Mo Yi got off the platform and returned to the main hall, and saw Gongsun Ruoji looking around with his hands folded, so he asked casually:

"What do you think?"

"What's going on?" Gongsun Ruoji saw that Mo was also talking to him, and he replied expressionlessly.

"It's just how it is, how can it be. Mo Yi didn't think it was dirty, so he sat down next to Gongsun Ruoji and took out a fruit from the acceptance ring and gnawed it.

"If you are asking which is better or worse, I can only say that the extinction of this group of people who claim to be in the realm of cultivating immortals is not the so-called authentic sect of the world in the world. Gongsun Ruoji said lightly.

"If we are cultivating immortals, then what is your cultivation called?"

"Martial arts. Gongsun Ruoji replied without hesitation.

"Martial Dao, swords, guns, sticks can be martial arts, and eighteen weapon changes can also be martial arts, otherwise the monks in our immortal cultivation realm are not using these weapons?" Mo Yi took the fruit and pointed to the fighting platform not far away, which was the competition between Senior Brother Chen Yin and a sword cultivator.

"This is not martial arts. Gongsun Ruoji shook her head.

"It's all fighting, it's all killing the enemy by skill, why is it that what you cultivate is martial arts, and what monks cultivate is not considered martial arts?" Mo Yi tilted his head: "If you think that if you use weapons, it is not considered martial arts, then don't you still have physical cultivation? It is also like you who polish your body to kill the enemy in close combat." "

"That's not martial arts either. Gongsun Ruoji said.

"Oh?" Mo Yi took a bite of the fruit and looked like he was listening.

"If I'm not mistaken, you people who call themselves immortal cultivators are taking the path of absorbing the spiritual power (aura) of heaven and earth into your own body, colluding with the power of heaven and earth, and even the rules of heaven and earth to deal with the enemy. Gongsun Ruoji said: "Such a cultivation method is extremely dependent on the root bones, if it is out of phase with the spiritual power of heaven and earth, it is very likely that it will be difficult to step into the path of cultivation for the rest of your life." "

"Honestly. Mo Yi nodded.

"Martial arts are different, mortals can hone martial arts, quench their bodies with spiritual power, use their bodies as a furnace to forge swords, and if they lack talent, they will use dozens of times their efforts to smooth out their talents. Immortal cultivators use the spiritual power of heaven and earth as their swords, while martial arts people use their own bodies as swords, the former mostly pretend to be the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and they are extremely lacking in faith. The spirit of martial arts is to stop the war with force and calm the fighting... In you immortal cultivators, I don't see the so-called faith. Gongsun Ruoji 657 said lightly.

"Faith?" Mo Yi chewed on the word.

"Let me ask you, why are these earth chickens and dogs gathered here?" Gongsun Ruoji waved his hand to encompass all the Qingshan Sect disciples on the main peak.

"For the sake of cultivating immortals. Mo Yi replied.

"Why are you cultivating immortals?"

"Is there any other reason for cultivating immortals?"

"Naturally. Gongsun Ruoji bowed his head: "If you don't have faith, you can't go far on any road, and the same is true for martial arts, and the same is true for cultivating immortals." "

"Seeking ascension?" Mo Yi gave Gongsun Ruoji another answer: "The greatest wish of all the monks in the immortal cultivation realm is to ascend. "

"Why is it Ascension?" Gongsun Ruoji looked at Mo Yi and asked again.

"I don't know, the purpose of my immortal cultivation is not to ascend. Mo Yi shook his head.

"If you don't know what you're looking for, how dare you be authentic in the world. Gongsun Ruoji shook his head and said: "I'm not generalizing about the entire immortal cultivation world, but at least I can't see the so-called belief in this group of people, just like a walking corpse, swallowing spiritual power every day as if three meals a day, how can such a character achieve anything?"

Gongsun Ruoji is also right, most of the disciples in the Qingshan Sect were born as ordinary people, and the purpose of their embarking on the immortal road is nothing more than the lofty fantasy of the so-called immortal cultivators.

"The cultivation method of the Three Thousand Worlds is good if a hundred schools of thought contend, and the only ones who can stand out are those who have faith. Gongsun Ruoji said: "I can't see faith in this group of people, and I'm looking forward to meeting a true strong person with faith in the immortal cultivation world." "

"And what is your belief?" Mo Yi thought for a moment and asked.

"The world is authentic. Gongsun Ruoji said.

"Authentic in the world?"

Gongsun Ruoji nodded: "The world is authentic!"

"Can anyone tell me what is true in the world?"

In the private school, the teacher wandered back and forth on the podium with a scroll and a ruler in his hand, and the sunlight outside the wooden window shone through the leaves of the old locust tree on the serious little faces (bgbg).

"Sir, Confucianism is authentic. One of the children stood up and replied.

"No, Taoism is authentic. A girl stood up and retorted.

"Only by ruling the country by law, enriching the country and strengthening the army, can the Legalists be authentic!" Another boy put forward a different opinion.

In the era of a hundred flowers blooming, the dynasties are all around, the culture of the sons and hundreds of schools of thought affects the whole world, and the ten schools and nine streams are vertical and horizontal between the monarchy and the opposition, and the final result is that the court of the monarch and the common people are fighting for the so-called "authentic in the world" over and over again.

Mr. Teaching knocked lightly on the podium, and the controversy in the private school immediately quieted down: "Now my country's last dynasty is to rule by inaction, people-oriented, lenient punishment and simplified administration, light punishment, and weal and woe with the people. No matter how many schools of thought they strive for beauty and divide the world, you must remember that here, Taoism is really authentic. Can anyone tell me what the Taoist idea of statecraft is?"

"Do nothing, sir. The preacher replied for the authentic girl.

"Today we are going to learn what it means to do nothing and what it means to govern the country - maybe the latter is too early for you, but today we are just talking about it, and we will plant a seed immediately. "

Mr. Teach turned around and walked to the podium, but at this time, someone suddenly said at the end of the private school, "Wrong." "

"What?" Mr. Teaching paused and looked back at the classroom, "Who was wrong just now?"

"I'm reporting, it's Gongsun who said it!" A chubby little boy suddenly stood up and raised his hand to the end of the classroom, where a girl sat quietly in the most inconspicuous corner, and the teacher suddenly felt a feeling in his heart when he met his clear eyes, so he walked slowly under the gloating gaze of all the children, and stood in front of the little girl surnamed Gongsun.

"What did you say wrong?" asked Mr. Teach, looking at the girl.

"Sir's statement about the authenticity of the world is wrong. The young girl did not hesitate to raise her head to look at Mr. Teach, and the whole private school was in an uproar.

"Oh, then you tell me, today, when a hundred schools of thought are contending, ten schools of thought and nine streams, what is the authenticity of this world?" Mr. Teaching did not get angry, and did not even raise the ruler, but patiently continued to talk to the girl.

There are very few people in the private school who can not be disciplined after hitting Mr., and this girl named Gongsun is an exception, when she was young and simple, few children would know that this girl who was not shocked would be the widow of Gongsun Yan, the general of the country!

The widow of the Gongsun family, the children can not care, but Mr. Private School cannot, he admires General Gongsun Yan's extraordinary talent in martial arts, but he died on the battlefield for the country, leaving only the mother and daughter in the imperial city, and sighs that the left Nuo Dagongsun family was fought for by the relatives, and the mother and daughter left behind were also rejected by the relatives in every way.

I am afraid that if the situation continues to be serious, the mother and daughter will not even be able to return to the Gongsun family, so where can the two weak women go? In the Imperial City of Nuoda, there are three religions and nine streams, and the official eunuchs at all levels are dark and despicable, where is there a place for them to go? Why don't they go back to the mountains and forests? At that time, it will be legal to meet the gangsters who are following them?

The daughter of a hero, reduced to this day. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mr. Teaching, for the kindness of General Gongsun, who had never met but received the shadow, naturally took care of the widow of Gongsun Ruoji, and answered questions and doubts, which was also what he could only do for the generals.

"Sir, is it for the sake of the people to rule by inaction?" asked the little girl, looking at Mr. Teach.

Mr. Jiaoshu paused for a moment and recited a sentence in the Tao Te Ching, a work of the time: "I do nothing, and the people are self-reliant, I am quiet, and the people are upright, I have nothing to do, and the people are rich, I have no desire, and the people are simple." As the sage said, every sentence is for the country and every sentence is for the people. "

"What about the saint?" asked the little girl again.

"The saint flew up. Mr. Jiaoshu bowed his hand to the colorful light of the locust tree outside the window, and the touch of sunny day leaked from the shade.

"So the sage doesn't care about us?" said the little girl, "Daddy said before he set out on the expedition that the sage would bless us, why is my family now shattered, and our Dajiang Dynasty is still losing and retreating?"

"The saint's day is full of opportunities...", Mr. Teach's mouth opened, and he didn't know how to explain it in the face of such a precocious girl.

In fact, after the general Gongsun Yan died on the battlefield, the Dajiang Dynasty was defeated and retreated in the war, and was forced by the king of Dali to the east to cede the land to slow down his life. In Fang Qian's private school, when Mr. Jiaoshu mentioned what is authentic in the world, if it was in the early years, the children would unanimously call Taoism authentic, where a hundred flowers bloom like today, and behind the seemingly beautiful competition is actually the people's hearts of the Dajiang Dynasty from top to bottom have been gradually assimilated by spies and interested institutions in other countries.

Isn't the once glorious Gongsun family now facing the crisis of falling and scattering? Even the daughter who was most favored by General Gongsun Yan in the early years was driven to study in this kind of private school in the town. The sage said that the rule of inaction is to govern one's own country, but what is the law of the neighboring country that is eyeing the tiger?

"Aren't we talking about what is authentic in the world?Wakahime, what do you think?" Mr. Teaching smiled reluctantly and took the initiative to change the topic.

"Martial arts. The little girl said.

"What?" said Mr. Teach, who did not hear clearly.

"It's Martial Arts, sir. The little girl's voice was crisp and bright, and she looked at Mr. Teach, and said seriously: "My father always said that martial arts are difficult when he is at home, and it is difficult to go to the sky. If I knew martial arts, I wouldn't be disliked at home, and I would even be a wicked slave and a bully!"

"But as General Gongsun said, martial arts are difficult, and it is difficult to go to the sky. Mr. Teaching said.

"Daddy said that the world is the big fist after all, and the words of the saint can be copied by people and become a classic because the saint's fist is big, even after the ascension, the saint is still worshipped. All the sons and hundreds of schools of thought, fighting for beauty is because everyone's fists are about the same size, if anyone's fists are bigger than everyone else combined, then the world will praise him for saying right and doing right. The little girl looked at Mr. Jiaoshu and said seriously: "Sir, I won't come to the private school tomorrow, I want to practice martial arts." "

"You are a girl, how can you abandon martial arts and follow the literature, General Gongsun named you Ruoji, that is, let you obey the three and four virtues, for a generation of beautiful women, how can you live up to your father's expectations!" When Mr. Jiaoshu heard this, he was furious and raised his guard high and wanted to fight, but the girl in front of him did not dodge and looked directly at him and said:

"But can this save me and my mother?"

Mr. Teaching paused for a while, and looked at the girl to remember the gossip from the Gongsun family on weekdays, and his attitude suddenly eased: "Martial arts is not a woman's path, your mother has not taught you to be good at learning piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and in the future, you can find a good family to bring you a better life?"

"My mother said that my father had placed his expectations on the wilderness of corpses. The girl calmly said the rebellious words: "My mother told me that my fate has to be in my own hands. "

"You can marry a husband who is an official. Mr. Teach said, but after a moment he smiled dumbly, and the only thing in front of him was a seven-year-old girl, and it was ridiculous to talk to a seven-year-old girl about marrying.

"You can't save your mother as an official, wasn't my father the biggest official before?" the girl asked.

Gongsun Yan, the first general of the Dajiang Dynasty, is not so powerful in the court, even a second-class official has to retreat from it, but now? Or it is still the big officials who are in the corpse position, and no one cares about the real good men who died on the battlefield.

"Does the gentleman really read my name?" the girl asked again.

"Ruoji, Ji is a woman's name, doesn't your father just want you to be a boudoir?"

"My father said that Ji is the emperor's surname. The girl said

The Yellow Emperor lived in Ji Shui for a long time and took Ji as his surname.

Ruoji, Gongsun Ruoji.

The young Gongsun Ruoji stood up, and did not shy away from a burst of immature arms, the blood under the white and tender skin was like silver pulp, and the qi was like a long stream, this is the refining of the body and the essence of the martial arts!

The seven-year-old warrior Mr. Jiaoshu looked at the girl in front of him blankly, trembling incredible!

"The world is authentic, it is martial arts, if my fist is bigger than the world, then the world is authentic. I hope that one day I will take my mother and relatives to live a good life, and drive out all the bad people in the family, and I will do what my father can't do, and I will save the Dajiang Dynasty that my father can't save! I will go up to heaven and ask the saint whether he is the true man in the world, or I am the true in the world!"

Gongsun Ruoji's immature voice lingered in the entire private school, lingering for a long time, and the cuckoo outside the window cried, flapping its wings and flying.

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