Five Treasure to Find Dad, Mommy Is Super Powerful

Chapter 924: Someone is helping her

Although Huangfu Nuoxi is not short of money, he has made a billion in vain, and he is still very happy.

She didn't bother to investigate the Dongfang family.

"It's alright, don't say these polite remarks, the things are delivered, hurry up, don't disturb me here."

Dongfang Wan glanced at the princess, and replied, "Yes, princess, then I will go first."

After speaking, she walked to the door of the suite.

Who knows, before taking two steps, I heard Huangfu Nuoxi disgustingly say to the maid behind him: "These beauty herbs, I took them out and threw them away. It's bad luck. I'm a princess. I don't need to use them. Such a low-level thing!"

"Yes, princess."

Dongfang Wan, who had just walked to the door, paused and glanced back at the arrogant Huangfu Nuoxi, her eyes were full of extremely cold light.

At the same time, the door was opened from the outside.

Huangfu Ye Ting walked in, just in time to see Dongfang Wan with a hostile face.

"Sister? Why are you here?"

Huangfu Ye Ting is more easy-going.

Dongfangyi is his wife, and he has always followed Dongfangyi and Huangfu Yuncheng to call Dongfangwan the eldest sister.

Dongfang Wan immediately withdrew her sharp gaze, and pretended to have nothing to do with a humble smile: "I have something to do with the princess, the second prince, let's go first."

"Sister, go slowly."

Huangfu Yeting has been busy with the affairs of the royal family's companies these days, and has not inquired about what happened between Huangfu Nuoxi and the Dongfang family.

After speaking, he skipped Dongfang Wan's side and walked inside.

Seeing Huangfu Nuoxi sitting on the sofa enjoying himself, he was about to say something.

His eyes touched the lilies in the transparent vase on the table, and the words in his mouth choked.

He frowned and scolded the maid on the side: "What's the matter? Why are these in this room?"

Seeing Huangfu Ye Ting's face with an angry look, the maid quickly replied: "Second prince, forgiveness, the princess ordered."

Huangfu Yeting's gaze fell on Huangfu Nuoxi, and said in doubt: "Sister, I heard from my father earlier that you were allergic to pollen when you were a child?"

Huangfu Ye Ting had heard many things about his biological sister before, and he remembered it clearly.

At this moment, Huangfu Nuoxi's face changed suddenly and she explained very far-fetched: "Ah, yes, look at my mind, I forgot, I just think this flower looks pretty in the room, so... ah!"

Having said that, she pretended to sneezed.

Huangfu Ye Ting frowned and ordered the maid beside him: "Don't hurry up and remove these flowers!"


The maid moved quickly and quickly evacuated the flowers on the table.

Huangfu Ye Ting stepped forward with concern, and looked at Huangfu Nuoxi who was sneezing and asked: "Sister, are you okay?"

Huangfu Nuoxi shook his head: "It's okay, maybe it's just some allergies."

At this moment, Huangfu Ye Ting felt a little strange in his heart.

Earlier, the father and king told him that his sister was allergic when she was born, especially sensitive to pollen.

Many doctors were hired later, and the doctors also concluded that this allergy is congenital and it is impossible to cure it.

But after the flowers in the vase were placed here for so long, his sister didn't respond.

There was a glimmer of doubt in his heart.

However, it was only a moment.

After all, the kinship test has proved that they are related by blood. What reason does he have to doubt?

At this moment, Dongfang Wan had completely captured Huangfu Nuoxi's unnatural look just now.

She was delicate and sensitive, and she knew the clues at a glance.

Seven-star hotel downstairs.

Dongfang Wan got into the car and made a phone call.

Soon, a man wearing a peaked cap and pushing the brim of his hat very low got into the back seat of the car.

This man was named Qingfeng, and like Mo Xiao, he was the same person who worked for Dongfang Wan.

Dongfang Wan looked at Qingfeng in the rearview mirror, and whispered in a low voice: "Check me the princess of country Y who was recovered."

Qingfeng didn't answer the conversation right away, but looked at Dongfang Wan's back and reminded: "That's a member of the royal family, what do you do to check her? Be careful to burn yourself."

Dongfang Wan glanced at the seven-star hotel in front of her through the car window, faintly curling her lips.

"Is it a member of the royal family? I only found out after checking it."

Qingfeng looked at Dongfang Wan suspiciously, and replied: "That princess has already been identified with Huangfu Ye Ting. They are related by blood. How could she not be a member of the royal family?"

For Qingfeng's words, a trace of doubt flashed in Dongfang Wan's eyes.

The royal family recognizes relatives, the process must be rigorous, and nothing can go wrong.

If it is identified that the two are related, it cannot be fake.

But in the presidential suite just now, Huangfu Nuoxi's clumsy acting skills were obviously not allergic to pollen, but he pretended to be afraid of Huangfu Ye Ting's suspicion.

But if she is a true princess, why pretend to be?

It's nothing more than a guilty conscience.

That Huangfu Nuoxi, dominates her in front of her, she must teach her a lesson!

Dongfang turned his head to look at the breeze in the back seat, and said solemnly: "The royal family is more complicated than any noble family. There are some things that can't be determined too early. I ask you to check it, so you can check it!"

Qingfeng nodded and said: "I see."

Dongfang Wan thought for a few seconds, staring at him and said: "Investigate her previous life experience, as well as the appraisal center, to find out!"


Qingfeng responded and prepared to get out of the car.

"Wait." Dongfang Wan called to him suddenly.

"Bai Liyue, keep an eye on me. She and Mu Jingchen know too much. They are immortal, like a time bomb. So, do you know what to do?"

Qingfeng met Dongfang Wan's sullen gaze, and took a breath.

"Mu Jingchen and Bai Liyue are accompanied by bodyguards when they travel, and even some of their children have personal protection. We have no chance at all."

Qingfeng's words undoubtedly reminded Dongfang Wan.

Dongfang Wan suddenly smiled and said, "I almost forgot, how many children this woman has, which school are they in?"

"Genius Noble Elementary School."

Dongfang Wan smiled even more and snorted coldly, "What a coincidence?"

Dongfangjia is still a shareholder of this school, and she can go in and out of this elementary school at will.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Wan raised her eyelids and said with a vicious smile: "Bai Liyue, it seems that I have to let you taste the fate of opposing me."


Lin Ze came to the Yujing Bieyuan, took Dongfang Wan to the hotel in the afternoon, and paid Huangfu Nuoxi the money.

Bai Liyue was standing beside Mu Jingchen, holding a medicine bottle and applying medicine to the scar on his face.

After listening to Lin Ze's words, she looked at Mu Jingchen, who had already applied ointment to half of her face, incredulously.

"Jing Chen, you said, where did Dongfang Wan get so much money?"

Feeling the coldness of the ointment on his face, Mu Jingchen said unhurriedly, "Obviously, someone is helping her."

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