Not... Not dead.

The entire snowfield was silent, looking intently at the still fluttering green flames and Mo Yi, who was dyed in bloody clothes to face the enemy alone, they tried their best to wipe their eyes and sit on the spiritual platform to verify whether they were wrong or hallucinated by illusions, otherwise why would they inexplicably see Mo Yi, who had been hit by the combined killing moves of the strong people from all sides like the falling stars, still standing there?

"No, it can't be. Aoi Li's blood was boiling at her feet, which showed that her heart trembled to the extreme, although the blow to the Blood Jiaolong just now was not the strongest killing move that she tried her best to exhaust her heart and soul, but it can also be called the strongest force under normal conditions.

It can be said that the previous killing moves of all the strong creatures are the strongest in the case of not shaking to their own origins, after all, after killing Mo Yi and Qingxuan Venerable, their goal is still the twelve Heavenly Immortal Fruits hanging high on the World Tree, and for the fruits, they still have a life-and-death fight between each other.

But despite this, this is a combined blow of a hundred and ten strong beings, even if a supreme realm powerhouse like Nanxun Saint Venerable and Yi Haoran did not make a move, but the combined attack of the peak of the vast period is not a joke, so how can the kid of the first Jin vast be able to carry it without injury!?

"The Way of Annihilation. "In addition to the shock of the heavenly powerhouses, the Nanxun Venerable, who had the most vicious eyes, saw through the true face of Mo Yi's body that had not yet dispersed the clean gray mana.

Hundreds of years ago, the strong man who was short-lived, but really used his terrifying strength to leave a huge impression on the entire immortal cultivation world, it was this gray annihilation power that was used, and that strong man was also self-proclaimed as the Annihilation Venerable, and most of the people who could claim to be Venerable were recognized in the immortal cultivation world, or they had the strong strength of the dominant party that was feared by everyone.

The life of the Venerable of Annihilation is unknown, only that he single-handedly annihilated the way, the enemy touched it and died, the attack and defense were one, on killing and destroying everything, on defense, retreating can stick to its own inviolation, at that time a hundred years ago, the Venerable of Annihilation can be called a tyrant in the Northern Cultivation Immortal Realm.

And he himself is not good at dealing with evil for good, the biggest hobby in his life is to explore the various dangers in the world, with his power of annihilation, but he has really entered and exited the legendary four dangers, and even brought back some extraterritorial magic weapons that do not belong to the world of cultivating immortals.

But after all, the Venerable Annihilation also didn't know when he started, and suddenly disappeared from the immortal cultivation world, and there was no longer news of him, everyone just thought that he had died by mistake while exploring a certain dangerous situation, and there were too many examples like this in the vast immortal cultivation world.

Nanxun Holy Venerable stared at the gray mana around Mo Yi that had not been dispersed, he didn't expect that the way of annihilation, which had been missing for a hundred years, would actually appear on Mo Yi's body again, otherwise the other party would not only be the inheritance of the Blood Demon Venerable, but even once bumped into the immortal fate and encountered the inheritance of the Annihilation Venerable?

Great opportunity, great blessing, great immortal luck.

Venerable Nanxun's face did not move, but there was a faint trace of killing intent in his heart, but after all, he still didn't make a move, just stood silently and watched, not knowing what idea he had in his heart.

Looking at Mo Yi's side again, he collected the flowing mana around him into his body, and several endless cyclones were spinning all the time, he looked at the heavens, and found that the strong people on all sides were silent but they were killing moves, lighting up the stars again, and this time the sense of crisis was a few points better than the last time!

Mo Yi glanced back at the Qingxuan Venerable who was still in the closed eyes and forbidden spirit, and a trace of helplessness passed through his heart, which was immediately replaced by perseverance and determination, and with a wave of his hand, the gray mana poured out like flowing water, constantly surrounding the surroundings, creating another layer of shield.

Mana with the nature of annihilation is the best way to attack and defend, Mo Yi often uses annihilation mana as a way to protect himself in ordinary battles, but now he is turning it into a tortoise shell and tightly wrapping him and Venerable Qingxuan.

One layer is far from enough, Mo Yi tried to be sure that he wrapped a full four layers of gray mana around him, this action made the strong people around him shocked, the gray mist they felt was actually pure mana, and if they looked at it carefully, they would be shocked by the purity of that mana.

If the purity of the mana of the general monk in the vast period is 10, then these gray mana is 100 or even more, common sense is miscellaneous and redundant, refined and fine, but where is the lack of mana in Mo Yi's posture, these high-purity gray mana are simply released as if they don't need money!

"This kid... How much mana is there!" Such a thought surged in everyone's hearts, and then they gritted their teeth and tried their best to perfect the killing move in their hands to be more destructive, and the thick killing intent emitted by the collective actually floated in the air, enveloping the entire snowfield, and most of the creatures felt that they couldn't breathe, and the air was several times heavier.........

"The first time, what about the second time?"

Another star fall, the killing moves of the hundred and ten strong creatures fell again, this time the momentum was more terrifying than the last time, it seems that the strong people are all serious, knowing that it is impossible to kill Mo Yi with simple perfunctory, so this time a small number of people used their own origin essence and spirit, and strive to kill Mo Yi!

The brilliant white light, the roaring explosion, the colorful glazed phantoms, and the killing moves of the different Dao systems of the three thousand worlds gathered together, the brilliance that bloomed was different from the ordinary fighting, and all the intelligent beings on the snow field all looked up at the brilliance to remember this scene in their hearts, and when they returned to their own world, they recorded a historic scene.

The deafening explosion shook the entire snowfield again, and when everyone looked nervously at the center where the white light gradually disappeared, the figure that appeared made everyone boil.

"Not dead yet!?"

"Oh my God, is this still human?"

"Impossible... What kind of monster is this?"

The gray mana gradually dissipated, Mo Yi was still standing in place, he took a deep breath and took two steps back, his face was normal, and his right hand waved vigorously to disperse the remaining mana 5.5 around him.

The second round of siege, survive safely!

"Good boy. Even Venerable Nanxun couldn't help frowning, in his budget, Mo Yi's mana was able to resist the first time, but the second time the strong men increased their output of killing moves, they were already able to destroy Mo Yi and Qingxuan Venerable, but Mo Yi still output enough mana to resist.

"I want to see how much mana you have, if it's endless. Venerable Nanxun said in a low voice.

"Go on!" In the sky, led by Aoi Lishui, many strong creatures have already shown red eyes, and countless sieges have been blocked, which makes them feel humiliated, and the way to break this humiliation is to beat Mo Yi into scum once and for all!

The third round of attacks begins to charge. _

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