Mu Jingchen did not hesitate, picked up the bowl of medicine in front of him, and drank it all in one go.

Bai Liyue fixedly looked at him: "How? How do you feel?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Mu Jingchen noticed a flow of heat in his body, burning his chest, making him unable to breathe.

In the next moment, his head was dizzy, and a kind of turbulent emotion eroded his consciousness, making his whole person upset.

"Jingchen, how are you?"

Bai Liyue noticed something was wrong.

This is not a normal reaction after drinking the antidote at all.

She quickly took his wrist and pressed her fingertips to his pulse.

The pulse rate is not uniform, it is a poisonous attack in the body!

"Go away!"

Before Bai Liyue had time to say anything, Mu Jingchen had thrown away her hand uncontrollably and pushed her aside.

With too much strength, Bai Liyue stepped back a few steps.


The water glasses and documents on the table were all pushed to the ground irritably.

His whole person, like a beast that was completely out of control, only felt a headache, and wanted to vent the upset emotions in his heart, beating his head frantically.

Bai Liyue was pushed far away by him. After standing still, she quickly took out the silver needle and pushed it into the back of his head.

Mu Jingchen's eyes went dark.

Bai Liyue hurriedly supported him and shouted at the door: "Come here!"

The servant outside the door rushed in and was shocked to see a mess inside the house.

"Quickly, help the young master onto the bed and lie down."

The servants hurriedly supported Mu Jingchen and put him on the bed.

Bai Liyue sat by the bed, took out the silver needle, and plunged it into his throat and other acupuncture points.


Mu Jingchen turned sideways and vomited out all the medicine he had just drunk.

Bai Liyue patted him on the back and said anxiously, "Jing Chen, how do you feel?"

Mu Jingchen still had manic emotions in his heart.

But when he raised his eyes to look at Bai Liyue's worried eyes, he endured it for a long time.


He still has some memories of what happened just now.

He just pushed her away uncontrollably, and even almost hurt her.

He reached out and squeezed her slender hand: "Just now, didn't you hurt you?"


Bai Liyue shook her head and rebuked herself: "I am all to blame. The medicine given to you has stimulated the toxins in your body."

Mu Jingchen raised his head.

"The medicine, is there a problem?"

"Looking at your reaction just now, I guess that cold pearl grass is fake."

At this point, her face became very ugly.

The medical books only record the appearance of Hanzhucao, but do not record its taste and characteristics.

Therefore, Bai Liyue could not tell that this cold pearl grass was fake at all.

It can be seen from Mu Jingchen's reaction just now.

The order of her cooking and medication are strictly in accordance with the medical books.

If it is invalid, it can only be that the cold pearl grass has a problem!

Just in case, after making the medicine, she tried it with a silver needle just in case, it was non-toxic.

She took a sip herself, and there was no problem.

However, the medicinal properties of that medicine are exactly at odds with the poison in Mu Jingchen's body.

Even though these medicines have been vomited out, the toxins in his body have been stimulated.

If you don't detoxify in time, there will be more ills than good luck.

Thinking of this, Bai Liyue suddenly stood up: "I'll go to Huangfu Nuoxi to settle the account!"

When she got up, Mu Jingchen had already squeezed her wrist and stopped her.

"She is a princess. If you go to her to settle the account, you will suffer."

Seeing the angry expression on Bai Liyue's face, Mu Jingchen sat up.

Even though there was an inexplicable burning anger in his body that made him irritable, he still suppressed it forcibly.

He held Bai Liyue's hand, let her sit down by the bed, and looked at her tenderly.

"I have heard what happened today, but I feel that Huangfu Nuoxi should not have replaced this medicine.

Today, Huangfu Nuoxi sent someone to plot against you in the garage, indicating that she had decided at the time that she would not give you herbs.

Only afterwards, you managed to escape, and she was afraid of being suspected, so she had to give you the herbs.

May I ask, in such a short period of time, where did she go to find a herb with the same appearance as the cold pearl grass? "

After Bai Liyue calmed down, she thought about it carefully, and it was indeed true.

"It's not Huangfu Nuoxi, that's..."

She raised her brows and couldn't say anything: "It's from the Dongfang family!"

"There is a Chinese medicine shop under the Dongfang family. Although the people of the Dongfang family do not understand medical science, their family is rich in herbal medicines. Naturally, they know all kinds of herbal medicines by heart. Not difficult."

Bai Liyue pondered for two seconds.

"Master Dongfang and Dongfanghan pay the most attention to the reputation of the Dongfang family. Naturally, they will not do this kind of substitution of herbal medicines and smash their signatures.

Dongfangyi is even more impossible, the only possibility is Dongfang Wan! "

At this point, Bai Liyue's face was shocked.

This Dongfang Wan, she hadn't settled her account yet, she had made the move first.

Mu Jingchen coughed twice and slowly said, "It seems that there will be no one else except her."

Bai Liyue's face was full of hostility.

"This Dongfang Wan is looking for death!"

Mu Jingchen's eyes were dark.

"It seems that her mother's death did not wake her up. On the contrary, we know her too many secrets. With her vicious character, she will never give up easily, so we use these tricks behind her back."

After speaking, Mu Jingchen coughed twice and his face became more and more embarrassed.

Bai Liyue stretched out her hand to stroke his chest and asked the servant to pour a cup of hot water.

"Jing Chen, don't say so much, drink some water."

Bai Liyue looked at him worriedly, very worried about his body.

"Dongfang Wan did it because she missed me and the princess because of you.

If we fight against the princess, we won't have the upper hand, and we will definitely offend Huangfu Yeting.

Dongfang Wan's good use of borrowing a knife to kill people is really shameless, Jing Chen, this time, don't look at Dongfang Han's face anymore.

Dongfang Wan has done so many bad things and must be punished! "

Mu Jingchen looked calm, and said slowly: "Don't worry."

He got up and got out of bed, finally calmed down a lot.

"Since Dongfang Wan wants to kill someone with a knife, we can completely return it to him in a human way."

Bai Liyue immediately understood what he meant.

"You mean, let her and the princess dog bite the dog?"

Mu Jingchen nodded lightly, his eyes deep.

"She replaced the herb, just to make us think that the princess did it. Let us go to the princess to settle the account.

If we go, we will be disrespectful to the princess and will certainly offend the royal family. She can use the princess to deal with us.

But she didn't know that this princess was superficial, ignorant, and very vain.

If she knew that this herbal medicine was fake, someone from the Dongfang family lied to her, and she would not be able to make ends meet, so she would go to Dongfang Wan to settle her account. "

Bai Liyue glanced at Mu Jingchen admiringly.

At this time, he could still analyze so much so calmly.

"I understand what you mean, Jing Chen, I will go to the princess early tomorrow morning!"

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