"Hell, there's a cheat!"

"Du Mou!"

Lin Hu and Li Qian were shocked but did not act rashly, no one knew if there were any traps buried in this vicinity that could explode, and besides, the relationship between Du Mu and them was shallow to use each other, Du Mou gave his life because of his greed, and it was impossible for them to risk their lives to save him.

"Damn, it's the Thunder Fire Talisman! This guy actually buried the Thunder Fire Talisman here!" Li Qian instantly recognized what the explosion was, the Thunder Tiger Talisman is not a rare thing in the Qingshan Sect, and it is even more popular in the Immortal Cultivation Realm.

If Mo Yi was here, he would definitely laugh, because this thing was left over from his play, but it also showed that Wang An's mind was active.

If it was usually when facing the enemy head-on, a thunder fire spell would blow up, Du Mu could dodge or raise mana to resist, but no one expected that this Wang An would actually fill the line of sight of the thunder fire talisman and bury it in the soil, once someone stepped on it and destroyed the balance of mana, the thunder fire talisman would be instantly activated!

What a deep scheming! What a terrible Wang An!

Suddenly, a chill rose in Li Qian and Lin Hu's hearts.

"Don't mess with yourself, one Thunder Fire Talisman needs ten Lower Grade Spirit Stones, and he Wang An can only get one Lower Grade Spirit Stone in a month, there can't be many Thunder Fire Talismans nearby, pay attention to whether the soil under your feet has been renovated or have raised places! Raise your mana to protect yourself These paths are not to worry!" Li Qian was an old oil after all, and immediately stabilized his mind and said in a deep voice: "I'll go and see if Du Mu is dead." "

After the explosion of the thunder fire spell, the smoke and dust were stirred, and when the smoke and dust dissipated, Li Qian quickly observed the abnormal situation on the ground, and after determining a relatively safe road, he raised his mana and quickly rushed out!

At the center of the explosion, Li Qian suddenly saw Du Mou lying half of his body in the dirt, buried in the soil from the waist down, his whole body in tatters, his face was pitch black, but the most important thing was that he didn't lose his breath!

Li Qian got closer and listened, Du Mu actually kept reading: "Ass.. The ass hurts... My ass..."

Li Qian's face twitched, he was originally anxious to come to get Du Mou's inheritance, but when he saw that the other party was not dead, it was not easy to turn his face, so he had to squat down and ask with an ugly face: "How is it, can you still go?"

Du Mu didn't answer Li Qian, but kept muttering: "My ass hurts... The ass hurts..."

Li Qian looked up and down to find where Du Mou's storage bag was, but he couldn't find it because the other party's waist was buried in the soil, so he could only say patiently: "Don't be afraid! I will definitely help you take revenge!

At this time, Lin Hu also followed Li Qian's footsteps and ran around on guard, squatting in front of Du Mou, seeing this tragic situation, his face couldn't help but change greatly, his heart was shocked, he looked around for a while, and suddenly his whole body was shocked, and he pointed to the peach blossom tree not far away: "Du Mou... Do you think that's your ass hanging over it?"

Li Qian was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and turned his head to look, sure enough! On the branches of the peach blossom tree, half of the person's body was hanging, and his buttocks were facing them, bloodstained, and the storage bag was also hanging around his waist, it was Du Mou's ass!

Doesn't this mean that Du Mou, who is now half-cut now, has actually been...

"Brother Du... Where is your ass!" Li Qian trembled and helped Du Mu point out the direction.

"My... Why does my ass still hurt..."

"Brother Du, your butt doesn't hurt, your butt has been blown up!" Lin Hu said sadly.

"That's mine... Ass...?" Du Mou finally saw his ass on the peach blossom tree.

"Don't worry, Brother Du, I'll help you connect your ass!" Lin Hu slapped his thigh and was about to pull Du Mu out of the soil, but he was immediately held down by Du Mou's hand.

"No... No need... Can't pick up... Buttocks... It's gone..."Du Mu looked at Lin Hu weakly and shook his head in resignation, and finally closed his eyes: "In the pocket of my butt on the peach blossom tree... There are also a few spirit stones... I was going to take it to marry my daughter-in-law... You guys take it and divide it!"

"Brother Du, how many pieces are there?"

"... Fart.. In the ass..."(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"We don't talk about butts, we talk about spirit stones!" Lin Hu said sadly.


Lin Hu and Li Qian glanced at each other and then looked at Du Mu and nodded fiercely: "Okay, Brother Du!"

"I want to... Go home... Me and my ass... I'm homesick. After saying it intermittently, Du Mu was silent.

"Brother Du!"

Li Qian and Lin Hu had palpitations, and at the same time, they became even more angry!

"Wang An, I'm going to let you die a bad death!" Lin Hu's eyes were red, not hatred, but fear, without him, Du Mou's death was too miserable, until he died, he was still crying that his butt hurt, but he didn't know that his butt had been hanging high on the peach blossom tree, which was simply sad and could not be broken.

"Lin Hu!

At this time, Li Qian suddenly felt a chill in his body, and at this time, the monk's natural perception of unknown dangers, he drank and supported the mana all over his body, and the pale cyan streamer rotated around his body, and at the same time, he took out a wolf hat pen in his hand, and wrote the word "keep" at the next moment!

In the dense forest, a jet-black quenched arrow flew towards Lin Hu, but Li Qian's word "Shou" had already been drawn, and the ink-black guard suddenly enlarged and blocked the arrow in mid-air and shattered!

"Hunting Bow, it's Wang An's kid!" Lin Hu looked at the poisoned arrow on the ground and said coldly: "We don't go to him, he actually took the initiative to come to us!

"You must kill him!" Li Qian also had a hideous face, angry that he was frightened by the waste that was still in the third layer of the mortal stage for decades!

When he said cruel words, several arrows were shot in the dense forest again, each arrow went straight to Lin Hu's throat, Li Qian snorted coldly, and the inky black guard in the air shook each arrow one by one, without any leaks! How could a mortal weapon cause harm to a monk?

But at this moment, the Shouzi in the air suddenly shook, the inky black mark was weakened by seven layers, and it was crumbling and almost collapsed, Li Qian's face changed, and those arrows were actually mixed with special arrows inspired by mana, and they almost broke the Shouzi!

"This kid is sinister and cunning! Brother Lin, let's go and kill this fang together!"

"For Brother Du's ass!"

"Yes! for Brother Du's ass ten!".

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