There is not much difference between the Tiangu Sect and the Tiangu Sect in his memory, Mo Yi trotted through one monk after another on the street, and the monk who was occasionally bumped into shouted two sentences in dissatisfaction, and waved his fist at the reckless guy who disappeared into the crowd not far away.

Mo Yi was familiar with the power of his new body as he ran, and the mana in the sea of qi was so barren that it made people wonder if this was a water balloon that had leaked air, and the mana was like a few small droplets stuck to the wall of the balloon. But in fact, this is exactly the mana that a monk at the second level of the mortal period should have, Mo Yi really can't adapt to it all of a sudden, and he feels like he has become an ordinary person, but his understanding of kendo is still there, and he can be regarded as able to protect himself.

This world is very real, Mo Yi has never seen such a real illusion, he cut his wrist and bled out, he took a breath of air and felt the aura enter his body in the sea of qi to make a small "zero six zero" cycle and then accumulate half a bit of mana, if all this is an illusion, then the person who created this illusion is definitely a demon genius who has never been seen in the world of cultivating immortals.

Mo Yi ran all the way to the bottom of the boundary mountain, and climbed the mountain with the disciples who went to the academy, and when they met each other, they were very understanding and shouted to the senior and senior sister, and Mo Yi, who was in a hurry to grab the food as if the cafeteria was open, rushed over to provoke their frequent sideways.

Along the way to the academy, everything is still the same as in memory, at most, the varieties of a few trees planted in the flower bed have changed, and the old gray crane that has always been in the pool is also missing, replaced by the holy and proud red-crowned crane, the snow-white wings gently float on the water surface with a string or two of splashes.

And when Mo Yi was about to go to the Lost Forest in the back mountain, he was unexpected.

"Please stop and identify yourself. "

In front of the entrance of the back mountain, two blue-robed monks held their swords and gently stretched out their hands to block Mo Yi's way.

"Second grade?" Mo Yi glanced at the blue robes on their bodies and frowned slightly, the second grade is all monks in the Vast Period, if he faces the original Mo Yi, he probably won't be able to move a single move in his hand, but his current body is an unknown minor monk in the Extraordinary Period, and the second layer of the Extraordinary Period is still too reluctant to go to the Vast Period.

"The head of the academy has an order, and no one is allowed to enter the Sumeru Pavilion of the Lost Forest in the back mountain. The older blue-robed senior looked at Mo Yi and said.


"There is no why, there is no forgiveness for violators. The younger blue-robed monk said with a stiff expression.

"Then who is that woman?" Mo Yi asked, pointing behind the two of them.

The two blue-robed monks were stunned for a moment, in addition to the two of them guarding the mountain in the back mountain, there was probably only the unlucky Taoist of the Qingxuan Venerable who lived in the wooden house outside the Lost Forest, why was there a woman? Could it be that the Qingxuan Venerable came out?

At the moment when the two of them turned around, Mo Yi picked up a stone on the ground, rounded it and gave it to each of them, and the younger blue-robed monk fell down with a muffled snort, and some of the blue-robed monks actually blasted the stone into pieces with a burst of body protection mana when the stone hit the back of his head!

"What are you doing!" The older blue body glanced at the fallen companion beside him and glared angrily at Mo Yi in front of him, and just as he was about to draw his sword, Mo Yi stepped on the steps that even he couldn't see clearly, slapped one hand on the back of his hand that was about to draw the sword, and forcibly withdrew the half-drawn sword.

"Get out of here!" The elder blue robe burst out with the mana of the vast period, Mo Yi knew that his current state was powerless, took a step back, and kicked the scabbard of the young blue-robed saber on the ground with his right foot, and the long sword flew out and fell into his hand with a light groan.

"Senior brother, please let me go, I have something important to discuss with Venerable Qingxuan, and I really don't want to hurt you by mistake here. Mo Yi said this, but the long sword in his hand suddenly drew a clear light and left.

At first, the blue-robed monk didn't pay much attention to this gray-robed second-layer disciple of the Mortal Period, but when this sword came out, the hairs on his whole body stood upside down, and he felt the shadow of death enveloping his body, and the clear and sharp sword light made him feel the terrifying pressure, even if it was drawn out by the Immortal Monk's hand, he didn't dare to underestimate it and even had fear in his heart!

The blue-robed monk raised his sword and hurriedly blocked it, after all, the mana of the vast period was hundreds of times stronger, and he wasted the boss's effort to dissolve this sword without any mana, and Mo Yi's next sword also continued.

The first sword of the eight swords of the dragon, the water and the sky are the same.

Without the support of majestic mana, the Ying Long Sword Technique could not exert the terrifying power in the abyss of all worlds, and when he had enough mana, although the water and sky were only the first sword, the layers of sword qi waves were enough to destroy the city wall, but even if the cultivation of the second layer of the Mortal Period was used, in Mo Yi's hands, the sword light of that sword after sword was not a gentle wave?

The blue-robed monk wanted to burst out of his vast period of cultivation and take Mo Yi down in one fell swoop, but he found that every sword of the other party was so deadly, just scratching on his own death cover, if he ate a sword, then he would instantly lose the ability to backhand......

"I..."The blue-robed monk was depressed, but just as he was about to fight back, Mo Yi disappeared in front of him.

The blue-robed monk was shocked and immediately turned around, Mo Yi was actually in front of him! He suddenly gathered the mana of his whole body and slashed out a sword: "Thousand Waves Sword!"

Mo Yi's right hand suddenly lit up with a white light at this moment, and it lightly touched the light blue sword blade.

Broken Star Finger.

The blade of the sword collapsed, the long sword shattered, and the blue-robed monk froze, and the next moment he flew out with a punch in the jaw and fell to the ground unconscious.

Mo Yi stood in place and frowned and looked at his right hand, after the white light dissipated, the ten fingers of his right hand had been bent and looked like they were completely gone, but he didn't care, because this was not his real body, so the side effects of using the Broken Star Finger would be so big.

This can also really be seen that the exercises of the Star Breaking Finger and the Ying Dragon Eight Swords, only the body created by the foundation of the Nine Heavens of the Eternal Supreme Realm, and the terrifying Qi Sea Mana Mo Yi can really play a role in 3.3, and if some monks forcibly urge it, the body will be destroyed, and the result will be half the effort.

Mo Yi casually tore off the sleeve of his shirt and wrapped his right hand so as not to hinder his movements, and walked to the Lost Forest in the back mountain, the scenery along the way was the same as his memory, and at this moment, he suddenly saw an unfamiliar blue-green bamboo house appear in the place where it was obviously a small bamboo forest in his memory, and the color of the bamboo house was also covered by newly cut bamboo.

"Tut, I cut down the bamboo of the Lost Forest to build a house, and I was not killed by Venerable Qingxuan, it's a bit interesting. The corners of Mo Yi's mouth curled slightly, revealing an interesting smile, and he continued to walk forward, and gradually a figure sitting under the eaves of the bamboo house came into his eyes.

"Is this Mo Yi?" he thought to himself, then gripped the long sword in his hand. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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