Dongfang Wan had thought about it a long time ago, and Wan Rong was the boss of the secret service organization and a major international criminal.

Staying here will be a scourge sooner or later, she won't lift a rock and hit her in the foot.

Now that the time has come, this chess piece should also be abandoned.

After Dongfang Wan glanced at Wan Rong indifferently, Mo Xiao stepped forward, took out a rope that had been prepared from behind, and approached Wan Rong.

Wan Rong finally showed a look of horror in his eyes.

She wanted to escape, but when she got up, she fell to the ground in embarrassment because of lack of energy.

She lay on her stomach in this extremely cold ice room, covered her scarred hands on the icy ice, and wanted to crawl outward...

But, as soon as he climbed two steps, his neck was held back by Mo Xiao with a rope, and it became tighter and tighter.


After she uttered the last word, her face instantly turned blue, her forehead violently violently, and her legs were constantly struggling on the ice.

A minute later, she was thrown to the ground by Mo Xiao like garbage.

A pair of red eyeballs that almost burst out, still staring at the ice room in a daze.

From her eyes, one can still see the desire to survive.

Dongfang Wan scorned Wan Rong, who had no vital signs on the ground, and said to Mo Xiao: "After so many years, how much have you learned about her hypnotism?"

Mo Xiao nodded and replied respectfully: "Master forgive me. I am too dull. I only learned seven or eight points."

"Seven or eight points? To what extent?"

"The hypnotized person may be awake in a few days."

Dongfang Wan meditated for a few seconds, then whispered: "A few days, enough time for my good sister to be sentenced and punished, hahaha..."

She laughed unscrupulously, and the terrifying laughter filled every corner of the ice cellar.

Even Bai Liyue, who was lost in this big ice cellar, heard a terrible laugh from not far away.

Bai Liyue walked quickly following the direction of the voice.

The ice cellar was so big that it was ten minutes after the ice cell where the laughter was found.

When she walked to the door of the ice room, she was really taken aback by the scene inside.

A woman with long hair is being hung in the ice room.

When Bai Liyue looked up, the woman's burst of eyeballs seemed to stare directly at her, which was really shocking.

She boldly took two steps closer.

When she saw the face of the hanged woman, she could vaguely recognize that this woman was Wan Rong who had been rescued before!

She stretched out her hand to touch Wan Rong's pulse falling on her wrist.

Wan Rong is dead, but there is still warmth in his body, it should have been just recently.

Wan Rong is a man who cherishes his life. It is impossible to commit suicide. Someone must have been here.

Bai Liyue lowered her head in thought, and muttered, "Dongfang Wan?"

She ran out without thinking, trying to find the trace of Dongfang Wan.

Keno’s large ice cellar, with many ice chambers, is designed like a maze.

She searched for a circle, but did not find any trace of Dongfang Wan.

But she can already be sure that it is Dongfang Wan!

She was the one who rescued Wan Rong and colluded with her!

She didn't have time to think about it. The most important thing now is to quickly tell Dongfang Han and all the people in Dongfang Family!

Bai Liyue stood in the ice chamber, shivering when she looked at the maze-like ice cellar in front of her.

The temperature in this ice room is very low, even though she has been moving, but the two rows of shell teeth are already trembling slightly.

She didn't dare to walk randomly, and could only follow the route she had walked in her memory and return the same way.

Fortunately, she has a good memory, and she quickly found the step that left the ice cellar to the collection room.

She hurried up the steps.

But when he reached the top of the steps, he found that the secret door of the collection room had been closed, and could not be opened at all from the ice cellar.

The mechanism of this secret door is outside.

It seems that Dongfang Wan has left and closed the secret door.

Bai Liyue slapped the stone wall in front of him, and shouted in the direction of the outside collection room: "Anyone!"

But the collection room was dark at this time, even if there were people, they couldn't hear the sound from behind the wall at all.

After Bai Liyue shouted several times in the ice cellar, she didn't get any response. She was so cold that her legs trembled and she couldn't help but sneeze a few times.

It is late at night, and she is still wearing Dongfang's maid's clothes: a blue knee-length skirt.

The ice cellar is a place used by Dongfang for freezing storage. The temperature is extremely low. If she stays here overnight, she will definitely freeze to death.

She breathed cold air in her mouth, and kept rubbing her hands, trying to absorb some warmth.

Shakingly took out the phone from his pocket, and when he was about to call for help, he found that there was no signal at all.


Bai Liyue tucked her mobile phone into her pocket, and kept pacing her legs in place.

Exercise can warm her body a little bit, and will not freeze to death.

But after pacing in place for nearly an hour, her body was extremely cold.

What's more frightening was that a tiredness struck, and she yawned sleepily, but didn't dare to fall asleep.

In desperation, she had to walk back to the ice cellar and ran back and forth in the ice cellar, looking forward to it, and hurrying to dawn.

If Dongfang Han found out that she was not there, he would definitely come to her.

She never felt that time flies so slowly.

After running for a while, her body warmed up a bit, but she was getting sleepy.

She took out the silver needle and pierced it into the acupuncture point, so that she could be more energetic.

She never stopped for the whole night.

Until the time is up to six o'clock in the morning.

After running all night, she was exhausted physically and couldn't lift her eyelids at all.

The chill and sleepiness prompted her to walk into an ice room, sat in the corner, and closed her eyes unbearably.

She wants to sleep.

I really want to.

Last night, Huangfu Yeting had ordered someone to pass on Dongfangyi to the king of country Y.

The king was furious and gave the order early in the morning.

Wan Rong’s case is a serious criminal case in country Z. Dongfang Yi, as a princess, knew the law and broke the law and was handed over to the International Criminal Police. He has full authority to cooperate!

The king's move was obviously because he was afraid of affecting the reputation of country Y and the prince, and directly threw Dongfangyi to Interpol.

Early in the morning.

Huangfu Yeting took the king's order and cooperated with Interpol to come to Dongfang's home.

Dongfangyi was escorted out by Huangfu Yeting's people, and the rest of the Dongfang family was nervously surrounding the hall.

At this time Dongfangyi didn't have the stern explanation like yesterday, but his expression was a bit sluggish.

Huangfu Yeting said to Interpol Captain Xiao Zhe: "Officer Xiao, my father has issued an order to assist you in investigating this matter.

If my wife Wang really colludes with Wan Rong, we will never tolerate it. "

Xiao Zhe was originally the Interpol responsible for the removal of underground organizations such as secret service organizations, and he was also responsible for investigating the arrest of Wan Rong before.

He didn't expect Wan Rong to be rescued and still alive.

Therefore, he rushed over with someone early in the morning.

At this moment, Xiao Zhe nodded and replied: "Thank you for your cooperation with the second prince."

After speaking, Xiao Zhe looked at Dongfang Yi seriously.

"Princess, I am offended. I hope you will cooperate with us. If you really have any contact with Wan Rong and hand over Wan Rong, I will help you fight for mercy."

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