Five Treasure to Find Dad, Mommy Is Super Powerful

Chapter 969: The most unlikely person

Early the next morning.

Bai Liyue came to the noble hospital.

Huangfu Nuoxi lives in the largest VIP ward of the hospital.

When Bai Liyue arrived, it was only about seven o'clock, and when he entered the door, he saw Huangfu Ye Ting lying fast asleep beside the bed.

It seems that he stayed by Huangfu Nuoxi's bed all night.

Bai Liyue's feelings for this sister he had never seen before made Bai Liyue feel envious of all outsiders.

She did not interrupt, and was about to go out silently.

Huangfu Ye Ting slept very shallowly, and he was awakened suddenly by the sound of Bai Liyue's footsteps.

Because he was worried about Huangfu Nuoxi, he only fell asleep in the early morning, and he was still tired at the moment.

Lifting her head, she looked at Bai Liyue's cold back walking towards the door in a daze, and muttered, "Mother?"

Bai Liyue turned her head when she heard the voice behind her, and was stunned.

She did not hear what he said, and smiled lightly: "Second prince, you are awake, sorry, I disturbed you."

Huangfu Ye Ting narrowed his eyes and rubbed his eyes.

Bai Liyue's face instantly became clear in his eyes, and he was completely awake now.

This woman is too much like her mother when she was young.

Huangfu Yeting got up and smiled politely at her.

"Miss Bai, it turned out to be you, you came really early."

Bai Liyue nodded: "It's important and it's about my reputation. I naturally want to prove my innocence as soon as possible."

After speaking, her eyes fell on Huangfu Nuoxi on the bed.

He looked at Huangfu Ye Ting and asked, "I know some medical skills, can I see the princess' body?"

Huangfu Ye Ting hesitated for two seconds, then nodded and said, "Yes."

He actually had some grudges in his heart for Bai Liyue.

After all, she is still the suspect of framed her sister.

However, her hazy figure just now gave him an illusion and made him relax his vigilance.

A woman who is somewhat like her mother should not be a bad person.

Bai Liyue took Huangfu Nuoxi's pulse and checked her body.

Most of the toxins in her body have been discharged, but some remain in the body, which will have a great impact on her future life.

This poisoned person was killed.

Huangfu Ye Ting looked at her solemn expression and asked, "How's it going?"

"Most of the poison has been discharged. The princess is not life-threatening and will wake up soon."

Bai Liyue said more general.

The poison on the princess's body has passed the best time to detoxify, and there is nothing she can do.

However, he can't die, but there may be many painful sequelae in the latter half of his life.

These, regardless of her business.

After speaking, she raised her head and asked, "Second prince, is the dress that the princess wore yesterday is still there? I want to check it out."

"In my sister's doctor's office."

After speaking, he gave an order to the royal guard outside: "Come here, take Miss Bai to my sister's doctor's office."

Then, Bai Liyue followed Huangfu Ye Ting's people to find Huangfu Nuoxi's attending doctor.

Looking at the gray-bearded doctor in the office, she smiled: "Hello, I said hello to the second prince, and I want to see the dress the princess wore yesterday."

The attending doctor nodded and took out the skirt from the cabinet.

This skirt has been sealed with a plastic bag.

The doctor reminded: "This skirt is very poisonous, so it's best not to touch it with your hands."

Bai Liyue took the sealed skirt and opened it.

Unfolding this skirt, there is no problem on the surface, and there is no peculiar smell.

Bai Liyue took out the silver needle from her bag and pierced it into the lining of her skirt.

When it was taken out again, the silver needle immediately turned black.

Sure enough, it is poisonous.

Bai Liyue put the silver needle on the tip of her nose and sniffed, there was no smell, it was a colorless and odorless poison.

No wonder she didn't notice it when she checked the skirt before.

As soon as the sealed bag was closed, Huangfu Ye Ting walked in from outside.

"Miss Bai, what did you find?"

"This skirt is indeed very poisonous, Second Prince, have you checked the tailor's shop?"

Huangfu Ye Ting nodded and said solemnly: "Last night, I sent someone to seal up the tailor shop. According to the current situation, everyone in the tailor shop is suspected.

The people in the tailor shop have been cross-examined one by one, and now they are all under control. I have also checked the monitoring of the tailor shop, but no problems have been found. "

Bai Liyue pondered for two seconds, and then asked, "Where is Master Yu who made clothes for the princess?"

"He was also locked up. He was also a suspect before the truth was found out."

Bai Liyue looked at him: "Can I go and see? I have a few questions to ask him."

"Yes, I will take you there."

Huangfu Ye Ting walked out of the office, took Bai Liyue and left the hotel, and went to the Huamei Custom Tailor Shop.

Today, the entire tailor's shop is controlled in the shop, with special guards.

Until this matter is found out, they can't leave here.

Bai Liyue walked into the tailor's shop and went straight to find Master Yu, who had made clothes for the princess before.

Master Yu is sitting in his own tailor's room. Even though the tailor shop has been forced to close, he is still busy with custom-made gowns in his hands.

When Bai Liyue walked in, he stopped working and sighed lightly.

"Don't ask anymore. I have said many times. I didn't put any poison on that dress, and I will not harm people."

Seeing his excited expression, Bai Liyue stepped forward and comforted: "Master Yu, I believe you won't do this kind of thing, I'm just here to ask you a question."

Master Yu looked at Bai Liyue: "Say."

"Apart from me and you, who else has touched this skirt before?"

Master Yu tried to recall, frowning deeply.

"It seems that there are only two people. One is a woman who came to me to make clothes. Seeing that the dress was very luxurious, she picked it up and looked at it.

The other one is the princess. The princess likes this dress very much. She has picked it up and admired it. After that, no one has touched it. "

Huangfu Ye Ting stepped forward and guessed: "It should be the first woman to touch this skirt!"

After speaking, he directly called his subordinates.

The guard nodded and asked, "Second prince, what's your order?"

"Check the woman the master said, and find her!"


He never doubted Dongfangyi from beginning to end.

After all, Dongfangyi is his wife, he understands Dongfangyi, she is pure and has no grievances with Huangfu Nuoxi.

Bai Liyue stood by, but felt that things were not that simple.

Sometimes, the most unlikely person is the murderer.

Dongfangyi is very suspicious!

But naturally she would not say that Dongfang Yi was wrong in front of Huangfu Ye Ting.

She couldn't bear the charge of wronging a member of the royal family.

"Second prince, I have finished asking the questions I want to ask. You can continue to investigate. I have something else to leave."

Before Huangfu Ye Ting could answer, she strode out of the tailor's shop and contacted Dongfang Han, begging him to get Dongfang out.

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