Five Treasure to Find Dad, Mommy Is Super Powerful

Chapter 931: Baby, where do you want to go?

The bodyguards lowered their heads and blamed themselves.

"Madam, I'm sorry!"

Lin Ze stepped forward two steps, and said guiltily: "Madam, sorry, it's our negligence, you calm down."

Mu Jingchen's face was gloomy, and he took down Bai Liyue's hand to calm her down.

"Liyue, the other party apparently had premeditated, and it was not accidental that the Three Treasures were hijacked.

Since the other party has a purpose, the Three Treasures are still safe for the time being until the purpose is reached, so don't get excited. "

Bai Liyue shook his hand, completely unable to hear these words.

The child was kidnapped, and her mind was in a mess, how could she not be excited?

Mu Jingchen put his hand on her shoulder and comforted: "The child will be fine."

Bai Liyue looked up at him, shook his arm, and asked urgently: "Didn't you chase it just now? Didn't you catch it?"

"The man had left the car on the side of the road before we arrived. When we adjusted the roadside surveillance and found the direction in which he was escaping, no one was found."

Bai Liyue looked into his car and asked, "What about Dabao and them?"

"Lin Ze has been sent home safely."

Bai Liyue grabbed her hair a little irritably, and looked at Mu Jingchen and said, "Who the **** was grabbing the Three Treasures? When I find that person, she must be broken into pieces!"

Mu Jingchen's eyes were full of icy colors.

If you find this person, he will leave her dead without a place to bury her without waiting for Bai Liyue to smash her into pieces!

Seeing Bai Liyue's slightly collapsed look, fearing that she would be too excited, Mu Jingchen reached out and put his arms around her shoulders.

"The police station and our people are already searching around, go, I will take you home first."

Bai Liyue broke away from his hand, shook her head and said, "No, I'm going to find the Three Treasures!"

Lin Ze stepped forward and persuaded, "Madam, Mr. Mu has been looking for all the places here, but there is no one at all."

"I don't believe it, I want to find it myself!"

Bai Liyue opened the car door and wanted to drive away, but was stopped by Mu Jingchen's hand.

Mu Jingchen looked at her seriously.

"It's useless to look for it aimlessly. Since the other party has premeditated, he will definitely contact us.

We don't even know where the Three Treasures were taken. The only thing we can do now is to wait for the person who hijacked the Three Treasures to contact us. "

Bai Liyue understood the truth of what he said, but she could calm down and go home and wait for death. She couldn't do it at all.

"But, I'm worried about the Three Treasures..."

Mu Jingchen looked at the sadness on her face and held her hand.

"I understand that you can't settle down. In that case, I will take you to find it."

After speaking, he took Bai Liyue into the car and told the driver to drive along the road where the robbers left with Sambo.

Along the way, Bai Liyue looked out the car window very nervously.

As long as a child about the same height as the Sambo passes by, she will look twice more.

However, hopes again and again have turned into disappointments.

After searching for a few hours, it was dark, but there was no clue.

Mu Jingchen had been sitting beside Bai Liyue without saying a word.

He knew in his heart that people who took such a risk to steal the Three Treasures must have a purpose, and they would never find it so easily.

Looking at Bai Liyue next to him, and looking out the window eagerly, Mu Jingchen took her hand and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, there will be no trouble with Sambo."

Bai Liyue retracted her eyes and leaned on his shoulder, her eye sockets gradually moisturizing.

"I shouldn't let them go to school, and shouldn't give others a chance!"

Mu Jingchen stretched out his hand to caress her hair, and said in a low voice, "Don't blame you, if a person wants to harm others, there are countless ways.

Even if they don't go to school, they can't guarantee 100% safety. What we can do is to find this person as soon as possible and solve it to eliminate future problems! "

Mu Jingchen's words were plain, but his tone was cold and solemn.

After he finished speaking, he condensed the coldness in his eyes, reached out his hand to wipe off the sparkle of Bai Liyue's eyes, and hugged her into his arms.

"Trust me, I will never let the child have an accident."


Bai Liyue buried her head on his shoulders, but she still couldn't calm down.

Several hours have passed, and I don't know what the Sambo is doing now.

He is still so young, he must be scared now.

Thinking of this, Bai Liyue had only deep self-blame in her heart.

She begged in her heart that the person who robbed the Three Treasures quickly contacted her.


Inside a bungalow in the outskirts.

This bungalow was the place where Mu Jingchen and Bai Liyue took Interpol and captured Wen Rumeng last time.

Sambo was **** with his hands and feet, his small mouth was sealed with tape, and he was thrown into a corner of the bungalow.


He moved his mouth, unable to make a sound at all.

Looking up, there are still two men in the bungalow.

These two men are the men who pulled him into the car at the school gate today.

The two of them were sitting on the square table in the middle of the bungalow, holding poker to fight the landlord, playing happily, and did not have time to pay attention to the three treasures in the corner.

Sambo looked at this strange environment, panicking in his heart.

The phone watch and the cell phone in the school bag were thrown away by these people, and he couldn't ask for help.

Inwardly, he said: Mommy and Daddy must be very anxious, he has to leave here quickly and go out for help.

After struggling twice, his gaze fell on a pair of scissors on the front cabinet.

He moved, and sneaked over.

The two men guarding him did not notice him.

Moved to the cabinet, Sambo lightly kicked the cabinet.

The cabinet was swaying a bit because of the age, and was kicked lightly, and the pair of scissors on it fell off.

Falling on the mud of this bungalow did not make much noise.

Sambo's hands were tied behind his back, but his fingers could still move.

He moved his hand to the scissors and cut the rope behind his back with difficulty.

Until the ropes on their bodies were all untied, the two landlord men were still obsessed with gambling and did not pay attention.

Seeing this, Sambo quickly got up, tiptoedly walked to the door, and opened the door.

However, this bungalow has not been occupied for a long time, and the facilities and furniture have long been aging.

When he opened the door, the iron door made a harsh sound of "creaking", which instantly attracted the attention of the two men in the house.

As soon as the two men turned their heads, they saw Sambo standing at the door gracefully, opening the door.

The two immediately dropped the poker in their hands and ran to Sambo.

"Little bunny, you dare to run away!"

When Sambo saw this, he was shocked and ran out.

It's just that after just running two steps, he hit a wall of flesh in front of him.

Sambo looked up in shock.

A woman wearing a large black cloak stood in front of him, grabbed his collar and lifted him up.

Her coquettish red lips slowly conjured up.

In this dim environment, it seemed even more weird and terrifying.

"Little baby, where do you want to go?"

The cold voice made Sambo's small body shrunk tremblingly.

Sambo grabbed her wrist, kicking her legs helplessly in the air.

"You let me go, you bad guy, you dare to move me, my dad and mommy must want you to look good!"

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