors of the royal family of E. Jing Chen taking this army away will not only deplete country E's military strength, but also provoke the majesty of the queen!"

Listening to his words, Huangfu Liyue smiled lightly.

"Mr. Quan is right, but what does this have to do with us?"

The queen didn't think about her and Jingchen at all in her actions, and even did not hesitate to destroy their relationship in order to have an heir, why should they be polite to her?

Even if it damages the military power of country E and the majesty of the queen, it is what the queen deserves!

"Liyue, I know that both you and Jingchen have opinions on the queen, but no matter what, she is Jingchen's biological mother.

When Jing Chen is against her, he is against the entire E country. Your strength is a little different from hers. If you are really hostile, you will not be able to get much benefit. "

Although Mu Jingchen was some distance away from him, he could still hear him speak.

Hearing this, Mu Jingchen's eyebrows were full of coldness.

He strode forward and said coldly, "Have you finished?"

Quan Zhengrong's words sounded like he was defending the queen.

He felt so disgusting.

Quan Zhengrong looked at his indifferent expression and knew that he was not happy, but he still didn't give up: "Jingchen, the queen just wants an heir, as long as you fulfill her wish..."

"Mr. Quan!"

Mu Jingchen's eyes sank, and there was a cold edge in his eyes.

In the past, he respected Quan Zhengrong.

Looking at Quan Zhengrong now, he just felt as disgusting as eating flies.

"Since you have such a good relationship with her, you can give her an heir in person!"

His meaning is obvious, if they want an heir, they can have one!

Quan Zhengrong's face instantly turned a pig's liver color, and he said angrily, "Jingchen, you, how can you say such a thing!"

Mu Jingchen ignored him and directly warned: "Don't appear in front of me again, otherwise, don't blame me for disregarding the kindness of the year!"

After speaking, he took Huangfu Liyue's hand and strode away.

Huangfu Liyue glanced at Quan Zhengrong and said nothing.

It was very difficult for her to understand that Quan Zhengrong actually came to persuade Jing Chen to have children with other women, and he said it so grandly.

Even if you love the queen, you shouldn't love it so extreme, right?


The old woman who stayed in the black tower was furious when she learned that Mu Jingchen left and took the special forces with her.


She threw the mahogany cane in her hand in front of the queen and said furiously, "Why don't you stop him!"

The queen didn't explain too much, just said: "He's made up his mind, and it's useless to stay forcibly."

As soon as the old woman grabbed her neck, her eyes gradually turned blood red.

"Tell me, how come that dragon wrench is in his hand, you gave it?"

The queen's eyes flickered, but she did not deny it.

The old woman's eyes were full of anger, and the hand holding the Queen's neck gradually tightened.

The queen coughed twice, but did not resist.

Although the old woman is old, she is still very strong, pinching her neck, she only feels suffocation.

It wasn't until she felt that her breathing gradually became difficult and she was about to go into shock, the old woman released her hand.

She also fell to the ground.

The old woman stared at her tightly, and said with dark eyes, "Okay, Ji Yao, how dare you play tricks with me!"

The queen looked at her sullen eyes.

"I didn't. At first, I didn't know my identity at all. I thought that the wrench was just an ancestral token, so I left it to him. Unexpectedly, he has kept it until now."

"Do you think this reason will convince me?"

The old woman crouched down, her cloudy eyes scrutinized.

"I've already seen that little bit of your thoughts. You're a queen, and you're still obsessed with that evil seed. Why, do you still want to recognize him?"



The old woman lifted her jaw: "You swear."

The queen looked at her terrifying eyes and said with difficulty: "I swear, if I still think about him, I will be unpredictable and die!"


The old woman loosened her jaw and sneered: "It's so real, I almost believed it."

The queen got up, looked at her and asked, "Then what do you want from me, so you can believe it?"

The old woman smiled strangely, as if she was waiting for her to say this.

The maid who was serving the old woman came over and brought a stack of photos to the queen.

The Queen looked intently.

These are photos of Mu Jingchen's children.

Her pupils shrank, and she looked at the old woman in surprise.

"What do you want to do?"

The old woman glanced at the Dabao people who were smiling extremely happily in the photo, with disgust in her eyes.

Deliberately asked: "Why, do you know who the child in this photo is? Didn't you say that you haven't forgotten about that evil seed?"

The Queen's reaction just now said it all.

She recognized at a glance that the child in the photo belonged to Mu Jingchen, so she was so surprised.

This shows that she often pays attention to Mu Jingchen's family.

This made the old woman extremely angry.

But the matter has come to this point, and the Queen cannot deny it.

"Over the years, I have followed the agreement with you and have never seen him or even seen him once. Isn't that enough?"

"not enough!"

The old woman said sharply: "You have violated our agreement by asking him privately, so he must die, including his children!"

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