Dongfang Han suddenly looked back.

Looking at Mu Jingchen, who was extremely serious, thinking that he had heard it wrong, he wondered: "What are you talking about? My sister, Dongfang Wan? Kidnapped your child?"

When he said this, Dongfang Han couldn't help laughing.

He thought that Dongfang Wan knew better than anyone else.

His sister, who is notoriously timid as a mouse, can't bear to trample to death even an ant.

Now Mu Jingchen actually said that she kidnapped his child.

Dongfang Han found it too ridiculous.

Mu Jingchen had already guessed his reaction, and nodded with certainty: "You didn't hear it wrong, it's Dongfang Wan, she..."


Dongfang Han sternly interrupted him, and retorted, "Mu Jingchen, where did my Dongfang family offend you?

It is not enough for you to kill my mother indirectly, and now you are pulling out such ridiculous words to slander my sister, what is your intention! "

Dongfang Han was emotional and attracted the attention of the dining guests around.

Upon seeing this, Bai Liyue quickly got up, walked to Dongfang Han, and explained: "Master Dongfang, we have no intention of harming your family.

It’s just that this matter is about the life of my child, and also about your Eastern Company, so..."

Dongfang Han felt that Bai Liyue's words became more and more outrageous.

He frowned deeply, unwilling to hear the couple say anything.

"Miss Bai, I called you a sister-in-law before, and I never offended you. When Mu Jingchen's memory loss was controlled by Mrs. Ling, did I help you a lot?

But look at what you and Mu Jingchen are doing now, which harmed my mother and framed my elder sister in front of me. Is this a plan to avenge revenge and let my Dongfang family be destroyed? "

Bai Liyue had never seen Dongfang Han's words so sternly.

He couldn't believe that the gentle sister who got along day and night was actually a demon.

Every time Bai Liyue and Mu Jingchen say something bad about Dongfang Wan, he thinks it has ulterior motives.

Bai Liyue can understand him.

However, she wanted to rescue her son even more.

At this moment, he didn't care about Dongfang Han's mood.

"Master Dongfang, in fact, your sister is..."

Before Bai Liyue finished speaking, Mu Jingchen raised his hand to stop her, and shook his head slightly at her, whispering in her ear: "This is not a place to speak."

Bai Liyue looked around, and there were many people watching the excitement around her, and some even picked up mobile phones to take pictures.

If she said here that Dongfang Wan was the person who had colluded with Wan Rong, she would definitely be regarded as a lunatic by everyone.

How can a woman who is timid and weak in the eyes of outsiders dare to collude with the boss of the underground organization?

Bai Liyue stopped what she said, and Dongfang Han felt that she was guilty of conscience even more, and sneered: "What is my sister? You said, what else do you want to slander her, you continue."

Dongfang Han's face was stern, staring at Bai Liyue and asking aggressively.

Mu Jingchen held Bai Liyue's wrist, protected her behind him, and looked at Dongfang Han, reminding: "Don't be so excited, this is a public place, let's go outside and say it."

"No need."

Dongfang Han was wary and refused directly.

After finishing speaking, before Mu Jingchen and Bai Liyue said anything, he strode out of the coffee shop, not willing to talk to them too much.

When Bai Liyue wanted to catch up again, she was stopped by Mu Jingchen's hand.

He shook his head at her: "He can't hear anything now, don't chase."

Bai Liyue lowered her eyelids and said with some anxiety: "However, only Dongfang Han can help us to check the accounts of Dongfang Company and discover what Dongfang Wan has done.

If Dongfang Han refuses to help us, Dongfang Wan alone controls the entire financial department of Dongfang Company, no one will find that she has moved funds, and her collusion with Wan Rong will not be discovered.

From then on, she will really get away with it! "

Bai Liyue's solemn expression fell into Mu Jingchen's eyes. Mu Jingchen reached out his arm around her eyes and said: "Fool, he can't listen to us now, but there is someone else, he will listen to it. "

Bai Liyue lifted her eyelids: "You mean, let Yahan tell him about this?"

Mu Jingchen looked calm and nodded silently.

From the fact that Dongfang Han entered the coffee shop just now, the eager pace showed that he wanted to see Qin Yahan urgently.

Now, I am afraid that only Qin Yahan can tell him about this, and he can hear it.

Bai Liyue hesitated for two seconds, nodded and said, "I'll call Yahan now."


On the high viewing platform beside the river city lake.

Dongfanghan propped his elbows on the wooden railings of the viewing platform, staring at the slightly rising lake in front of him.

Looking up, the lake seems to have no edge, connected with the clear sky of the setting sun, and it is beautiful.

The cool breeze blew slowly in his ears, as if it could take away the troubles, causing him to slowly close his eyes, enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

"What a coincidence."

A crisp and sweet female voice suddenly heard in his ears.

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked sideways.

The wind by the lake blew Qin Yahan's long black hair, which fluttered in the air wanton.

Her white and flawless side face was perfectly exposed to the air, and her delicate silhouette was covered with the gentle light of the setting sun.

A long skirt with a white waist, a fine outline of her slender figure.

She is pure and beautiful.

Just as Dongfanghan saw her for the first time, he was shocked and glanced at Wannian.

Even though he has seen her only a handful of times.

But her appearance was deeply in his mind.

Dongfang Hanben's dull mood became especially relaxed because of her appearance.

Staring at her quietly for a minute, he suddenly remembered something, turn his head, and don't look at her.

"You don't want to come and tell me how many bad things my sister has done?"

Qin Yahan said nothing, silently watching the setting sun ahead.

He lowered his head and continued: "I won't believe it. She is my sister. I know her better than anyone else. She will never kidnap a child."

Qin Yahan did not answer, looking at Dongfang Han's gloomy expression.

His whole person, like a deep sorrow.

Unlike the self-confident and free and easy young master she had seen in Jiangcheng before.

She had heard that his mother had passed away, and she died with the title of felon.

After her death, only a few people offered condolences to her.

She could feel the sadness in Dongfang Han's heart, and if something happened to her mother, she would also collapse.

At this moment, Qin Yahan curled her lips, looked at him, and slowly said: "I didn't want to tell you bad things about your sister. I also believe you. You can tell right from wrong and you are a reasonable person."

Her words surprised him.

He thought she was dragged by Mu Jingchen and Bai Liyue to say things he didn't like to hear.

He raised his head, looked at her beautiful Liwo, suddenly laughed.

"Thank you, Yahan."

The two looked at each other, like a spring breeze.

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