"It's Senior Brother Mo..."

"Senior Brother Mo is early!"

"Senior Brother Mo is still here today!"

"Ahead! Don't hurry up and give way to Senior Brother Mo!"

Wang An and Lin Xian followed behind Mo Yi in a regular manner, and there was no need to push or violently open the way along the way, because Mo Yi's face was the best pass, and in the exclamations and flatteries one after another, a road to the deepest podium in the main hall was opened up in the sea of people.

"Early, early... It's a good thing to step on it, has this senior brother eaten it? Do you want to eat some apples? Hey, this senior sister, are you suffering from heat stroke? Why do you fall to me? If you are dizzy, go to the pharmacist, don't delay the condition. Mo Yi nibbled on the apple and pushed away another female disciple who had been pasted upside down without changing his color, which was almost his daily routine in Qingshan Sect recently.

Since the end of the sect competition, in the end, Mo Yi's amazing hand of the Sky Breaking Cloud Dragon was full of applause, and even the senior sister of the Qingshan Sect served as a foil, and for a while, the rumors of Mo Yi's real strength and shady scenes were self-defeating.

Suddenly, Mo Yi's image immediately replaced the original Qingshan Sect senior brother Chen Yin, and became the disciples' latest object of pursuit, it is said that hundreds of Qingshan Sect senior sisters and sisters also spontaneously formed an organization similar to the support club, secretly supporting Mo Yi to become the new senior brother of the Qingshan Sect, knowing that all kinds of losers are envious and jealous and hate Mo Yi and make slander ~ slander.

This Mo Yi's support club also has a slogan: never pay attention to rumors and slander, we will always support you Senior Brother Mo!

The plot of the worship of the strong is everywhere, and it is particularly eager in the Qingshan Sect, probably because Mo Yi's usual image is too close to the people, relying on the lack of entry time, and he does not maintain his own cultivation to look down on people, and he is affectionately called senior brothers and sisters when he meets people, and his food, clothing, housing and transportation are also the same as ordinary Qingshan Sect disciples, he does not engage in special treatment, and he does not be the emperor of Tutai.

A few days ago, Mo Yi even sympathetic to the people's feelings, asking the sect to adjust the meals of the disciples in the Transcendent Period, to ensure that every meal was rich in the aura required by the cultivators' cultivation!

What kind of immortal senior brother is this? High appearance, high quality, high strength, it is even difficult to find with a lantern! For a while, Mo Yi's reputation in the Qingshan Sect was in full swing - in other words, his favorability was blown up, what is it to give up a place in this Fengyun Palace? It is to give up a place in the bed, maybe many senior sisters and sisters are willing.

But fortunately, under the gaze of Venerable Qingxuan, Mo Yi also adhered to his original intention and was not ready to develop Qingshan Sect into his harmonious harem or something, and he took classes seriously every day to check in, the canteen and the cave mansion were three points and one line, and he looked diligent in cultivation and upward every day.

This appearance of a good senior brother in the immortal cultivation world is not known to others, anyway, Wang An must not believe it, in his eyes, Mo Yi must be preparing some earth-shattering conspiracy behind his back, just waiting for the day when the thirty-third kui will completely expose his sinister and cruel side.

But in fact, Mo Yi has been cultivating very diligently recently, you don't see that every day he can clean up a room of high-quality spirit stone empty shells in his cave, all kinds of rare and rare spirit fruit cores are the same as wholesale ones to the back mountain, and recently there have been disciples who swear that they have found a few new rare fruit seedlings in the back mountain, which has attracted a large number of disciples to run to the back mountain if they have nothing to do!

Cultivation diligence is one thing, as for the elders' lectures or something, they still have to listen to them, but some people will question that with Senior Brother Mo Yi's strength, he can completely beat most of the Keqing elders in the Qingshan Sect, why do he deign to come and listen to the lectures with so many disciples?

It is true that if Mo Yi's talent is converted into a curve table with the degree of undulation as a reference, the normal disciples of the Qingshan Sect can probably have the ups and downs of a small soil slope on the table, the inner disciples can have the undulation of a low mountain, and the four elder disciples such as Chen Yin and An Zhiming can barely be regarded as a small peak. As for Mo Yi... It's troublesome to take a dozen more tables and stack them up, so as not to finish drawing undulating curves.

This level of talent difference is destined to Mo Yi will ignore countless "levels" and "obstacles" on the way to cultivation, on the surface it seems that this is a good thing, but in fact, the lack of these tempering and breakthrough difficulties is equivalent to a deeper understanding of his own realm, and the details determine success or failure, which is why Mo Yi ran to the elders' lectures when he had nothing to do, and listened to the interpretation of the vast old-timers on the vast realm.

As for the lectures of the four Guixu elders, he will naturally not be absent, he is respectful, not talking about strength, only about experience, these old people who have lived for hundreds of years can really eat more salt than Mo Yi, and they are not ashamed to ask.

Mo Yi took Wang An and Lin Xian all the way to the front of the podium, during which Wang An naturally inevitably saw the male disciple of the inner door who squeezed him and Lin Xian away in front of him, but now this male disciple is not as arrogant as before, and the flattery and awe on his face in front of Mo Yi made him feel disgusted, and his thoughts of finding fault for a while went to three or four points.

However, Mo Yi seemed to have seen Fang Cai's scene, and with a smile, he patted Lin Xian's shoulder and said to the inner disciples around him: "This is Senior Brother Lin Xian, I recently met Senior Sister Lin Xian, if you have time, you senior brothers and sisters still want to take care of it, Senior Sister Lin Xian is shy by nature, and sometimes when she is angry, she will only hold back and not say anything, like a bruise or something, and it will inevitably drag on seriously if she endures it all the time, which will boost the arrogance of the perpetrator, this matter is not good in our Qingshan Sect." "

The tall inner disciple of the man suddenly turned pale when he saw Lin Xian's clothes and face, and when he saw Mo Yi's eyes swept over intentionally or unintentionally, he naturally knew that he had made trouble with Tai Sui before, so he immediately walked out and stood politely in front of Lin Xian and bowed:

"Ah, it turned out to be Senior Sister Lin, I didn't pay much attention to it as a senior brother before, and I was a little offended, and I hope Senior Sister Lin will forgive me, forgive me! These spirit stones are considered to be a meeting gift, not a tribute. With that, he stuffed a few medium-grade spirit stones directly into Lin Xian's hands with a dazed face, turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

"......" Wang An opened his mouth and didn't say anything, only feeling a little delicate in his heart. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Convince people with virtue, as for what virtue is, there should be some numbers in my heart. Mo Yi patted Wang An's back and said with a smile.

With Wang An and Lin Xian with complicated and thoughtful faces, Mo Yi walked to the front seat of the podium, where several futons were resting on the ground, Chen Yin, An Zhiming, Wu Ming, Yinghua, and the four elder disciples had already sat upright.

"Senior Brother Chen, Senior Sister An is quite early. Mo Yi pulled Lin Xian and Wang An to sit down on a few empty futons.

"Senior Brother Mo, meet again. Chen Yin saw Mo Yi smile and said hello, but An Zhiming on the side closed his eyes and recuperated with the same face.

Wu Ming and Yinghua glanced at each other, but they didn't speak, but they weren't afraid of Mo Yi, but in the past few days, it seems that the sect master's care for Mo Yi's new inner doors seems to be a little too good, especially Mo Yi's most!

... Okay, they are actually afraid of Mo Yi, Wu Ming also carried the punishment of confinement in the back mountain, but when Dabi is over, no one mentions it, so naturally he doesn't have to really go to honest confinement, can't he afford to provoke and hide?

After Mo Yi and the three of them sat down, there was still an empty futon left and no one was sitting, which was not surprising, these top futons were all in charge.

There is no more and no less futon, just eight, four belong to the four elder disciples, and the other four belong to the four new inner disciples such as Mo Yi, but whether it is the Holy Maiden, Zhao Mad or Gongsun Ruoji, it is not like a person who will take the time to listen to the lecture, the first two have thousands of times the cultivation resources far beyond the Qingshan Sect, whether it is Changfeng Sect or the Holy Mountain, if you pick an elder at random, they are all experienced powerhouses, and they naturally don't look down on the teachers of this little Qingshan Sect.

And Gongsun Ruoji... If she doesn't fight, she will definitely not waste time, even if she usually bullies and bullies Elder Keqing to learn martial arts from different worlds, Venerable Qingxuan, the elder of the Returning Ruins Period, will never let her fight again, even if this crazy woman is full of firepower, she will probably be able to fight back and forth.

As soon as Mo Yi and the others sat down, Elder Yang Hao, who had been silent at the podium, slowly opened his eyes, and for a while, the entire Fengyun Hall fell silent, and everyone was stunned, knowing that the lecture was about to begin.

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