"Yes, Mrs. Dongfang, 80% has been controlled by Dongfang Wan!"

Bai Liyue looked at Mu Jingchen seriously: "It seems that we must start with Mrs. Dongfang!"

Having said that, she felt a little tricky again.

"However, Mrs. Dongfang is now forbidden by Master Dongfang, and Master Dongfang is somewhat hostile to us. It is hard for us to see her at all. How can we start with her?"

Mu Jingchen frowned slightly. After pondering, he suddenly raised his eyes and said: "I have a way to get Mrs. Dongfang to go out without being suspected. We can still meet her, but it's a bit risky."


"Look for Xiao Zhe and give a false announcement."

Seeing Mu Jingchen's solemn gaze, Bai Liyue immediately understood: "You mean, let Mrs. Dongfang take the initiative to go out and visit Dongfangyi in the detention center?"

"Yes, for this matter, I will meet with Xiao Zhe later to explain the situation to him."

After speaking, Mu Jingchen got up.

Several children ran to his lap one after another.

"Daddy, where are you going? We want to go too!"

"Yeah, daddy, we can still help you and bring down the bad guys!"

Mu Jingchen looked at the little guys around his legs and shouted at the door: "Lin Ze."

Lin Ze immediately entered the ward and said respectfully: "Mr. Mu, what's your order?"

"Send them home to do their homework, go to school tomorrow, and tell their teacher that they will double their homework in the future."


Lin Ze was stunned, but did not answer.

The five children looked unlovable, and their little mouths pouted at the same time.

"Daddy, you are too much!"

"Yes, didn't we just install a locator on your body? You are revenge!"

"Daddy, let us go with you!"

Mu Jingchen looked at these unconvinced children, looked sideways at Lin Ze, and said coldly: "Why, I'm not allowed to move you?"

"No, no, Mr. Mu, I'll go right away!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Ze walked up to the little ancestors and made a please gesture: "Little master, little lady, shall we go home?"

The five babies were unconvinced on their faces, but didn't dare to resist Daddy's orders, so they waved their hands to Mommy obediently.

"Mommy, then you have a good rest, let's go first."

"Mummy, see you tomorrow."

The five little guys put their little schoolbags on their backs and walked out one after another.

The ward was quiet, Bai Liyue looked at Mu Jingchen with a serious face, and whispered: "Jing Chen, why are you so fierce? I know you don't want them to come in.

However, it's not that you don't understand these children. If you don't let them blend in, they will blend in privately. "

"I will send someone twenty-four young lady to follow them. The less the children know about these adults, the safer they are."

Mu Jingchen's original intention was not to punish them, but not to involve them in unprovoked right and wrong.

Bai Liyue understood his intentions and didn't say anything.

the next day.

Xiao Zhe dragged his men to Dongfang's home to spread the news: it was confirmed that Dongfangyi had colluded with Wan Rong and killed the girl in Jiangcheng, or was commuted to the same crime as Wan Rong and sentenced to death.

When hearing this news, Dongfang Zhenhua and his wife and Dongfang Han were shocked.

Wasn’t that the same as Wan Rong’s punishment, wouldn’t that mean that Dongfangyi would also have to be shot?

Dongfang Zhenhua looked at the police officer who came to pass the message, and said in amazement: "Didn't you still say that it was just a life sentence? Why are you guilty of the same crime with Wan Rong now!"

The police officer who spread the word explained: "Master Dongfang, the murder of the girl cannot be separated from the princess. This is dozens of lives. If it is only for life imprisonment, it is not enough to convince the public.

I am here to send you a message on the order of our captain. It is estimated that the sentence of capital punishment is only two days. As the family of the princess, if you want to visit, take advantage of these two days! "

After he finished speaking, the police officer strode out of the hall, and the man who stayed alone in the Dongfang family was in the hall, looking sad.

Wen Rumeng's face was completely unbelievable: "How could it be possible that Yiyi is a princess, how could she be sentenced to such a serious crime, I don't believe it!"

After that, Wen Rumeng clutched Dongfang Zhenhua's hand tightly: "Zhenhua, you can think of a way! We can't just watch Yiyi be killed like this!"

Dongfang Zhenhua pushed away Wen Rumeng in disgust, and sternly said: "You are ashamed to say, if it weren't for you, would Yiyi be so confused! Yiyi will end up like this, and you can't get rid of it!"

Dongfang Zhenhua's expression was stern.

Why is he sad?

Although Dongfang Yi was an adopted daughter, he grew up watching her since she was a child, and he has always regarded her as his biological daughter.

His daughter will be shot in two days, and he is naturally heartbroken!

Dongfang Zhenhua sighed deeply: "Now, even the king of country Y does not intend to intervene, and let Yiyi fend for itself. How can we be qualified to intervene in this matter?

If you go to plead for Yiyi, you might be made a fuss by the National People's Congress, saying that our entire Eastern family has nothing to do with that terrorist organization!

At that time, we can't even tell if we have a mouth! "

After all, Dongfang Zhenhua is old and considerate everything.

At this time, if the Dongfang family went to intercede, they would definitely be affected.

The Dongfang family is the first family in Jiangcheng, and I don’t know how many eyes are staring at it.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Zhenhua's eyes shone with tears.

He turned around, walked in front of Dongfang Han and Dongfang Wan, and whispered: "Take advantage of these two days, hurry up and see Yiyi!"

After speaking, he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and strode upstairs.

Wen Rumeng sat slumped on the ground, crying in despair: "How could this happen, Yiyi is the princess, how could he be sentenced so severely..."

Seeing her tears could not stop falling, Dongfang Wan's eyes were cold.

Suddenly she knelt down and looked at Wen Rumeng gloomily and said, "Mother, don't be too sad. Yiyi has killed so many lives, and deserves it!"

Dongfang Wan bit the last four words extremely hard.

Wen Rumeng shook her head frantically: "Yiyi certainly didn't intentionally hurt people's lives. It was Wan Rong. She was the culprit. Why should Yiyi bear these responsibilities, my poor daughter..."

Wen Rumeng's sobbing look fell into Dongfang Wan's eyes.

She suddenly became fierce, and sneered: "Mother, what's the use of crying? Before execution, go and see Yiyi for the last time!"

After finishing talking, Ni gave Wen Rumeng a disdainful look, then turned around and walked upstairs.

Dongfang Han was immersed in the pain, and didn't pay attention to Dongfang Wan's expression at all.

Wen Rumeng got up from the ground and staggered out: "Yes, I'm going to see Yiyi, come here, get ready for a car!"

Wen Rumeng never thought of putting Dongfang Yi and death.

After all, it was the daughter she brought up, and her heart was not beaten with iron.

She originally thought that Dongfangyi's status as the princess was here, and the Interpol had nothing to do with her.

Unexpectedly, after being deprived of the status of the princess, Dongfang Yi could not even save his life!

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