Ying Hua, an elder disciple of the inner gate, challenged a lonely female disciple, and the news quickly spread throughout the Qingshan Sect.

It's just that before things fermented, there were new changes, and Wang An, the former top five disciple of Dabi, stood up to block Yinghua's battle post, Yinghua happily responded to the battle, and the two of them made an appointment to compete on the martial arts stage three days later.

The matter spread widely, up to the elder sect master, down to the disciples and miscellaneous servants were all in an uproar, some people said that this Wang An was fighting for love, and some people were amazed that it was love, so didn't Wang An and Yinghua both have a heart for that mysterious woman?

So the fishing boat further fermented, and turned into a love triangle between Wang An, Yinghua and an unknown female disciple, and the two men had a quarrel with Changqing Peak, and the contradiction finally broke out completely, and they decided to win the hearts of beauties in a battle.

What is Yinghua's strength, most of the disciples in the sect know, the Guixu elders personally passed on the disciples, and they also got the magic weapon and sword trick inheritance, at least they ranked in the top ten in this Qingshan Sect, and above the big competition, they did rush into the top ten, but unfortunately encountered the new entry Qingwu Senior Sister and was defeated.

Wang An was unknown before, but after Dabi became famous in the first battle, he could be regarded as a high-profile person, and he was cut off by Senior Brother Mo Yi on Yuxian Peak to be the legendary supreme realm, and he was in the limelight for a while.

The disciples of the sect chatted with great interest, and there were many pairs of eyes among the elders watching this battle, which could be regarded as the last major event in the Qingshan Sect before the thirty-three kui after the big competition.

Evergreen Peak.

In front of the Sun Moon Cave Mansion, under the peach blossom tree.

"Does Yinghua really want to challenge Wang An?" Mo Yi took a glass of wine and drank a glass~ asked.

"Yes, I personally wrote the battle post, and Wang An also took it, and three days later, I played a battle on the stage. Yan Xiaoyun looked at Mo Yi who was drinking spirits alone under the peach blossom tree, and the peach blossom tree behind him was blooming, and a blood-red long sword leaned against him.

"The peach petals weren't snatched away, right?" Mo Yi asked again.

"No, I was watching from the top of the peak at the time, and Wang An and Lin Xian didn't know how to enter the ban, and no one could do anything about them. Yan Xiaoyun shook his head and replied.

"Not bad. Mo Yi nodded and said.

"Are you so concerned about Wang An, aren't you going to mediate?" Yan Xiaoyun couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

Mo Yi glanced up at Yan Xiaoyun, and Yan Xiaoyun suddenly couldn't help but lower his head and avoided his gaze: "It's me who talks too much." "

"Where is Senior Sister Yan, it is a good thing to care about colleagues, and the disciples of Qingshan Sect should help each other and love each other like this. Mo Yi smiled and said, "What do you think of Wang An?"

"I don't know Senior Brother Wang An well, I only know that he is your subordinate. Yan Xiaoyun replied honestly.

"Then what do you think of Yinghua?" Mo Yi added some wine to the cup, raised his hand to take a peach petal and kneaded it into the wine and drank it.

"Senior Brother Yinghua's blue water sword has become a small success, and in previous years, the sword momentum in the sect competition was also a must, few inner disciples can compete with it, and only the three senior brothers and sisters who can compete with Senior Brother Yinghua are the three senior brothers and sisters of the elders. Yan Xiaoyun said in a low voice.

"What do you think of Wang An's victory? Mo Yi shook the wine in the cup.

"Seventy-three open. Yan Xiaoyun thought for a long time before saying.

"How is it only seventy?" Mo Yi smiled dumbly.

"Seventy percent is Senior Brother Yinghua's. Yan Xiaoyun held her breath and almost didn't catch her breath.

"Are you optimistic about Wang An's chances of winning 30%?" Mo Yi raised his eyebrows.

"......" Yan Xiaoyun didn't dare to speak, she stood straight and buried her head deeply, she knew who Mo Yi was, and she was also afraid of Mo Yi, but Mo Yi didn't care.

"You are also an inner disciple, and you are not bad when you first set foot in the Vast Middle Realm, since you all see the odds of winning this battle like this, it is indeed extremely difficult to think about it. Mo Yi said: "But that's good, I'm still afraid that Yinghua is useless in a straw bag, and this kind of thing is still a few points hard to sharpen a sword with good color." "


Yan Xiaoyun was silent and didn't dare to speak, no matter how he said that Senior Brother Yinghua was also a monk in the realm of the Vast Heavenly Palace, and the elders of the Qingshan Sect deserved it, but in Mo Yi's mouth, he was just a whetstone for his subordinates.

"Are you afraid that I will sharpen the knife?" Mo Yi said with a smile when he saw what Yan Xiaoyun wanted.

Yan Xiaoyun was silent for a while, and finally nodded with difficulty, the Supreme Realm of the Extraordinary Period is indeed extraordinary, but after all, it is only the Extraordinary Period, and Wang An has only climbed one layer, if he goes up a few more layers, it will be much bigger for Yinghua Sheng.

"I can't break it. Mo Yi waved his hand: "Help me bring a message to Wang An, just say that this contradiction was originally Lin Xian's vote, if he wants to take care of it, then he will manage it to the end, if he can win Yinghua, it is naturally easy to say, if he loses." "

Speaking of this, Mo Yi stopped, and Yan Xiaoyun held his breath without holding his breath, and was sincerely afraid.

"Then let's lose. Mo Yi smiled and said: "Tell him the truth, he knows how powerful it is." "

"Yes. Yan Xiaoyun nodded and turned to leave, but before leaving, he glanced at the peach blossom tree behind Mo Yi, and inadvertently remembered the peach petals in the sandalwood box, how similar the color was to the current peach blossom tree.

But just thinking about it, I didn't dare to look at it anymore and left in a hurry. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Under the peach blossom tree, Mo Yi put down the wine glass, thought quietly for a while, and suddenly said as if talking to himself: "What do you think of this Lin Xian?"

"Between the inferior and the inferior. The peach blossom tree behind Mo Yi spoke, but it was transmitted with divine thoughts.

"Why is the float so big?" Mo Yi asked.

"Originally, it was inferior, but through being closely connected with that Wang An, it had an inferior posture. Peach Blossom Tree said.

"One person attained the Tao and the chicken dog ascended to heaven. Mo Yi thought thoughtfully: "Now Wang An and that Lin Xian are also in contact with you?" "

"If you receive the peach petal enlightenment, you will have luck and prosperity. Peach Blossom replied.

"It's only one glory. Mo Yi casually pointed out the mystery: "If they hurt you, they won't lose it, but if you have any trouble, you can let them help you bear the disaster, this is your way of life." "

"Yes. The Peach Blossom Demon didn't deny it.

"So have the lucky people you were looking for before also tried to find you?" Mo Yi asked.

"Most of them have already soared, and most of them who want to find me again are greedy and insufficient. "

"You can sense where they are and avoid them in advance?" Mo Yi asked after a moment's thought.

The Peach Blossom Demon was silent for a moment, and after a moment replied, "Yes." "

"I heard Wang An say before, you have been planting in Hantan for decades, and he only found you in Hantan by chance, do you think he was really lucky to find you, or did you find him?" Mo Yi poured wine and smiled: "Peach Blossom Tree, do you know that you have the ability that many people in this world dream of." "

"Enlightenment is naturally what everyone desires, but you are not ordinary like the Blood Sun. The Peach Blossom Demon said.

"You're playing dumb again. Mo Yi said: "Enlightenment, improvement of qualifications, and talents are indeed incredible, but what is really incredible about you is that you can observe such an ethereal thing as "luck". "

The Peach Blossom Demon didn't answer, and Mo Yi continued: "You found Wang An decades ago, planted on the edge of the Qingshan Sect, just waiting for Wang Anfu to find out that your magic is different, and a peach petal fell and formed a good fate, have I said it well?"

"Not bad. The Peach Blossom Demon replied.

"After the relationship, if I hadn't appeared, you would probably take the initiative to go to the next destined person to plant it, is that so? "

"Exactly. The Peach Blossom Demon replied.

"Is that what I can understand that you have the ability to know and find all the people in this world who have great luck but have a pearl of secret investment?"

"Yes. The Peach Blossom Demon sighed faintly and said, "Blood Sun, your thoughts are very dangerous. "

"It's not dangerous, that's what I should do. Mo Yi leaned on the table and raised his wine glass and said, "I just want to speed up what you have to do a little faster." "

"Gathering the world's atmospheric transporters will cause turmoil in the heavens. The Peach Blossom Demon persuaded.

"Heavenly Machine. Mo Yi looked at the gap between the peach blossom petals, revealing a few blue skies and white suns, and said with a smile: "If the heavens don't allow it, then why did you happen to appear in front of me when I needed you?"

The peach blossom demon trembled slightly.

"You are looking for the luck of the world for me, I will be attached to you, shelter you for three lives and three lives, and let shi1 peach blossoms everywhere you go within ten miles, how about it?" Mo Yi drank a glass of wine and asked lightly, and the blood-colored long sword leaning on the peach blossom tree behind him roared slightly.

"Yes. After pondering for a long time, Peach Blossom Tree made a final reply.

In an instant, the peach petals like mountains and seas fell, drowning the young man drinking alone under the tree, and in the petals, only a touch of enchanting red leaves like blood could be seen shining brightly.

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