The next day, Tang Tianyuan took Tan Lingyin to see his mother.

Madam Tang felt a little uncomfortable when she saw Tan Lingyin. Although this girl was not the perfect daughter-in-law she had imagined, she had indeed overdone it yesterday. If word spread that ‘Madam Tang had insulted and bullied a maiden and forced her to do a physical exam to test her innocence’, then her name in the capital will forever be stained.

At this time, Madam Tang said, "It was because I listened to the evil person's slander yesterday and made Head Commissioner Tan suffer a great grievance," she sighed, "When people get old, their visions and thoughts become impaired, and they do not know right from wrong. Please don't blame this muddled old lady, Head Commissioner Tan."

Tan Lingyin stood up, with a faint expression on her face, "I dare not."

Tang Tianyuan hurriedly asked Tan Lingyin to sit and talk. He then smiled at his mother, "Mother, now you know who is right and who is wrong?" He deliberately glanced at Tan Lingyin as he spoke.

Madam Tang didn't answer as she had a servant fetch something. When she received the box, Madam Tang opened it: it was a gold headpiece inlaid with rubies. The color of each ruby on the headpiece was exceedingly pure.

"I came out in a hurry and didn't bring anything good. Head Commissioner Tan, if you like it, please accept this."

Tan Lingyin knew that this was a meeting gift from Madam Tang. This also meant she now recognized her, otherwise why hadn’t she given it to her when they first met? The reason why Madam Tang chose such an expensive gift was probably because she wanted to apologize for yesterday. After a bit of push and pull, Tan Lingyin accepted it. Madam Tang was quite reasonable. Tan Lingyin's resentment towards her was no longer as severe.

Tang Tianyuan knew that everything was settled, but his mother and his future wife were still a bit tense towards one another. He told a few jokes to make them laugh, and allowed the atmosphere to ease. When Tan Lingyin was leaving, Madam Tang asked Tang Tianyuan to send her out.

After seeing off Tan Lingyin, Tang Tianyuan came back to see his mother. He still had something to say to her.

Tang Tianyuan began to inform Madam Tang of the ins and outs. He explained to his mother why Tan Lingyin disliked Zhu Dacong and how Zhu Dacong stalked her. In the end, Tan Lingyin was left with no choice but to ruin her own reputation and quarreled with her father...

Madam Tang heard another version of Tan Lingyin from her son. She couldn't help but not believe it. First of all, the misunderstanding of ‘pledge for life’ was too strange but Tang Tianyuan's explanation was very reasonable. Also, why did Tan Lingyin's father like Zhu Dacong but not Tang Tianyuan? Mostly because Tang Tianyuan's identity had not been disclosed publicly.

From this point of view, Tan Lingyin was not greedy for power and wealth. She had a discerning eye, was courageous and resourceful, and was completely devoted to Tang Tianyuan...

After finishing speaking, Tang Tianyuan asked, "Mother, tell me, can I let go of such a good girl?"

Madam Tang sighed and said sincerely, "Fine. Although her background is not good enough, her appearance and character is acceptable."

"How can everything be good, is it better than that girl from a good background but a bad temper?"

That's true. Madam Tang nodded. This matter has already come to this point. What was done was done. And if she saw it from another point of view, this Tan Lingyin has quite a few positive traits.

Seeing that his mother was in a good mood, Tang Tianyuan took the opportunity to add, "Mother, don't blame me for thinking too much, I need something to say first."

Madam Tang smiled, "You think I am unaware of your thoughts? You’re already trying to help her get a headstart even though she has yet to enter our gates?"

"Mother," Tang Tianyuan hurriedly explained, "You also know the situation in her family. She had a hard life; her mother passed away early, her family are in the trade business, and her brother is worthless. They can't be counted on..." 

His meaning was: Tan Lingyin's background was not strong enough. No one in her natal family can back her up. 

"It will be very difficult for her once she marries into our house."

Madam Tang glared, "Do you think I'm the kind of person who will randomly pick on my daughter-in-law? She will be a member of the Tang Residence once she marries into our house. Naturally, the whole family should be harmonious when they are together. Moreover, you are my only child, why would I make trouble for your wife? Then your wife will complain to you, and then you will complain, why would I do such a thing? Is that the type of person you see your mother as?"

Tang Tianyuan chuckled, and massaged his mother's shoulders flatteringly. "Mother, you are overthinking. What I mean is, when she comes in, we two will be filial to you together."

Her son really learned how to play rascal. Madam Tang's fierce expression immediately loosened as she smiled, "Then give birth to a few more children for me to play with."

"No problem!"

Madam Tang was leaving. Before she departed, Xianggua knelt on the ground and begged Madam Tang to take her away, but Madam Tang refused.

Regardless of whether it was intentional or not, Xianggua had caused her to make such a blunder. Madam Tang had lost a lot of face because of her. It was already meriful of her not to have this kind of maid dragged out and beaten to death. Don't even think about going back to the capital!

Besides, Madam Tang has reconciled with Tan Lingyin now. Tan Lingyin will be the daughter-in-law of the Tang family in the future. If Madam Tang took Xianggua back now, she would be disregarding the face of her future daughter-in-law. Who would do such a thing if they didn't intend to find fault?

In short, how Madam Tang came was how she left.

After sending his mother off, Tang Tianyuan finally had time to deal with the disobedient servant. He had warned Xianggua multiple times not to talk nonsense in front of his mother. Now it seemed that she not only said it, but also said a lot.

He had to make an example, he had to show his servants what happens if they were to disobey their master. Dare to make trouble for Head Commissioner Tan? Then trouble will follow you for the rest of your life!

Tang Tianyuan didn't hesitate to do things like beating or selling servants. If he really wanted to play the bad guy, then it would send chills to the others who were watching. Tang Tianyuan led a female brothel keeper into the county government office. In front of many people, he pointed at Xianggua and said to the female brothel keeper, "Just this one, take it."

Xianggua didn't recognize the female brothel keeper, so she thought she was a human broker. However this human broker was too gorgeously dressed... But she couldn't care less as Xianggua knelt on the ground and cried, "Young Master, I know I did wrong! I beg you, please for the sake of our family's years of loyalty, spare this servant!"

Yes, Xianggua was a maid borned in Tang Residence. Her mother was a respectable servant in charge helping maintain order and housekeeping.

Tang Tianyuan didn't care less. When Xianggua’s mother passed away, she hadn’t said anything for this daughter. Since she left no words, it meant: Figure it out yourself!

When the female brothel keeper saw the girl crying pitifully, she comforted her, "Don't be sad, girl. Our Thousand Flower Brothel will provide even better food and clothing."

Thousand Flower Brothel!

This time, not only Xianggua, everyone knew what was going on.

Xianggua was so shocked that she forgot to cry. Trembling, she asked, "Young Master, you– you– you– want to sell me to Thousand Flower Brothel?"

Tang Tianyuan looked at her indifferently, his eyes were ice cold.

Xianggua suddenly felt chills all over her body. When the female brothel keeper came to grab her arm, she screamed and slapped the female brothel keeper away.

"No! I won't go to the Thousand Flower Brothel! I won't go even if I have to die!" Xianggua hugged Tang Tianyuan's leg and pleaded eagerly, "Young Master, you can't sell me to the Thousand Flower Brothel. Servants can't be forced into brothels, otherwise it is considered forced prostitution. As an imperial official, how could you..." How could you knowingly break the law?

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