"It's coming. Venerable Qingxuan said.

A sound is coming, the passage of time is over, the snow-capped mountains seem to be boundless, and I suddenly feel unconscious between walking, as if the space is blocked here, no matter how long I walk, look up, the sky is still the sky, the mountain is still the mountain, and the diamond-shaped hanging peak suspended in the highest place is silent and silent.

Venerable Qingxuan said that it was coming, so everyone looked up, but they still couldn't see the top of the mountain, and they couldn't see the so-called end, but no one questioned it, because Venerable Qingxuan said that it was coming, and that was coming.

"Enchantment?illusion?" Mo Yi took a step forward and stepped on the snow, Zhao Mad on the side glanced at him, from the previous foot deep and shallow foot, now Mo Yi is already walking on the ground on the thick snow, the excessive speed during this period is really unsettling.

"Do you know why the spiritual energy of this heaven and earth is depleted and the sea of qi is tightly closed?" Venerable Qingxuan asked, looking up at the top of the White Misty Mountain.

"World Tree. Mo Yi said: "Since even the root of the world will be swallowed up by it, the closer you get to that side, the more it will be depleted." "

"Yes and no. Venerable Qingxuan said between his jaws: "The closer you get to the edge of the World Tree, the more your aura will be depleted, but if you really reach the World Tree, you will feel the so-called true... Frenzy. "

Mo Yi suddenly came to his senses, and after hesitating for a moment, he said, "Then will we be able to resume our cultivation when we reach the center of the frenzy?"

"What do you think?" Venerable Qingxuan didn't answer this question directly, but ~ glanced sideways at him and asked.

Mo Yi opened his mouth, then was quiet for a while, and shook his head: "Hmm... It's the students who are one-sided, and no matter how good the water is, they will drown in the center of the whirlpool, and the monks will be torn apart by the storm in the vicinity of a behemoth like the World Tree. "

"And at the very center of the whirlpool, the storm, there was silence. Venerable Qingxuan raised his hand to catch a snowflake, watched it melt into his warm palm, and whispered, "Even if there will be occasional noise, it will eventually return to silence. "

Saying that, Venerable Qingxuan took a step forward, and suddenly Mo Yi found that she in front of her actually got up without wind, and her feet slowly rose into the air as if she was stepping on an invisible staircase, Mo Yi didn't have time to ask Venerable Qingxuan how he did it, but the other party looked back and grabbed his hand and staggered him forward.

And this step did not fall on the ground, but floated in the air like Venerable Qingxuan, and Mo Yi only then reflected what Venerable Qingxuan meant by "coming" - they had already reached the edge of the World Tree Storm, and after jumping over this line, there was a vortex of aura like a storm, and now if you want to go straight to the center of the storm, you just need to go with the flow.

But the price of going with the flow is high, Mo Yi took the first step and felt that the whole world had changed, and the invisible aura instantly appeared around him, just like 10,000 dragons roaring in his ears, and the vast cyclone in his body was almost shaken away, but fortunately, he tightened back in time to protect the spiritual platform.

Even though it was a gluttonous spiritual root, these violent spiritual energies could not be absorbed at all, just like a gentle wind and sharp knives, these spiritual auras around the World Tree could only attract the hostility and fear of the gluttonous spiritual roots!

Before Mo Yi was about to be completely shattered by this storm, Venerable Qingxuan shook his hand, thousands of bamboo leaves scattered all over the sky, that light was just as dazzling as the stars lit up, in this whirlpool, she could still use mana, and as soon as she made a move, she stretched out a large vacuum area!

The saintess after that didn't make much noise, but stepped out and jumped into the safe area opened by Venerable Qingxuan, and Zhao Mad and Gongsun Ruoji reacted at this time, and immediately stepped forward and jumped over the line that Mo Yi stepped out of, and entered the area sheltered by the bamboo leaves and green mangs together.

Just like a touch of stars in the storm illuminating the entire void, Venerable Qingxuan is the center that lights up the night sky, and slashes straight towards the highest part of the snow-capped mountain, without much momentum, but it can make the surrounding people feel the terrifying mana and realm momentum, the white jade arm raises his hand, as if he is forcibly stretching the space, tearing the whole world apart, and opening up the boundless world with the power of one person.

"This is phaseless...?" Mo Yi was a little shocked in his heart, he had never seen it, and he had seen a lot, the sword-wielding old man of Bishan came from the mountain with a sword, the sword light of the world, the sword idiot Cheng Jingyu shook the sword with a sword, and the power of the mountain, but these are different from the power he has experienced in the Qingxuan Venerable now, if you insist on proposing what it feels like... Mo Yi only felt the same breath in one person-

Heavenly Lonely Sect Master.

The holy woman did not speak, her expression did not move, but a glimmer of light passed from her eyes, it was enough to see that her mood was not calm, in the safe zone opened by Venerable Qingxuan, everyone temporarily recovered their cultivation, and the energy consumed by Venerable Qingxuan trying to send them to the top of the mountain must also be terrifying, and doing it at this moment is her greatest chance to succeed.

Mo Yi also knew this truth, and at some point, the Blood Sword and the Demon Sealing Sword were already in his hands, and the sound transmission began to call out the spiritual sense of the Blood Sword.

The holy woman stared at the Qingxuan Venerable, Mo Yi looked at the holy woman, Gongsun Ruoji and Zhao Madman were all in danger, one clenched their fists and the other pinched the tiger talisman without saying a word, but the blood sword was also slow to respond to Mo Yi's call.

··· 0 begging for flowers····

"If you don't promise me, I'll shave your legs. Mo also had to make a final threat.

"Beep-please use your divine sense to upload and use this immortal sword. "

"I'll upload your dead man's head. Mo Yi was a little angry, some modern jokes that he usually told this guy were now used to damage himself.

"She's not going to do it. "

Just when the atmosphere froze to the extreme, Venerable Qingxuan's words broke everything, and she didn't look back, just kept her green glow and looked up at the top of the approaching snow-capped mountain: "If you are a smart person, you will know what to do." "

The holy maiden took the initiative to turn her head and no longer look at Venerable Qingxuan, and Mo also remained vigilant but did not relax in the slightest.


The green light was like a meteor from the bottom up, and the light was dazzling to illuminate almost all the surrounding land, and even there were traces of violent aura left on the route, accompanied by the vibration and roar of the air, all the way over the snow-capped mountain and flew straight up to the diamond-shaped peak suspended in the sky.

"It's here. "

In the midst of the wind and roar, Venerable Qingxuan said.

They finally reached their final destination, the commanding heights of this diamond-shaped peak.

In an instant, the green light dissipated, like a scattered snowflake that melted in the air, Mo also tried to resist the sword, but at this moment the sea of qi was blocked again, looking up at the sky only felt like death-like tranquility, gluttonous spiritual root fell into an unprecedented dead silence, that is because in this place, there is no spiritual energy for it to be greedy, there is no demand, it is naturally annihilated.

The height of the landing was not too high, Mo Yi fell to the ground with a bang, waving a large amount of snow, he looked at the surrounding area was an empty flat land, and before his eyes fell elsewhere, he was attracted by something.

In the distance, in the center of this flat white bottom, there is a touch of green.

It was a lawn, and it was hard to imagine seeing green grass in the snow, and in the middle of the grass... There is a small tree.

The young tree is still in its infancy, with thin branches and bare leaves, but no green leaves and no fruits.

"It's... World Tree?" Mo Yi stood and muttered softly.

No one answered him, because the first time they saw the little tree, everyone was silent, as if they were copying the ultimate picture scroll to understand. Comprehend the beauty and truth hidden in it. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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