There is no way to avoid this move, there is no way to dodge, let alone parry and block.

Although Mo Yi once fought against the Holy Maiden in the Immortal Treasure, he repeatedly avoided the Heavenly Lack Technique of the Holy Mountain, which was avoided when he was prepared and knew the opponent's moves, relying on the early detection of the fleeting crisis, and also relying on his own instinctive reaction.

But this time, the sense of crisis has not stopped from beginning to end, this can be regarded as Nanxun Holy Venerable's old plan, if you infinitely put danger on you, then you will not know in advance at the moment when the real danger appears, not to mention that Mo Yi did not expect that the Heavenly Lack Technique, a spell that could only be cultivated by the Holy Maiden, would be released in the hands of the Holy Venerable.

But it's reasonable to think about it, the Heavenly Lack Technique has only been released on the saints of the past dynasties, and under common sense, people will probably think that only the Holy Maiden will perform the Heavenly Lack Technique, but they never thought that the Heavenly Lack Technique itself is the secret method of the Holy Mountain, and it has never been marked that only ~ Saints can practice.

Nanxun Shengzun, an old man who has lived for an unknown number of years, knows how to use a few skills, although he is not proficient, but it is extremely reasonable to take his life by surprise and kill people, it is really reasonable and terrifying, and it is reasonable to put people to death.

There is no room to dodge, this move is locked in Mo Yi's heart in cause and effect, if Mo Yi can predict in advance, he can move his body to break this cause and effect to avoid the attack, but he did not succeed in predicting it, so he was hit.

The white needle hit Mo Yi's heart and pierced it deeply.

The fifteenth-layer Rashomon Gate did not play its due role, even if it was a hundred or a thousand, it could not prevent this attack that came across time and space, and the end of the white needle was exposed on Mo Yi's chest in front of everyone, showing the effectiveness of Nanxun Holy Venerable's blow.

"Finally dead. "This is the voice of everyone like Aoi Lishui.

Under their gaze, he waited for Mo Yi to fall to the ground, but Mo Yi, whose Kunpeng wings were stretched out behind him, still remained floating in the air and did not fall, he reached out and pressed the place where he was attacked, and the mana that originally expanded and exploded when he broke through was also frozen.

Yes, Nanxun Shengzun's move to the heavenly punishment is indeed hit, the spell that constitutes the white needle is extremely complex, after hitting the living being, it will comprehensively disintegrate the body of the living soul from all aspects with the beginning of the point as radiation, and scatter the entire opponent's dissolution into an ethereal white spirit in the air, as if it was the mercy of God to give mercy to the heavenly punishment.

But Venerable Nanxun did one thing wrong, that is, he could attack Mo Yi anywhere, but it was useless to attack the heart alone.

After coming to the abyss of all worlds, Mo Yi's heart had been fatally wounded once before, and the person who left the wound was called the Heavenly Maiden, and the reason why she did not die was because the Heavenly Maiden left a new seed in Mo Yi's heart, which was called the Ancient Demon Embryo.

The white needle was nailed to Mo Yi's heart, but it could not spread anyway, and even as time passed, the white needle was dyed with a trace of black little by little, and gradually the body gradually turned into black particles and dissipated into the air in silence.

Mo Yi took a step back and slapped his heart violently, like a drowning person rushing out of the water to take a breath, the pupils that had already revealed dead gray suddenly dilated and then contracted, and the magic qi in his body swelled out, and the number of cyclone condensation in his body exceeded 100, and he stepped straight into the vast last small realm Heavenly Palace!

One hundred cyclones, the vast heavenly palace.

"What..."At this time, even Venerable Nanxun was stunned, this move of Tianzhu was a real hit, but the strange scene that happened to Mo Yi was that even he couldn't find a reasonable explanation.

"Handicap. Mo Yishun came to his senses, and looked at Venerable Nanxun and said with a smile: "It's quite yin, but it's a pity that it seems that my luck is a little better." "

Kill Mo Yi, yes, after Mo Yi dies, the ancient demon sealed in his body will be released to destroy all living beings, and he won't care about Mo Yi's life or death at all, but you are targeting the ancient demon body, then I'm sorry, you can't kill this person.

"If you don't die once, then do it again. "Venerable Nanxun also seems to be a person who doesn't care about face, which is simply shameless, unlike Yi Haoran, who is not dead and gives up proudly, and he doesn't mind killing Mo Yi at all.

"Come on, then. Mo Yiyi drew a blood sword and the blood arc slashed out from the blade, with a murderous awe: "The same move is ineffective for the Saint Seiya!"

·· Ask for flowers·····

"So. Venerable Nanxun raised his left arm again, Mo Yi was on guard, and immediately tensed, his perception was magnified to the extreme, this time even if he was infinitely in a sense of crisis, he could detect the abnormal fluctuations of the moment hidden under the intense crisis.

But at this time, a snow-like white rainbow came from the ground, it was a sword arc, pale, lonely and deadly, and the target was straight to Venerable Xun.

Venerable Nanxun took a step back from his left arm, Xue Hong swept in front of him, and the person holding the sword pulled his sword, the originally lonely sword qi suddenly changed its artistic conception, and a dragon's roar suddenly sounded above the sky, and the terrible howl was deafening, not really a dragon appeared, everyone looked fixedly, and found that all these visions came from the sword wielder slashing at the sword of Nanxun Venerable!

....... 0...

The fallen dragon sword turns into a bone dragon soul and exists, the sword bearer is a delicate phoenix, and the bone dragon soul kills.

The momentum of this sword slash is huge, and the killing intent is also awe-inspiring, with the determination that it is difficult to recover the water, the castration that the snow and the sunset melt away, a sword chops the sky, and slashes out a large area of vast killing intent and goes!

Venerable Nanxun was submerged in this pale sword aura, and the people in the sky suddenly burst into murder, no matter who shot it, they are now standing on the opposite side of them, Venerable Nanxun is the biggest help to kill Mo Yi, but now life and death are unknown, they must not spare the person who made the move.

Aoi Lishui rushed from the sky with a sea of blood to the white figure standing in the air in the shape of a sword, but when it was about to approach, the white figure suddenly drew his sword and pointed the tip of the sword at her, and for a moment Aoi Lishui felt a chill all over his body, and a sense of insignificance that was proudly despised and completely suppressed arose from the bottom of his heart.

Kwai Lishui only felt this feeling in one person, that person was Tiangu, the sect leader of Tiangu Gate, and the person who raised the sword was not Tiangu, but she really saw the shadow of the world's unparalleled and Fengyi world on that figure.

And the person who raised the sword and looked at her coldly suddenly looked really dazzling like the proud phoenix, but he was dressed in a long robe as white as snow and his black hair was fluttering, and his face was full of snow and ice bones and jade muscles, just like the snow of the flowing wind, the light clouds covering the sun, and the posture of raising the sword was more than that of the arrogant sky lone phoenix.

"One more step up and kill you. She said coldly with her sword. _

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