After the big competition in the sect, Wang An's background information and personal relationships have been almost stripped away, among which Wang An has always been exquisite in interpersonal relationships, and Wang An has never had a "fatal" relationship with any disciple in the past ten years.

This is Wang An's rule of survival, negotiate widely, leave a way, and connect or break between the first line of communication, ensuring that if there is any trouble on the other side of the line, it can be cut off as soon as possible, and Mingzhe can protect himself.

But in this world, human existence always has many network relationships, just like duckweed in the pond, if there is no taproot connection, it will always be adrift, and there is no faith at all.

Wang An is not a rootless duckweed, there are very few things that can really tie him up, and Lin Xian is one of them.

"You've crossed the line. Wang An stared at Yinghua and said.

"Crossing the line?" Ying Hua paused: "I think this is an appropriate verbal threat, an exchange of interests." The head of the sect values you very much, and you do have great potential, you are likely to join the inner gate to become my junior disciple, plus you are in the Supreme Realm, so some blades can't reach your body... But risks always come with benefits, and today's benefits in you are greater than your potential and ability, which is why I am so decisive. "27

Yinghua's words are very official, but it is not difficult to understand, Wang An does have the potential to make people dare not offend and treat each other with courtesy, but the sandalwood box is enough to make people have the qualifications to enter the Supreme Realm, once Yinghua gets him, he may also step into the Supreme Realm, so that in the Qingshan Sect, he does not lose Wang An's face, let alone anyone's face.

He didn't believe that Mo Yi's group of new inner sects who came down from the sky would stay in the small place of Qingshan Sect for the rest of their lives, and from the very beginning, he could see at a glance that Mo Yi and these people did not belong here, so he could only obtain greater benefits as much as possible during this period, compared to Wang An of the Supreme Realm, he was the real Qingshan Sect Xinxing.

Which is more important, the Supreme Realm of the Vast Period and the Supreme Realm of the Transcendent Period?

The same weight, so it is some less important existence that chooses to sacrifice to settle.

Wang An glanced at Lin Xian, who was gasping under the shadow of the three-legged tripod behind him, and made a decision in his heart: "That senior brother is making enemies with me today." "

"Everyone is not stupid, there is no absolute, you take out the sandalwood box and give it to me, I will not pursue today's matter, and he will be rewarded in the future. "

The temptation of the Supreme Realm in the vast period, Yinghua can't stop it, his qualifications can be said to be the worst among the four elders, there are only dozens of cyclones in his body, and the blue water sword in one hand is not superb, everyone has self-knowledge, and it is placed in the vast world of cultivating immortals.

So he doesn't mind being a villain today.

"Don't worry about Senior Brother Yinghua, maybe Senior Brother Yinghua can't take care of Lin Xian's affairs too much, the Judicial Yuan will have a decision from the Judicial Yuan, I believe in the fairness of the sect, and will never punish my own people." Wang An is neither humble nor arrogant, and he really has no reason to be humble, because the hour is coming.

Lin Xian's arms behind Wang An suddenly burned, and she took out the sandalwood box in her arms with a scream, only to see a layer of cyan fire lit up on it, which turned into sparks and dissipated into the air in a flash.

"The ban on the sandalwood box was opened. "

Outside the ban, Ying Hua was the leader, and the faces of all the disciples changed, and an hour passed in a flash, but now they were helpless against Wang An in the ban.

Wang An stretched out his hand and touched the prohibition in front of him, even if he was inside, he suffered a huge amount of aura backlash, and after making sure that the prohibition was still working well, he turned to Lin Xian and said, "Open the box,"

Lin Xian nodded and gently opened the sandalwood box to himself, and everyone outside the prohibition couldn't help but stick out their necks to take a look, and one or two subconsciously released their divine sense to touch the prohibition, and instantly fainted and collapsed to the ground by the aura backlash.

Ying Hua was naturally not so stupid, this Evergreen King's prohibition was naturally composed of aura, whether it was the physical body or the divine sense, he would be counterattacked by the aura, and he had to squint slightly to try to see what the divine object in the box in Lin Xian's hand was called the Supreme Realm Key. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After Lin Xian opened the sandalwood box, she thought that she would see a superb elixir covered with graceful pill patterns, but in fact, lying quietly in the box, cushioned by red goose down, was a peach blossom petal.

Lin Xian carefully twisted the peach blossom petals with her white fingers, but the next moment a soft voice sounded in her mind:

"Put the petals in the Baihui Acupoint Yintang Acupoint, and it will complete everything. "

Lin Xian looked around nervously but didn't find who was talking, and in the end she could only attribute it to the miracle of the peach blossom petals in her hand, and only after glancing at Wang An, who was blocking in front of countless people, did she make up her mind to put the petals in front of her eyebrows.

Wang An quietly moved his position to block Yinghua, Yinghua's face froze, and he looked at Wang An after the ban and said in a deep voice: "We can talk!"

"What are you talking about? Is it the same threat just now?" asked Wang An, tilting his head.

"You make an offer. Yinghua looked at Wang An and said seriously: "As long as it is within the scope of what I can bear, I will satisfy you, and I will make a Dao heart vow never to trouble you and her." "

Wang An glanced at Yinghua deeply, and with a right hand, several top-grade spirit stones fell to the ground, and as soon as the purple light appeared, it attracted most of the disciples to breathe more heavily: "093 spirit stones, I don't lack them." "

After saying that, he took out the bronze bell and threw it behind him, and knocked lightly with his right hand: "I don't lack magic weapons." "

"There is no shortage of teachings from the elderly. Wang An arched his hand in the direction of the main peak, and then looked at Yinghua, whose face was gradually gloomy: "Senior brother, you can't give me what I want, although you threatened me just now, but I am not a stingy person, after all, it is only a verbal benefit and has not made a substantive move, we can reconcile." "

More things are better than less, one more friend is always much better than one more enemy, this has always been Wang An's way of survival, if he is not forced to have no way out, he will never impulsively erect enemies.

"Senior brother has really made up his mind to destroy the heavens?" Yinghua stared into Wang An's eyes, as if he wanted to use the deterrence of the vast period to put pressure on the other party, but he couldn't use any oppression through the prohibition, making his current behavior look like an impotent and angry stare in Wang An's eyes.

"I've made up my mind, senior brother, and everyone else, please go back. Wang An bowed: "Do you want everyone to stay here and wait to celebrate?"

"Celebration?" Yinghua was stunned.

Wang An turned sideways and looked away, behind him, a pink light shrouded Lin Xian, and there was a faint strange rhythm entangled, and all the extraordinary told the fact that the refining qualification had begun.

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