Qingshan Sect is more than the top five: Mo Yi, Gongsun Ruoji, Qing Wu, An Zhiming, Wang An, the names composed of the five Qingyan are burning quietly on the giant ding of the main hall, and countless eyes of awe and envy are cast on the five people.

The best spirit stone, the high-grade elixir, the purple bamboo of luck, the middle and high-grade magic weapons, plus the head of the sect preaching! Just the last one, the targeted preaching of the phaseless period overhaul was enough to make these five people and the rest of the monks open an impossible distance to catch up.

"Wujia! Wang An, Wang An, look, your name is on it! You are in Wujia!" In the crowd, Lin Xian's excited plain white cheeks were a little rosy, and he pulled Wang An's shoulder, who had just stepped down, to point to Juding.

Wang An was pulled and swayed from side to side, if it weren't for Fang Qian's injury being healed by the master, now he was pulled like this, he probably vomited blood, right? In the face of Lin Xian's joy, Wang An had to smile in return, but at the moment, it was difficult to suppress the excitement that betrayed his true emotions.

"Okay, my sister Lin, pay attention to the impact. Wang An saw that it was almost there, and whispered in Lin Xian's ear, Lin Xian reacted and looked at the countless focused eyes around him, and immediately blushed and carefully let go of Wang An's cuffs.

"It's Lang Qing's concubine. "

Mo Yi in front of the main hall naturally noticed this scene, and smiled indifferently, if according to common sense, the generous girl who pestered Wang An should be the protagonist's "childhood sweetheart", but it seems that childhood sweethearts can only be concubines in the future, and in the end, the main palace still has to be robbed by some witch and saint girl who suddenly appeared like Bai Yueguang.

Mo Yi thought about it and suddenly felt that something was wrong, because he remembered Mo Luoxue, turned his head to look at the saint not far away, and then looked at himself.

God, I'm your grandmother.

Although he didn't know if the Heavenly Dao existed, Mo Yi still sent his sincere greetings.

"Congratulations to Senior Sister An here. An Zhiming looked up at his name, and at the same time he was secretly excited in his heart, Chen Yin, who had been shocked by the finger of the saint and had already woken up, congratulated with a smile.

An Zhi 22 life restrained his emotions and bowed his head: "It's just luck, if I meet the opponent of the senior brother, I'm afraid I will have to sink into the sand." "

"Senior sister is humble, that swordsmanship that fell from the sky is enough to afford the name of this top five, if you change your senior brother, you may not necessarily receive your sword, and I don't know where you learned it. Chen Yin smiled and talked slowly, not angry or annoyed, completely without the frustration of missing out on the top five, and he was very generous.

"That sword... Forgive me for being difficult to explain. An Zhiming hesitated for a moment, but still didn't say the illusions in the dream.

"It's okay, it's inconvenient, after all, everyone has their own opportunities. Chen Yin paused, subconsciously looked in the direction of the main hall and shook his head.

"Thank you for your understanding. Senior Sister An breathed a sigh of relief.

"But here's the real show. Chen Yin looked at the five names on the giant tripod and said with emotion, An Zhiming was also slightly awe-inspiring.

"Next is the battle of the top five!"

All the disciples were secretly excited, and now it was finally the immortals who were fighting, but they hadn't been excited for too long, and unexpected things happened one after another, which caught people off guard.

The first is Wang An, in the crowd, Wang An separated the flow of people and walked to the main hall in front of everyone and took the initiative to raise his hand and said: "I give up the victory or defeat of the next competition." "

The words were shocked, but it was understandable, the disciples were shocked at first, and then after thinking carefully, they understood Wang An's actions.

Dabi is the top five, the award is 500 high-grade spirit stones, a single phoenix tail falling flower, a small bamboo peak luck purple bamboo, a medium-grade magic weapon, the head of the ministry for one month, and one of the thirty-three kui places.

It is not easy for a disciple of the mortal period to rely on strategy and magic weapons to fight into the top five, and now each of the top five is a first-class ruthless character, no matter which Wang An meets, he may not have the opportunity to surrender and be severely injured or even killed, that is more than worth the loss, and now the reward of the rapid retreat to protect the fifth class can be regarded as a clear eye.

"Yes. "

In the main hall, the head of Qingyunzi said.

As soon as the words fell, Wang An's name on the giant tripod fell below the four people and ranked last.

"I give up. Before the other disciples could come to their senses, Gongsun Ruoji on the main hall said lightly.

"Yes. "

Gongsun Ruoji's name also fell, ranking fourth above Wang An.

"Give up. "

The saint followed and whispered, the word Qingwu fell third, and now there are only two names left side by side at the top, Mo Yi and An Zhiming!

If Wang An's rapid retreat was in common sense, then the sudden withdrawal of Gongsun Ruoji and the Holy Maiden made the entire main peak feel shocked, and the sound of giving up was deafening, and many people suspected that they had heard it wrong.

But immediately, everyone's eyes focused on Mo Yi and An Zhiming, and suddenly they seemed to have guessed the "truth".

Sure enough, the shady curtain of this Dabi is the "Mo Yi", countless good men in the vast period make way for him, and now several new inner disciples have also avoided it, and the first day of this Dabi must have been this Mo Yi!

Wang An felt the righteous indignation of the disciples around him and the unconvincing in his heart, and couldn't help but feel ridiculous and disdainful, sure enough, he didn't know that he was fearless, he knew what the true identity of "Mo Yi" was, if this one really made a move, I was afraid that his enemy would have to be drawn into a dried corpse, and his soul would be destroyed, right?

Now that only An Zhiming and Mo Yi are left in the top two, An Zhiming has naturally attracted the most attention.

"Senior Sister An, you won't want it too..."A female disciple beside An Zhiming couldn't help but ask in a low voice tentatively.

"Shut up. Chen Yin's face immediately fell, and he retreated from the female disciple with a calm face, and then looked at An Zhiming and persuaded: "Senior sister, you see or..."

"I will not abstain. An Zhiming said, she looked directly at the head of Qingyunzi in the main hall: "I want to challenge the first." "

As soon as these words came out, it was like a silver bottle bursting, and all the disciples were boiling.

"Senior sister is so good!"

"Senior Brother Wu Ming fell in front, Senior Sister is angry for him!"

"Refuse the shady! Come on, senior sister!"

Looking at the group of brave disciples, Chen Yin's face beside An Zhiming was bitter, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only look tentatively at the main hall, only to see Mo Yi looking at this side with an interested face.

"Let's get started. Qingyunzi said.

The ground under An Zhiming's feet trembled suddenly, a huge platform rose, and the nearby disciples were all thrown out by the soft blue light, leaving Only An Zhiming alone independent of the center of the field, one person, one sword, and red clothes won blood. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mo Yi in front of the main hall patted the bloody sword on his waist, but there was no fart reaction, this lazy man who was passive and slacking off really did what he said, and this time Dabi would definitely not contribute to sleeping in the end.

This made Mo Yi a little frustrated, and angrily pulled out the bloody sword and inserted it into the ground, and pulled out the Demon Sealing Sword with his backhand and rode the wind, like a long rainbow through the sunset to the field and the red-clothed An Zhiming was far away!

"The Vast Period!"

Countless disciples who were still questioning the Mo Yi realm all shut up, at least a single imperial sword could make countless monks who were out of the mortal stage look up.

However, those disciples of the Vast Period who surrendered because they were afraid of the "shady curtain" did not directly dispel their indignation, as long as a single sword was in the Vast Period of external control of mana, it could be done, and the real battle to see the truth had not yet begun!

In the arena, Mo Yi fell and stood still, An Zhiming subconsciously looked at the Demon Sealing Sword in his hand, at this time, the Demon Sealing Sword was tightly wrapped in white cloth, from the appearance and slightly exposed sword body, it can only be observed that this sword is dark with the enemy, she is wary of this, thinking that Mo Yi, a guy with a shady background and surrendering soldiers, must have many magic weapons, and this sword will not be ordinary.

"Senior Sister An, don't come unharmed. Mo Yi couldn't help but smile when he looked at An Zhiming who had thorns in his mana, in the eyes of the rest of the monks, An Zhiming was already full of red light at the moment, and his mana was rising, but in Mo Yi's eyes, this woman with red mana was like a hedgehog swelling her shell hard, so cute.

"......" An Zhiming did not answer Mo Yi's greetings, but cautiously stood the long sword in his hand at the moment.

"Yesterday, did you have a good dream in the world?" Mo Yi said to himself, An Zhiming on the other side suddenly shook, and the mana that was originally entrenched on the sword was stagnant, and the red snow fell down.

"That's it, since it's a decisive battle, then let's talk after a fight, Senior Sister An is the elder, please make a move first. Mo Yi took the Demon Sealing Sword and shook it casually, the white cloth had not been taken off yet, but the sword was still stunning.

An Zhiming quickly adjusted her breath, glanced at Mo Yi with some complications, and then looked at her own master, Elder Huang Hai, on the floating platform in the distance, but in the end, she still gritted her silver teeth, her face was solemn, and she was running the magic method wholeheartedly. It didn't take long for An Zhi's sword qi to gather around him and rise rapidly, and finally the flame that was as strong as the corona was born out and wrapped around his body like a new coat, sending it up like a flame true phoenix!

"It's that sword again!"

Chen Yin's pupils shrank in the audience, staring at every detail of An Zhiming's release of the sword technique, he could feel that An Zhiming's body already had a sharp feeling like a needle, and he knew very well what this was-sword intent!

But the strange thing is that this sword intent is not An Zhiming's, it is more like the essence attached to the fiery sword technique, An Zhiming is only involved in this sword intent to use this top-level sword so perfectly.

An Zhiming, who ascended to the sky, is now distracted, only a sword in her hand can clear her heart, she looked down at the figure still standing in the field, and her heart was resolute, a sword poured down!

Compared to the rest of the Qingshan Sect disciples who kept their eyes off and clenched their fists, Zhao Madness and the others in front of the main hall didn't want to watch it, this so-called decisive battle was a child's play, it was not for nothing that someone could defeat Mo Yi in the vast realm, but it would definitely not be An Zhi's fate, even the holy woman who was now very likely to be the peak of the Vast Supreme Realm had not yet fought with Mo Yi with all her might, and no one knew where Mo Yi's limit was.

An Zhiming 487 broke down with a sword, and the heat wave of the Agni True Dragon drove the whistling of the air to really shock the audience like a roar, and many people felt that the victory was decided, but in An Zhiming's sight, the target pointed by the tip of the sword was indifferent and smiled, and then raised his right hand and grabbed her sword.

"Looking for death!" Everyone was shocked in their hearts, but the four elders on the floating platform sighed in unison when they saw this scene, because they knew that An Zhiming had lost, and he had lost too badly.

"Is there really a treasure in this immortal cultivation realm that is so strong that it can't afford mana, so it can stop fighting with brutality?" Elder Yang Holmium muttered as he looked at the flame-filled arena.

The answer, of course, is yes, because we're seeing it now. Elder Beiming said.

An Zhiming's sword was caught, the infinite flames seemed to be choked by the throat, the hand that grabbed the sword blade held it one by one, and the flames burned with a crisp and piercing sound, when everything was empty, I saw An Zhiming standing in front of Mo Yi with a sword in the field, and the long sword in his hand was broken.

Mo Yi grabbed the broken tip of the sword in his hand and threw it, looking at An Zhiming, who was stiff in front of him, he patted her fragrant shoulder with great satisfaction: "Good understanding, this is the person I was waiting for under the peach blossom tree last night." "

The hall was silent, everyone thought that they were dazzled, or hallucinated, but only a few disciples of the Vast Stage were already shocked and couldn't help themselves.

"This kind of body, this is... Treasure Body! Supreme Treasure Body!" Wu Ming, who had just woken up, was fortunate to see the scene of Mo Yi receiving the sword with his bare hands in the field, and the impact shocked him like thunder and lightning, in his cognition, he did not use mana, and completely resisted this kind of sword technique with his physical strength, even if he was a physical cultivator, he had to cultivate the legendary treasure body to do it.

What is this Mo Yixiu's treasure body? The top 1,000 in the treasure body list, or the hundred? Wu Ming couldn't guess, he only knew that no matter what kind of treasure body it was, it meant one thing to the monk - the threshold of invincibility at the same level.

"I figured out some of Senior Brother Mo's hole cards, but I didn't lose anything. Seeing that An Zhiming was fine, Chen Yin also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Such majestic power... Just... It's just..."Wang An saw the power of this sword, and he was also shocked, and Mo Yi, who was staring at the field, couldn't wait to replace him.

"It looks like the winner is decided. "No one in the main hall showed surprise, all of them were reasonable, and everyone saw it, Qing Yunzi waved his hand, and the five names on the giant tripod made the final arrangement-

Mo Yi.

An Zhifang.

Qing Dance.

Gongsun Ruohime.


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