At the same time, a cold word came from her ear.

"Wang Hao, what do you want to do?"

Dongfang Yi retracted his hand for a second and turned his head back in shock.

Seeing Bai Liyue appearing behind her at some unknown time, she drew her hand from Bai Liyue's hand in a panic.

She clenched the medicine in her hand, and hurriedly put her hands behind her back, pretending to be calm and said: "No, nothing, Riyue, why are you here?"

Bai Liyue could see that she was not good at lying, and the panic and hesitation on her face had betrayed her.

When she was defenseless, Bai Liyue grabbed her wrist, spread her hand, snatched the medicine from her hand, and questioned: "Wang Hao, what is this?"

Dongfangyi was shocked and tried to recapture the medicine, but Bai Liyue easily stopped it.

Her pampered and delicate body is naturally not Bai Liyue's opponent.

Reluctantly, she explained in a panic and far-fetched way: "Liyue, that is just a little medicine I bought at the pharmacy, you give it back to me!"

Bai Liyue stepped back two steps, opened the medicine packet and smelled it, then smiled faintly.

"This medicine is exactly the same as the poison in the princess. Don't tell me, the princess. Is this a coincidence?"

Dongfang Yi saw that Bai Liyue couldn't conceal it, and he didn't try to **** it anymore.

She lowered her eyelids, took a deep breath, turned her back, and admitted: "Yes, it is me who poisoned the princess. Go and expose me."

Bai Liyue didn't expect it to be her.

Unexpectedly, she would admit it so easily.

Looking at Dongfangyi's back, Bai Liyue asked, "Can I ask, why?"

Dongfang Yi closed his eyes and whispered: "Because she came to my house to make a noise about fake herbal medicine, which damaged my family's reputation. I hate it, so I want her life."

This reason obviously couldn't convince Bai Liyue.

Although Bai Liyue didn't know Dongfangyi very well, she could still feel that she was not such an unclear and careful person.

"Wang Hao, do you have something unspeakable?"

Dongfangyi turned around, facing Bai Liyue, and replied neatly: "No, what I said is true. Go and tell the second prince. It is the poison I gave to the princess. I am willing to accept it. All punishments."

Bai Liyue looked at Dongfang Yi.

After she was exposed, there was no fear in her eyes. On the contrary, she felt a sense of relief.

"Princess, poisoning the princess is of great importance. It is not just that you have to be punished. Think about it. From now on, how will others evaluate the Dongfang family?"

Speaking of Dongfangjia, Dongfangyi finally showed a trace of sadness in his eyes.

Then, she turned her head away, her eyes blushing a little aggrieved.

"Whatever, I'm too tired, maybe, this is the catastrophe that my family must go through."

Bai Liyue looked at her reddish eyes and straightened her body so that she could face herself.

"Princess, poisoning the princess is a capital offense, you tell the truth, maybe things will turn around."

Dongfang Yi smiled helplessly: "What's so terrible about death? It's better to die a hundred than you can't help but be alive."

She smiled helplessly and sadly, making Bai Liyue aware of her many difficulties.

Bai Liyue knew that she was not a bad person.

"Princess, since you are not afraid of death, why don't you tell me the truth, maybe I can help you."


Dongfang Yi laughed at himself, and shook his head helplessly: "No one can help me, it's my fate."

Seeing her look desperate, Bai Liyue guessed: "It's the prince, he is not good to you, right? You poisoned the princess, did he instigate it?"

Dongfang Yi glanced at Bai Liyue in surprise, but did not answer or deny it.

Although Bai Liyue had never been in the royal family, she could still imagine that ordinary aristocratic families all value status and status, not to mention the superior royal family.

Even if Dongfang Yi became a princess, her status was just an adopted daughter, not even aristocratic orthodoxy.

In the eyes of outsiders, everyone only thinks that she is a lucky person, and the adopted daughter can fly to the branch and become the princess.

But her status is obviously very embarrassing among the noble blood of the royal family.

Even if the prince liked her at first, but if things go on like this, there will be more and more ridicules outside, and he can't care about it.

In addition, Bai Liyue could guess that Dongfangyi was in the royal family and had a bad life when she saw the scars on Dongfangyi's body last time.

At least, it's not as glamorous as the outside world sees.

Dongfang Yi walked silently to the window of the ward, feeling the cool breeze outside the window.

At night in this season, the breeze is very cool.

The cool breeze swept across her face, it was cold, but she didn't seem to feel it.

"Liyue, do you know? If I had a choice, I would definitely not be the princess."

Bai Liyue did not answer, staring at her lonely back, listening to her story carefully.

"At the beginning, when the royal family chose the concubine, the king was fancying my eldest sister. Adopted daughters like me are not qualified at all.

But my mother felt sorry for the eldest sister. She had long learned that the prince had a violent character and was an unknown perverted demon.

Therefore, she begged me to make her look like the elder prince who had died and became a wife. When he came to Dongfang's house, she wore his favorite color dress and danced in front of him.

Before the eldest prince, there was a wife who was very beloved, and later died of illness. This has always been a piece of his heart.

Not as my mother expected, he chose me and married me without hesitation. "

Having said that, Dongfang Wan lowered her head and smiled bitterly.

"I will always remember that on the wedding night, he called someone else's name.

Not long after he married into the royal family, he also began to discover that I was not like his dead wife.

Slowly, he also began to reveal his true colors, and he did not hide his hands on me, using me as a tool for his venting.

But what can we do? I can't escape. For the sake of the Dongfang family, I must stand up to the position of the princess, treat him respectfully, and obey. "

Dongfang Yi's statement is very simple, but Bai Liyue is almost clear.

Mrs. Dongfang's favorite is her own daughter.

For Dongfang Wan, he did not hesitate to push the adopted daughter into the fire pit.

Dongfangyi became the victim of her doting daughter.

Bai Liyue looked at Dongfangyi and asked, "When Mrs. Dongfang asked you to replace Dongfang Wan, why didn't you refuse? This has a bearing on the happiness of your life!"

Dongfangyi turned his head, tears were already in his eyes.

"My father and mother nurtured me, and I didn't repay this kind of nurturing.

Besides, at that time, my mother knelt down and begged me for the eldest sister. You said, how could I refuse? "

Bai Liyue lowered her eyes, not knowing what to say.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, let alone aristocrats.

There is a halo that everyone longs for, and it has to withstand the pressure and helplessness that ordinary people can't accept.

"Princess, I can understand your helplessness, but why do you harm the princess?"

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