After receiving Tang Tianyuan’s consent, the Feng Shui Master excitedly went to uncover the coffin. However inside the coffin was nothing inside except a dead bone. As he expected, the coffin had already been opened before! 

Unacceptable! The Feng Shui Master was indignant.

Tan Lingyin also bravely stepped forward to watch. She was a little nervous and wasn’t able to stabilize herself so she supported the coffin.

The Feng Shui Master cried out, "Head Commissioner Tan, don't touch—"

Before he finished speaking, the skeleton in the coffin suddenly sat up!

Tan Lingyin broke out in a cold sweat from fright, and took a few steps back abruptly. Fortunately, Tang Tianyuan helped her in time. Her heart was beating violently, and she was too nervous to speak for a moment.

The others were not much better. Zhao Xiaoliu was so frightened that he knelt down, only Tang Tianyuan and Cong Shun remained calm. Tang Tianyuan looked at the Feng Shui Master. "What's going on?!"

"Move– Moving corpse!?" The Feng Shui Master stepped back to hide behind Tang Tianyuan. Believing that the County Magistrate was the star of fate, able to subdue these evil spirits, the Feng Shui Master became more courageous. At this time, his mind became clear, and he suddenly realized, "Only preserved corpses can become zombies, this..." Looking at the corpse sitting in a daze, he dared to ask, "You are only a skeleton, what qualifications do you have to move your corpse?"

Naturally, the skeleton didn't answer, but just stared blankly ahead.

Tang Tianyuan narrowed his eyes. He walked over and carefully observed the place Tan Lingyin touched just now. He quickly discovered a tile on the coffin board slightly sunken in. Because the color of this tile was the same as the surrounding, and along with the dim light, it was not easy to detect. Tang Tianyuan asked Cong Shun to press down on the skeleton. He then pressed the small tile, and sure enough, the skeleton sat up again.

"Fake tricks," Tang Tianyuan concluded. He then asked the Feng Shui Master, "What's the point of this trick?"

"It's probably to scare those tomb robbers," The Feng Shui Master guessed. Immediately, he denied himself, "No. Even if it was to scare others, he wouldn't play with his own corpse like this..." He slapped his forehead, "I know!"


"My lord, please let someone push this coffin away."

Tang Tianyuan was surprised, "Can you push this?"

The Feng Shui Master nodded solemnly.

Tang Tianyuan gave the order and Cong Shun led several bailiffs to push the coffin in one direction. It really pushed away.

A square channel appears below.

The Feng Shui Master explained proudly, "This center tomb is fake. The owner of the tomb was afraid of being robbed, so the real one should be down there."

Tang Tianyuan felt an inexplicable excitement. He felt that they were getting closer to the truth.

The Feng Shui Master went down first and found the real coffin. When he opened it...the coffin was still devoid of treasure.

He silently shed tears.

Tan Lingyin listened for a while and then asked, "Is there water here?"

The Feng Shui Master nodded with a dejected expression. "There should be an undercurrent. Water gathers yin. Are they not afraid of creating a zombie by putting the corpse here? Humph!"

Tang Tianyuan ignored him. He searched around but couldn't find gold and said, "Let's take us to find that undercurrent first."

The Feng Shui Master complied. It turned out that the tomb was built through a natural underground cave, and there was no obstacle when walking further in. After walking for a while, they saw the underground river.

As well as the corpses strewn by the riverside.

Everyone was terrified again.

Cong Shun knelt down to check the bodies. "My lord, the bones of these dead are black, they should have died of poisoning. The clothes have not deteriorated much, so they didn't die when the tomb was built. Judging from the clothing, they should have died in the past few years."

"Could they be grave robbers?"

The Feng Shui Master shook his head, "No, there are seven or eight corpses here. Tomb robbers won't dispatch so many people to rob such a small tomb."

Then there was only one possibility left. These people were manual laborers transporting gold for San Jie. San Jie must have killed them to silence their mouths.

Tan Lingyin also thought of this, and suddenly felt chills all over. It was one thing to be greedy for money, but he was too ruthless. This San Jie can die ten thousand times!

Tang Tianyuan asked people to move the corpse away and found some moving tools.

The question remained: Where exactly was the gold?

This was not a big place and they had searched every area. It’s impossible for them to not find such a large amount of gold.

No, there was one more place that wasn’t searched.

Tang Tianyuan stared at the surface of the water and asked the bailiffs who was the best swimmer.

Everyone pointed at Li Dawang.

So Li Dawang was sent to investigate the waters. Tang Tianyuan instructed, "If there is anything under the water, just fish it up."

Although it was mid-winter, the underground river was not as cold as the ground. However, it was so dark underwater that Li Dawang couldn't see anything. Once he grabbed a heavy elongated object, he surfaced.

As a result, when he went ashore, he found that what he was holding was a gold brick!

Everyone was shocked. The Feng Shui Master was very moved, "I knew there were still some good things!"

Tang Tianyuan suddenly felt that something was wrong. He looked back and found that Tan Lingyin was missing.

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