It was the wind, and then there was the wind, and the wind roared and destroyed the withering and decaying, as if it wanted to blow the whole world into powder and cease to exist, and the wind above the nine heavens and the wind under the nine shadows were not as good as the gust of wind that blew in the abyss, because this gust of wind was from the heart, and if it originated from one's own heart, it would be the most terrifying and powerful nightmare.

"The wind... Born from the heart?"

On the white bridge, Zhao Mad and Luo Yuan stood side by side, he couldn't help but feel a little mad in his heart when he listened to Mo Yi's explanation, starting from the heart? What does it mean to start from the heart? The wind of the heart rises? How is that different from the means of immortals? Zhao Mad thought that he could not become an immortal at once, and he was not even in the Supreme Realm, so how could he talk about the realm of following the law?

"Think openly, feel the slap print on your face and think about it. Mo Yi hugged Gongsun Ruoji and said: "The so-called wind starts from the heart, and it is true that you think of the wind, so you have the wind... But why do you think of the wind?"

Zhao Yan listened to Mo Yi's words and thought for a while, and suddenly looked back at the saintess behind him.

"Is she harming me?" Zhao asked madly.

"Pig brains. Mo Yi covered his face: "On the contrary, she saved you, at that moment, the sentence "is the wind" guided your thinking to probably be the most harmless "wind", to put it bluntly, there will be a wind, because the mystery of Baiqiao and the 28 extreme abysses is not that it will have a fixed visionary disaster, but depends on whatever you think of in your heart at that moment. "

"The black of this abyss is like a blackboard canvas, and your inner thoughts will be manifested in certain moments. Mo Yi looked at the dark world and said, "For example, when I say snake, is your first reaction to think of the appearance of a snake? or a cobra, or a rattlesnake?"

"Snake..."Zhao was stunned for a moment.

Mo Yi also paused suddenly, he no longer looked at Zhao Mad but looked at the front of the white bridge, Venerable Qingxuan stopped, looked up slightly and looked ahead, the slender and huge black shadow was reflected in his dark green eyes.

"You don't have to tell me what a snake it is, because I already know. Mo Yi scratched his cheeks, his head was tilted up, and not far in front of the white bridge, a colorful poisonous snake that was dozens of meters high stood there, the red forked tongue was the thickness of a bucket, and sparks shone between the scales and the friction of the white bridge, and the Qingxuan Venerable who was closest to the giant snake did not retreat or move forward, but just stood in place and stared at the eyes of the giant snake.

"It really showed up. Zhao Mad was a little confused, because at the first moment when Mo Yi said the snake, he thought of a demon beast called the Colored Snake that he had accidentally seen on the Changfeng Gate Alien Beast Spectrum, and the next moment this demon beast actually appeared.

"This is the truth of the Abyss and the White Bridge, and those who set foot here fall into the Abyss only because they have been defeated by the embodied objects that they fear in their hearts. Mo Yi sighed lightly and said: "The secret of crossing the bridge is probably to keep the Lingtai clear, don't think about anything, once you think that if you are an extraterritorial heavenly demon, then we are not finished?"

"What is an extraterritorial heavenly demon?" Zhao Mad asked casually.

"I'm afraid I'll tell you that you'll really give one out, and this one hasn't been solved yet. Mo Yi rolled his eyes: "Now keep the Lingtai clear for me, and if you dare to think nonsense, I will throw you down from here." "

Qingxuan Venerable looked back and forgot Mo Yi and a crazy glance, Mo Yi nodded slightly, Qingxuan Venerable immediately turned around and walked forward, and actually looked at the giant snake, and a strange situation also happened, the giant snake didn't even care about the approaching Qingxuan Venerable, and even Qingxuan Venerable "passed" and disappeared.

"This is..."Zhao was stunned.

This is also the reason why you were the only one who was blown away by the wind before, but if your brain completely "refuses" to believe in the existence of these visions in front of you, then it will naturally not be able to harm you, and if you can create it, then you can naturally destroy it. Mo Yi stepped forward and glanced back at Zhao Mad : "I believe you can do this, right? Prince Zhao Guo Speaking of which, in the human world, we can still be regarded as a country that has established diplomatic relations, but our Yiguo has burned and looted with your Zhao Mad Alliance, and the soldiers led by my Lao Tzu have conquered all the regions south of the territory to the sea." "

"Are you the prince of Yiguo?" Zhao Madness was suddenly stunned by Mo Yi's words, he knew that Mo Yi came from the mortal realm to ascend the Jade Immortal Road with himself, but he didn't know Mo Yi's true background.

"Not counting the prince, does the founding marshal of Yiguo know, the one who is known as the slaughter?" Mo Yi didn't look back and waved his hand, and walked straight through the belly of the giant snake towards the front of the white bridge.

"Mo Tianjiao..."Zhao Mad whispered the name, and when he looked up and wanted to ask something more, he found that the giant snake had disappeared, and Mo Yi looked at him not far away with a smile in his eyes.

"Diverting attention is the best way, while you are calming down now, don't think about anything by reciting your cultivation method, otherwise I won't be able to save you if you cause trouble." "

Zhao Yan's heart tightened, and he immediately quickened his pace to keep up with Mo Yi.

"Now you know why the news recorded in the classics is wrong, right?" Mo Yi squinted at Zhao Mad who was following and said: "Only people who are not determined will come up with all kinds of inexplicable things on the White Bridge, and before they know the truth, they will think that those illusions and disasters that appear are the White Bridge itself, and when they know the truth, everything will be over." "

"Actually, the extreme abyss is also quite interesting, what is afraid in my heart will appear, so if I fantasize about a "immortal" coming out, what level of immortal should come out?" Mo Yi said with both hands on the back of his head.

"What do you want this 703 to do? Zhao Mad felt that it was a little difficult to speak, and he tried not to think about things as much as possible now, the guy next to him actually held a joking heart and diverged his thoughts at will, and what was even more bizarre was that there was no vision in the abyss now, which also meant that Mo Yi could completely control his thinking when he was thinking nonsense, and not take the initiative to create those "fear" things.

"No, that's not interesting, I might as well fantasize about an all-knowing and all-powerful God." Mo Yi smiled and said, "Then I want this god to make a stone that he can't lift himself, so do you say he can lift it?"

"I don't know...."Zhao Mad tried to restrain his thoughts as he answered Mo Yi's question.

"If he lifts it up, it means that he has not created a stone that he cannot lift, and if he lifts it, it means that he is not omniscient and omnipotent, but just a false god. Mo Yi shrugged his shoulders and said: "But I think, even the extreme abyss will not be able to form this phenomenon of "breaking the rules", right? Otherwise, why hasn't there been an all-knowing and all-powerful god yet? I am hypnotizing myself all the time to "fear" such an existence. "

Zhao Mad suddenly felt a little chill in his heart, and looked sideways at the guy around him who was about the same age as himself, unable to imagine what terrifying and outrageous things he was thinking about under that casual surface. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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