Thousands of miles away, above the void.

The abyss of all worlds, mass graves.

The sky is as dark as the abyss, under the black sky, every tomb is a mountain, and the stele of the tomb owner is inserted on the mountain, and the stele does not engrave the date of birth and death, nor does it engrave the name of the person, because the owners of the tombs on the mountain are standing in front of the stele and quietly looking at the three thousand world creatures who are entrenched like wolves and tigers under the mountain.

The abyss of all worlds is the tomb of the three thousand worlds, and the dead who fall here are all different, including the immortals who have fallen into the mortal dust, the great emperor who has broken through the void, and the great magicians who have secret methods, they are all the top powerhouses in each world, and the residual value after death has naturally attracted the wild bees and butterflies under the mountain today.

Being buried in the abyss of all worlds is such a fate, and death is restless, and in this world, perhaps only the true soul can be truly peaceful. But before everything comes to a halt, the hatred of the disturbed dead for the living will be evident in the form of slaughter.

I don't know what kind of world the creatures can't hold back their desire for the spiritual treasure buried in the tomb, and set off this big battle between the living and the dead in the roar and roar!

Xiao Yan also struggled in the torrent of this war, the catastrophe on the snow field did not bury him there, and in the same way, he also saw many familiar faces in this world drawing their swords towards the grave mountain and asking the sky.

"Pay attention to your back!" In the ancient ring, the old man snorted, Xiao Yan did not hesitate to descend with his sword, and the sword array around him came like rain, and dozens of flying swords rushed to kill the enemy who tried to attack him from behind and spilled it on the ground. In less than a moment, a brand new tombstone sprung up from the halfway point of the mountain, engraved with the person's birth date and how he died.

Yes, in this strange realm, if you die unfortunately, then all the burial procedures after your death will be saved, the grave mountain will help you erect your own tombstone, and maybe hundreds of thousands of years from now, you will also get up from under the tombstone like those strong people, facing the greedy living who covet the remnants of the dead like today.

Xiao Yan, who was halfway up the mountain, was covered in blood, looking into the distance between a slight gasp when he rushed to kill in the group of living beings, the graves and mountains under the black sky were grouped, and countless three thousand world creatures slapped the tomb mountain like a tide, and one after another tombstones were erected, it seemed that the boundary between the living and the dead was completely blurred at this time, people and the surrounding alien creatures fought for the treasure at the end of the tomb and killed each other, and the dead got up from the grave and rushed to kill the living again, the scene was chaotic for a while.

"Don't get distracted, open the Five Divine Beast Sword Formation!" The elder shouted and pulled Xiao Yan's consciousness back, after he heard the words, he immediately upheld the six purities, and drained all the noise, and the five strange lights in the sword box behind him rose to the sky, and the roar of the divine beast phantom shook the living beings and the dead who were hundreds of meters around, extremely domineering!

On the top of the tomb mountain, the owner of this mountain peak is a human being, at least he was a person in his lifetime, and now he is a dead corpse that has risen from the grave, but it has also perfectly reproduced the majesty of life in every gesture - hundreds of halos of different colors shrouded his body, in his world, each halo represents the realm of a heavy heaven, and now the number of halos and the light around him are enough to make the living people in that world flee to see the souls of the dead.

But now the glorious aura is like a kerosene lamp at night, provoking countless moths to fight the fire, and the tombstones around the dead halo powerhouse rise like a forest, every time he raises his hand, he has the power to urge the heavens to take away countless lives, but the living beings still flock towards him with an indomitable posture!

When people are strong and poor, but enough people can make up for this, even if the aura is strong and the mountains are reclaimed, it is difficult to defeat the four hands with two fists, and the hundreds of halos are gradually dimmed as time goes by, and they are about to be extinguished, whoever can strike the final winning blow, the entire inheritance of the tomb mountain will be banned!

Xiao Yan's tomb mountain is naturally indispensable for immortal cultivators, and they are the most active on each tomb mountain, beside the aura powerhouse, dozens of powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Law Sect stepped down the heavenly fire and thunder, trapped them in it, and used the power of Tianwei to constantly wear down the aura.

But when several powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Law Sect were about to succeed in encircling and killing, a Xuanwu Phantom suddenly pounced into it and received a heavenly thunder in the large array, and the power of the heavenly thunder instantly rebounded to the powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Law Sect. There was a mistake in the big array, the dim eyes of the aura powerhouse flashed, and a black aura suddenly swelled and every living creature swept away into dust, and countless tombstones rose on the ground again!

"Er Dare!" One of the surviving powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Law Sect turned his head and roared angrily at Xiao Yan who rushed to the top of the tomb mountain.

"Is this mountain opened by your family? How can I not dare?" Xiao Yan let out a long roar, his face was cold, the sword formation of the five divine beasts opened, and the powerhouse of the Ten Thousand Law Sect was suddenly trapped, the Green Dragon Sword and the White Tiger Sword attacked left and right, and the terrifying sword momentum actually made this powerhouse of the Ten Thousand Law Sect, who should have been a phaseless overhaul, fall to death!

"This sword formation... You slashed the Wuling Ancestor of the Wutian Sect in the Sea of Rebirth?" Only then did the powerhouse of the Ten Thousand Law Sect notice the strangeness and weirdness of the sword array surrounding him, and suddenly remembered several famous new stars in the abyss of the Ten Thousand Worlds.

"Thousand Swords" is Xiao Yan's name in the abyss of ten thousand worlds, famous for the strange and varied sword formation, and the endless flying swords in the spare world, countless three thousand world creatures died in his sword array, and many major repairs in the immortal cultivation world have suffered losses under his hands, and even one of the phaseless period was directly killed by Xiao Yan by taking advantage of the suppression of world rules and the advantage of the sword array! Even in the abyss of ten thousand worlds, it is extremely terrifying to kill Wuxiang with extraordinary power!

"Qianjian, I respect you as a person in the Immortal Cultivation Realm and are talented, and your future is bright, but you killed the people of the Martial Heaven Sect in the previous small world, and it will be difficult to protect yourself when you return to the Immortal Cultivation Realm, and now the Ten Thousand Law Sect is definitely not the one you offended again! Leave quickly, don't make a mistake!" The powerhouse of the Ten Thousand Law Sect was tired of guarding against the Five Divine Beast Phantom and roared.....

"If you offend the Wutian Sect, it's not too much to offend a mere Ten Thousand Law Sect, and it doesn't hurt to kill one more Wuxiang today. Xiao Yan drove the Five Divine Beast Sword Formation with all his strength, and the move was fatal, and the aura powerhouse not far away was once again restrained by the rest of the living beings, but seeing that the aura continued to collapse and dissipate, the most critical opportunity was about to be born!

"Damn! How can the little cubs now be so arrogant and arrogant! This must be to blame for the Pishan Blood Emperor's bad start!" The powerhouse of the Wanfa Sect was anxious when he saw the fatigue of the aura powerhouse in the distance, but he was restrained by Xiao Yan, if he was distracted, it would definitely be difficult for him to protect himself, and this kind of opportunity was actually forcibly missed, which made him angry but helpless.

The abyss of all worlds is the best sand net, countless heroes and talents in the three thousand worlds stand out, under the rules of the abyss of all worlds flattening the gap in the realm, these new generation of powerhouses can be said to be like fish in water, and they can all be killed!

And now, after the previous big event, no one dares to underestimate these young people anymore.

What is the big deal? Naturally, it is the "Blood Emperor of Pishan Mountain" who is remembered by the entire 3,000 worlds on the snowy plain! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The scene of the blue flame burning the sky doesn't matter what kind of martial emperor you are, if you touch it, you will die, and if you touch it, you will be crippled, and one person will take all the heavenly immortal fruits in his arms, which can be described as happy, and all the creatures of the world are looking at it with their eyes, and even eat a small continent to suppress the top!

Since then, the young heroes of the surviving Three Thousand Worlds seem to have been stimulated by the Blood Emperor of the Mountain, and they have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain and stepped onto the stage of the Abyss of Ten Thousand Worlds to compete for glory.

The hundred-armed god of war, the flower ghost, the red flame Shura in the Lingwu world, the god of the world, the king of the black ring, the butterfly of the color ring... These well-known existences are all proposed to be 0.9 strong against one hundred or thousand.

Naturally, countless new powerhouses have emerged on the side of the Immortal Cultivation Realm, such as the True Martial Martial Shura of the Martial Heaven Sect, the One-Armed King, and the Bloody Person, the Poisonous Bee, the Medicine King, and the Thousand Swords Xiao Yan in front of him!

The "protagonists" of different worlds are no longer clumsy, and have been stimulated by the Blood Emperor of Bishan, on this stage, they finally began to unscrupulously indulge their talents and talents, and the old-timers who pressed them were defeated and retreated, and gave up their chances!

What is the background of the forces? Just as Xiao Yan said just now, what is it to offend a Ten Thousand Law Sect? The Blood Emperor of the Bishan Mountain has not even let go of the entire Immortal Cultivation Realm on the snow field, and he has been buried under the Heavenly Descending Continent with all the living beings of the Three Thousand Worlds, that is the real domineering and arrogance!

Now after the Blood Emperor of Bishan is hidden, there is no longer any concession or fear on the battlefields of various secret realms, and every genius demon has completely let go of his hands and feet, and Xiao Yan is no exception! They all regard this as an opportunity! The Blood Emperor of Bishan has already told everyone with his own experience that this is an opportunity to make a name for himself in the heavens and ten thousand worlds! .

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