The moon of Mengxia, its emperor Yandi, and its god Zhurong.

In the most ancient times, there was a god to bless the world, there was a god to worship the world, to control the fire like an arm, plastic, out of the body, to burn the sky, and everything was a wood flint.

Fire, in the world of cultivating immortals, has never been a simple word, the most divine Samadhi true fire can only be controlled during the ruins period, the alchemy refining tool is invincible, and it can also burn the soul and purify the soul, and the effect of resisting the enemy is not weaker than the first-class spell, and the realm body cultivators will be afraid of three points. However, the change of fire is very different, and the true fire of Samadhi can only be regarded as the middle and upper posture of ten thousand fires, and there are even supreme flames such as Bliss Fire, Five Poison Fire, and Peacock Fire.

Flame is a violent and unruly thing, fire is not difficult to find, there are thousands of worlds of terrifying fire in the hell of the hell, and it is difficult to find the perfect way to resist fire, it is rumored that the holy mountain is dedicated to the white ghost, since he was young was forced into the fire by the enemy, by chance, it is also his own pride and talent to support the surrender of one of the alien fires that can rank among the top of the unsullied fire, after the success of the fire realm perception broke through again and again, and finally carried the unsullied fire out of the hell to burn those enemies one by one into ashes, but due to the way of controlling the goods is not refined, almost set fire to self-immolation, and was finally saved by the passing holy mountain saint, since then also the holy mountain has been favored by the holy mountain as a guest, teach the way of fire resistance, cultivate to the point of incomprehension, and then recognize the master of the hall, and pass on the murderous life of the hell fire ghost hell again and again.

In the Hell of the Hell, there has been a saying since a long time that there was a mother fire at the birth of heaven and earth, and that the unification of thousands of flames could make thousands of violent flames form the "Two Ninety-Three" Hell in one place, but because even the monks of the Phaseless Period could not penetrate into the lowest level of the Hell, no one knew this statement, and there was only one reason why this statement was convincing to everyone—

Once an immortal came to the world, straight into the hell fire ghost hell, and then eighty-one days later, there was a scream that shocked the entire immortal cultivation continent, and finally there was no sound, only the golden brilliance scattered, it is said that it was the three souls and seven spirits that escaped after the immortal was burned to death, it can be seen that there is a great horror in the hellfire ghost prison, and the words of the fire mother make more people sure in their hearts.

And there are only a few monks who have been to the Hellfire Ghost Hell in the field, but the white ghost, who has once controlled the Innocent Fire, is the most eye-catching, he is high in the ranks of the Holy Mountain, he looked at the most dazzling Qingxuan Venerable, and remembered the terrible feat of shooting down their Nine Dragons cart in the dark void, at that time she said that she was phaseless, and everyone didn't believe it, so the Nine Dragons cart collapsed, and the Holy Maiden disappeared, and at this moment she said that she had a fire mother...

Whether it's true or not, it doesn't look like Venerable Qingxuan wants to argue with everyone, because she actually proved what she said, she crushed the porcelain vase.

The blue light is no longer cyan, everything has lost its color, and the green bamboo forest surrounding the snow field is actually burning, this is the artistic conception of the phaseless is collapsing, and the spiritual platform of the Qingxuan Venerable is really burning, which is tantamount to suicide!

And the white ghost was terrified, because he had experienced this change before, when he was almost burned by the unsullied fire.

At the same time, the white ghost found that the innocent fire in his body actually began to be afraid, as if he had met a natural enemy, he cowered in the deepest part of his body, which reminded him that he had been in the hell of the hell, and it was the inexplicable situation that this kind of innocent fire suddenly curled up that he was able to successfully recover the innocent fire in one go.

"Mother... Mother fire. Under the mask of the white ghost, he couldn't help but say.

And the next moment, the Qingxuan Venerable's blue light disappeared, and the Holy Mountain suddenly noticed the Holy Maiden on the Blood Sword in the distance behind the Qingxuan Venerable! Before, when Venerable Qingxuan appeared, there was a blue light that covered her back, causing everyone to be unable to see the people behind her, but now, the blue light has disappeared, leaving only an extremely hot intention to scorch the ripples in the space, making the shadow of the Qingxuan Venerable like a virtual shadow or real or real, but the figures behind the Qingxuan Venerable are also completely exposed in sight!

"Holy Maiden!"

"She didn't die!

"The saint has been taken hostage!"

"Damn, that mad woman, how did she catch up with the saint. "

The Holy Mountain immediately exploded and made a mess, while the Holy Venerable looked at Mo Yi who was standing alone in the void with his eyes slightly narrowed.

"It's Zhao Mad, and Zhao Mad's junior brother has also been held hostage!"

On the side of Changfeng Gate, the sharp-eyed people saw Zhao Mad on the Demon Sealing Sword clearly, Yi Haoran also looked at it and frowned slightly, he also had an impression of this excellent immortal seedling that he had recruited from the Nether, and he couldn't help but have a lot of guidance in Changfeng Gate, the other party's potential is amazing, and his heart is strong enough, the only deficiency is that he is too proud, but in general, he is still a genius that is rare to see in a hundred years, but now he seems to have fallen under the hostage of Qingxuan Venerable.

Zhao Madness on the Demon Sealing Sword also met Yi Haoran's eyes, he was extremely embarrassed now, everyone thought that he was being held hostage, in fact, he knew in his heart that he was ... Rubbing and rubbing, it is better to say that he is comfortable under the big tree, but now he can't show the reality of the situation, out of the excellent acting skills of the ruthless emperor's family, with a sad and unwilling face, a drop of tiger tears from the corner of his eye reveals the loyalty and martyrdom who is eager to return to everyone.

What a body in Cao Ying, and the heart is in Han!

"Look! Senior Brother Zhao was frightened and insulted! Damn Venerable Qingxuan!

"Senior Brother Zhao Mad don't worry, Senior Sister save you!"

"Little Brother Zhao Mad! Senior Sister is here! Don't be afraid!"

A large group of disciples of the Changfeng Sect drew their swords and looked around with righteous indignation, but they looked at the Qingxuan Venerable who was caught in the violent colorless wave and was half a point intimidated, and even Yi Haoran gave Zhao Mad a reassuring look, signaling him to endure the humiliation and bear the burden for the time being to save his life.

Zhao Mad tilted his head and took back the tiger tears in the corner of his eyes, coughed twice and straightened his face again, and Gongsun Ruoji on the side was not in the mood to care about these twists and turns, she glanced casually at a corner of the human world, where a group of people in strong suits looked at her with angry faces.

"The witch actually survived?"

"The who stole the Emperor's Dao lineage, she's still alive!?"

"The abandoned daughter of the broken beggar family, damn it, if she dies, the Great Emperor Daotong will be lost!"

"Looks like you don't have a very good reputation in your world. At this time, Mo Yi's voice suddenly came into her mind, and Gongsun Ruoji, who received the divine consciousness transmission, glanced sideways at Mo Yi in the high place, and his face was flat.

"So what? Tigers only move on their own, and it is the cats that meow together. Gongsun Ruoji said flatly, leaving no eyes on the group of people who were screaming her name.

"You repeat what you just said?"

"What? Tigers only..."

Next sentence. "

"Meow together..."

"Can Meow say it again, it's cute. Mo Yi shook his eyes at Gongsun Ruoji, Gongsun Ruoji knew that he was tricked by this guy and didn't mention it, and almost jumped over from the Demon Sealing Sword to kill him, and finally calmed down his mentality, but he also quietly caught a glimpse of the Wuyang people in the immortal cultivation world, shouting that the Blood Emperor should be killed, and there are not a few people who will punish the name of the Blood Emperor, and then snorted coldly: "It seems that you are not a good thing in your world." "

"Everyone has some sins that they have to do for their beliefs, who can say right, who can say wrong, everyone has righteousness in their hearts, as long as they adhere to the righteousness in their hearts, even if they turn this day against it, it doesn't matter. Mo Yi chuckled, his eyes slowly fell on the forces of Tiangumen, the first thing he saw was the Duobao Dao people at the very edge of the gossip map, and he also caught a glimpse of some familiar people, such as Qingye and Leng Xia on the boundary mountain, and it seemed that there was a side of the fire, and what touched him the most was Huang Ruan and Fang Xia who he saw by chance, and the two of them looked at him with blazing eyes as if they were looking at a big fat goose......

And at this moment, the place where the Qingxuan Venerable's space was distorted in the center of all eyes on the snow field finally moved.

A colorless ripple swept out, some people avoided it, but there was no way to avoid it, some people resisted, but it was like fighting with the air, just because it was a extreme intention, intended to burn.

"Blood Emperor, wash the dog's head and wait for me to kill... Ahhh

"What's the matter with him.... Ah!" Just as someone was frightened, at the same time, countless monks began to scream, and appeared in the same state of death as the previous Dharma Protector, all of them irreversibly turned to ashes!

Not only on this side of the holy mountain, but also on the snowy field, there are creatures in this situation! For a while, everyone was in danger!

"I know, he's refining fire!" The white ghost of the Holy Mountain suddenly realized when he looked at this widespread terrifying anomaly: "This woman is using thousands of living beings to sacrifice the fire she wants to recover! When the fire burns enough souls, she can melt it in one go! Stop her!"

"What about the immortal fruit?" someone hesitated,

"After she has refined into fire, with the phaseless cultivation she can release, who can stop her? The Heavenly Immortal Fruit is all in her pocket! Kill the Qing Xuan Venerable first!" The white ghost suddenly pulled his hand, and two semi-circular knife wheels made of Ugin appeared in the vast white flames that burst out in his hands, and the white flames on the wheel were not terrifying!

"Kill the Xuan Venerable!Capture the Heavenly Immortal Fruit!" The white ghost took a step and used his mana to amplify his voice, and shouted a slogan that shook the sky.

"Kill the Xuan Venerable, take the Heavenly Immortal Fruit!" all the monks of the Holy Mountain shouted in unison, killing the sky, and the sound waves were rolling.

And the demon clan suddenly had a killing opportunity, and the three-legged golden crow suddenly ordered: "Kill the Terran woman first!

Immediately, the golden dazzling tongue of fire erupted away, and the target was naturally Venerable Qingxuan!

At the same time, Yi Haoran of Changfeng Gate drew his sword! There was a dragon roaring in the heaven and earth, he drew his sword, and there was a dragon phantom condensed and rolled out and entrenched in Changfeng Gate, at the same time, all the disciples of Changfeng Gate drew their swords, and the sword light was ethereal like a torrential rain pouring down into the sky, and the 1.6 condensed sword intent made all the living beings afraid of three points!

"Changfeng Gate, out of the sword, set up the formation!" Yi Haoran said coldly, and then slashed at the Qingxuan Venerable who was condensing the fire, and the sword light turned into a dragon, just like an ancient dragon with scales and claws, it tore through the space and killed it with a terrifying roar and light!

And before Venerable Qingxuan, there was a dragon chant, different from Yi Haoran, it was the eight dragon roars or killing, or tactful, or angry, or long, all condensed like a rope falling from the sky!

Mo Yi, coming by dragon, responding to the dragon swordsmanship, the eight desolate dragons broke, and the eight twisting and roaring dragons collided with Yi Haoran's sword qi and bit together, and finally deviated from the direction and crashed into the snowfield, countless creatures were strangled by the aftermath of the sword qi, and before they had time to dodge, they sprinkled a large piece of blood on the white snowfield!

Mo also stood with the Demon Sealing Sword, and then Zhao Mad and Gongsun Ruoji fell into the snowfield. He single-handedly reversed the blade of the sword, and drew a round that smashed the golden tongue of fire that came diagonally today, and he stood in front of Venerable Qingxuan, and shouted coldly: "Not a few days ago, tens of millions of people wanted to take the blood of their sisters, and the day, thousands of "heroes" who came here wanted to kill me and eliminate harm for the people?

"Actually, I just want to say one thing. Mo Yi surrounded every living creature up and down the snowfield, and scolded with a smile: "I am happy in bed with your mother today, and I want to kill someone. "

Taunt open.

Immediately, the group started to kill. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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